Primetime: What Would You Do?

Season 13

When you think no one is watching... what would you do? Using hidden cameras, What Would You Do? establishes everyday scenarios and then captures people's reactions. Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John Quiñones reports on their split-second and often surprising decision-making process.

Where to Watch Season 13

15 Episodes

  • Parents Disapprove of Lesbian Daughter's Fiancee
    Parents Disapprove of Lesbian Daughter's Fiancee A young woman is meeting her parents for lunch to let them know that she is engaged to a woman. Her parents voice their disapproval of her marrying a woman. How will other diners react? A teenage boy grabs his girlfriend forcefully in public, snatches her smartphone and tries to control what she's doing. What will bystanders say? A bus driver is at a bar drinking heavily, planning to go back to work straight from the bar to pick up students from a field trip. Will others step in to prevent him from getting behind the wheel?A senior citizen is working as a restaurant waiter and is slow in taking a customer's order. When he brings the food, it is not what the young man ordered. The customer is impatient and complains about the waiter's age, speed and inability to get the order correct. Will other customers come to the waiter's defense?A laundromat customer starts stealing clothing from others' washers and dryers. What will the witnesses say and do? Will they try to stop the customer from stealing those clothes?
  • Grandparents Verbally Abuse Grandchildren
    Grandparents Verbally Abuse GrandchildrenJealous girlfriend berates boyfriend at his job; Man insults restaurant customer with Down syndrome.
  • Discrimination at a Diner
    Discrimination at a DinerA restaurant employee asks black teens to prepay for their meal; a bakery owner refuses to sell a wedding cake to a lesbian couple; a mother forces her child to shoplift.
  • Couple Refuses to Leave a Tip for Their Lesbian Waitress
    Couple Refuses to Leave a Tip for Their Lesbian WaitressA Hispanic child is scolded for speaking Spanish; a child draws on fine art displayed in a cafe; diners refuse to tip a lesbian waitress; a man proposes to his girlfriend with a fake diamond ring; strangers are asked to pose as a woman's boss.
  • Man Harasses Waitress at a Diner
    Man Harasses Waitress at a DinerA woman shamelessly uses a coffee shop as her office; Blonde woman and black man steal money from deli tip jar.
  • Onlooker Harasses Parent With Different Race Child
    Onlooker Harasses Parent With Different Race ChildA white woman with an adopted black child is harassed by an onlooker; a woman is distracted by her phone while her children run wild in a clothing store; a tutor and her student talk about their relationship in front of others.
  • Parents Disapprove Of Pregnant Teen's Decision
    Parents Disapprove Of Pregnant Teen's DecisionParents disapprove of their pregnant teen's final decision; Clothing store discriminates against black shopper; Woman steals groceries out of customers' carts.
  • Transgender Man is Bullied by Former Classmates
    Transgender Man is Bullied by Former ClassmatesTransgender man is bullied by former classmates; Mother wants daughter to lose weight; Customers ridicule waiter for stuttering
  • Woman is Harassed for Being Muscular
    Woman is Harassed for Being MuscularMom and Dad separate as dad comes out gay; Laptop stolen right before your eyes
  • Pregnant Later in Life
    Pregnant Later in LifeWoman's husband objects to her having a baby in her 40s; Minors ask others to buy them e-cigarettes; Waitress berates couple for speaking Spanish.
  • Manager Tells Man He Needs to Remove His MAGA Hat
    Manager Tells Man He Needs to Remove His MAGA HatPolitical disagreements at a diner; Teens berate homeless man on the boardwalk; Parents tell their adult child it's time to move out.
  • Young Man Comes Out as Gay to His Traditional Asian Parents
    Young Man Comes Out as Gay to His Traditional Asian ParentsCollege students engage in fraternity and sorority hazing; Mother leaves 8-year-old son alone at the beach.
  • Gay Fathers Condemned for Raising Child Without 'Mom'
    Gay Fathers Condemned for Raising Child Without 'Mom'Bartender looks through woman's phone; Mother is criticized for breastfeeding her baby in public; Man cuts in front of shopper and ends up winning a grand prize.
  • Pharmacy Calls Police on Black Woman for Using Coupon
    Pharmacy Calls Police on Black Woman for Using CouponMother treats foster child worse than her real child; College students pressure friend to take Adderall; Man's parents disagree with son's overweight girlfriend.
  • Coach Doesn't Want Student Athletes Kneeling During Anthem
    Coach Doesn't Want Student Athletes Kneeling During AnthemStudent athletes tell their coach they want to kneel during the National Anthem like Colin Kaepernick; Teenager ignores parents while playing Fortnite.



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