Prisoners of Gravity

Season 5

Prisoners of Gravity was a Canadian public broadcasting television news magazine program that explored speculative fiction — science fiction, fantasy, horror, comic books — and its relation to various thematic and social issues. Produced by TVOntario, the show was the brainchild of former comic retail manager Mark Askwith and writer Daniel Richler, and was hosted by Rick Green. The series aired 139 episodes over 5 seasons from 1989 to 1994.

Where to Watch Season 5

25 Episodes

  • Life In Space
    Life In SpaceWhat are the biggest challenges of living in space? What are the dangers? And what are the benefits? Commander Rick checks in with science fiction authors Geoffrey A. Landis ("A Walk in the Sun"), Michael Skeet ("Breaking Ball"), Frederik Pohl (Mining The Oort), Ben Bova (Mars), Spider and Jeanne Robinson (Starseed), C.J. Cherryh (Heavy Time), Bruce Sterling (Schismatrix), and Michael Swanwick (Griffin's Egg). As well, Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura on Star Trek) discusses her work for NASA's space shuttle astronaut recruitment programme, and Dr. Roberta Bondar, Canada's first female astronaut, tells Rick about some of the medical problems of living in weightlessness.
  • Quest
    QuestCommander Rick examines the mythic quest, and why this kind of story has been so popular throughout the ages. Featuring authors: Robert Silverberg (Lord Valentine's Castle), Michael Moorcock (Elric of Melnibone), Clive Barker (The Thief of Always), Charles de Lint (Jack, the Giant-Killer), Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff (The Meri), Sean Stewart (Nobody's Son), Lucius Shepard (Life During Wartime), Greg Bear (Anvil of Stars), Connie Willis (Doomsday Book), Geoff Ryman (Was), plus comic book creators Jack Kirby (co-creator/artist, The Fantastic Four) and Neil Gaiman (writer, The Sandman).
  • The Sandman
    The SandmanThis week Commander Rick profiles the comic book series that everyone from Norman Mailer to the girl next door is reading - The Sandman. Featuring the key creators who've worked on The Sandman: writer Neil Gaiman, editor Karen Berger, cover artist Dave McKean, and story artists Charles Vess, P. Craig Russell, Jill Thompson, Mike Dringenberg and Kelley Jones. Plus, a glowing tribute from science fiction writer Harlan Ellison, who wrote the introduction to the Sandman graphic novel, Season Of Mists.
  • The Devil
    The DevilCommander Rick presents a devilishly scary show about the Prince of Darkness and his appearances in comics, speculative fiction and horror. With Stan Lee (writer, The Silver Surfer), Neil Gaiman (writer, The Sandman), Garth Ennis (writer, Hellblazer) and Jim Woodring (writer/artist, "Frank's Faux Pa") as well as horror writers Clive Barker (The Damnation Game) and Kim Antieau ("Maculate Conception"). Plus, speculative fiction authors Harlan Ellison ("The Whimper Of Whipped Dogs"), James Morrow (Only Begotten Daughter), Greg Bear ("Dead Run") and Parke Godwin (Waiting For The Galactic Bus). One hell of a good show!
  • Games
    GamesCommander Rick discusses the subject of games in speculative fiction, not surprisingly the game most frequently found in these works is Chess although Poker and others are also used, these genres also lend themselves to role-playing games.
  • Writers' Workshops/Clarion
    Writers' Workshops/ClarionCommander Rick gets some very helpful advice on how to become a better writer from six instructors and four graduates of Clarion, the premiere writers' workshops for science fiction and fantasy writers. The instructors include Clarion co-founders, science fiction authors Damon Knight (Creating Short Fiction) and Kate Wilhelm (Death Qualified), Harlan Ellison (The Essential Ellison), Kristine Kathryn Rusch (editor, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction), Geoff Ryman (Was) and Connie Willis (Doomsday Book). The former students include writers Kim Antieau ("The Mark Of The Beast"), James Alan Gardner ("The Reckoning Of Gifts"), Nina Kiriki Hoffman ("Savage Breasts") and William F. Wu ("Hong's Lost and Found Emporium").
  • Tolkien
    TolkienThe continuing influence of J.R.R. Tolkien and his trilogy, The Lord Of The Rings, is celebrated this week as Commander Rick checks in with comic book creators Mike Ploog (artist, Weirdworld), Walt Simonson (writer/artist, Thor) and Charles Vess (artist, Books Of Magic - issue 3). On the speculative fiction side of things Rick chats with Guy Gavriel Kay, who, along with Tolkien's son Christopher, completed Tolkien's last manuscript, The Silmarillion, Diana L. Paxson (The Wolf and the Raven), Sean Stewart (Nobody's Son), Martin H. Greenberg, editor of the Tolkien tribute anthology, After The King, plus After The King contributors Charles de Lint ("The Conjure Man") and Terry Pratchett ("Troll Bridge").As well, writers Suzy McKee Charnas (The Kingdom of Kevin Malone), Carole Nelson Douglas (Counter-Probe), and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Better In The Dark) point out that The Lord Of The Rings is far from perfect. Tolkien, warts and all, this week.
  • Medicine & Nanotechnology
    Medicine & NanotechnologyCommander Rick and his guests discuss the moral, ethical and legal ramifications of medical science research and its possibilities as well as nanotechnology, what is moral, legal or even possible in reality or fiction.
  • Memory
    MemoryCommander Rick and his guests discuss memory and its place within speculative fiction. How you remember, what triggers memories, how those memories might change over time, and the link between memory and a persons identity.
  • Amnesia/Total Recall
    Amnesia/Total RecallCommander Rick and his guests discuss memory, amnesia and the film Total Recall. How important is memory to ones identity and humanity. Also false memories, causes of memory loss and rewriting history. Finally some explore eidetic memory.
  • Alter Ego
    Alter EgoWho is the man behind the mask? Commander Rick investigates the comic book tradition of the Alter Ego with his guests Bob Kane (creator of Batman), Stan Lee (co-creator of Spider-man), Jack Kirby (co-creator of Captain America), Julius Schwartz (editor, Superman 1971-1986), Neal Adams (artist, Batman), Ty Templeton (artist, The Batman Adventures), Steve Perry (writer Batman: The Animated Series), Frank Miller (writer/artist, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns), Alan Grant (writer, Batman: Knightfall), Scott McCloud (writer/artist, Understanding Comics), Dave Gibbons (artist, Watchmen) and Howard Chaykin (writer/artist, American Flagg).
  • Post-Apocalypse
    Post-ApocalypseIt's the end of the world as we know it ... so this week Commander Rick investigates science fiction's fascination with the Post-Apocalypse story. David Brin (The Postman), Roger Zelazny (Damnation Alley), Suzy McKee Charnas (Walk To The End Of The World), Howard V. Hendrix ("In The Smoke") and James Morrow (This Is The Way The World Ends) all blow up the world while P.D. James (The Children Of Men), Pat Murphy (The City Not Long After) and Connie Willis (Doomsday Book) prefer the plague to the bomb. Plus, Rick checks in with editor Martin H. Greenberg and author Robert Sheckley about their contributions to the anthology Beyond Armageddon. This show is so good, you'll want to stay until The End!
  • Telepathy
    TelepathyI know what you're thinking -- "Why do a show on Telepathy?" Commander Rick answers that question with some help from Nick Bantock, the acclaimed author of the Griffin And Sabine trilogy. You'll also hear from speculative fiction authors Frank M. Robinson (The Dark Beyond The Stars), Dan Simmons (The Hollow Man), Larry Niven (The Mote In God's Eye), Karen Haber (Mutant Legacy), Robert Silverberg (Dying Inside), Harlan Ellison ("Broken Glass"), Howard V. Hendrix ("Singing The Mountain To The Stars"), Spider Robinson (Telempath) and Marion Zimmer Bradley (The Darkover series). Plus, Star Trek: The Next Generation author Peter David (Imzadi) disusses the telepathic powers of Deanna Troi.
  • Homosexuality
    HomosexualityCommander Rick examines the portrayal of gay and lesbian characters in comics and speculative fiction. John Byrne reveals why he included a gay superhero (Northstar) when he created the Alpha Flight team for Marvel Comics. Roberta Gregory, the first openly lesbian comics creator discusses her comic book series, Naughty Bits. From the world of speculative fiction Rick checks in with Samuel R. Delany (Dhalgren), Greg Bear (Tangents) and two recipients of the Lambda Award (presented for excellence in the portrayal of gay characters) Jewelle Gomez (The Gilda Stories) and Maureen F. McHugh (China Mountain Zhang). As well, the members of Control--the secret organization that regularly provide Rick with video footage gathered at science fiction conventions around the world--talk to authors Frank M. Robinson (Lambda Award winner for The Dark Beyond The Stars), Melissa Scott (Lambda Award finalist for Dreamships), Jane Yolen (Briar Rose) and Ellen Kushner (Swordspoint). **Note: We are repeating last season's tribute to Jack Kirby in honour of his death on Feb. 5th.; 522615 will be aired on April 27th at the end of the season.
  • Jack Kirby
    Jack KirbyCommander Rick and his guests celebrate Jack Kirby and contributions to superhero comics.
  • Monsters
    MonstersCommander Rick discusses monsters a mainstay of all types of speculative fiction with various creators of such stories. Not just a simple antagonist in many cases but a representation of the tendencies within mankind itself.
  • Virtual Reality
    Virtual RealityCommander Rick and his guests discus Virtual Reality and it uses for both recreation and therapeutic treatments which have both been explored by various writers. Also how the creators are using this potential within their various mediums.
  • Fairy Tales
    Fairy TalesCommander Rick discusses fairy tales and speculative fiction with various writers and artists. Stories inspired by classic fairy tales as well as re-imagined versions. Also discussed is the sanitizing of these stories in different eras.
  • Vampires
    VampiresCommander Rick discusses Vampires with a number of female authors with different takes on the subject, some romanticize, while others see them as exploiters or simply metaphors, some take a different spin on their motivations or traditions
  • Vietnam
    VietnamCommander Rick discusses the Vietnam War and its portrayal in and influence upon speculative fiction. Comic portrayals of the war were curtailed until after the conflict and the its influence upon the genres mixed but largely negative.
  • Aliens
    AliensWhat does a Martian really look like? What sort of creature would we meet on the planet Medea? Commander Rick finds out this week as he talks with some of the foremost designers of alien creatures in science fiction: Nancy Kress (An Alien Light), George R.R. Martin ("Sandkings"), Robert J. Sawyer (Foreigner), Greg Bear (Anvil Of Stars), Poul Anderson ("The Sharing Of Flesh"), Hal Clement (Mission Of Gravity), William Stout (preliminary design work on The Predator), Kelley Jones (artist: Alien: Hive), Steve Perry (Aliens: Earth Hive), Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. (Fire On The Border) and Larry Niven (Ringworld).
  • Sexism & Feminism
    Sexism & FeminismCommander Rick discusses feminism and sexism with various writers and artists of speculative fiction, including obstacles for female creators, the assumption that woman means feminist and the boys club mentality found in comics especially.
  • Comic Book Layout
    Comic Book LayoutCommander Rick and his guests discuss comic book layout from the first comics which were simply collections of daily comics from the newspapers to the 1940's and Jack Kirby and Will Eisner moving beyond static panels and further evolution.
  • The Brain & Artificial Intelligence
    The Brain & Artificial Intelligence
  • Evolution
    EvolutionCommander Rick and his guests discus evolution beginning with Charles Darwin and the degree to which his theory has gained acceptance, also some common misunderstandings. Will humans exert control over their evolution for better or worse?

Cast of Season 5

  • Rick GreenEnrico Gruen



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