
Season 6

PragerU, short for Prager University, is an American non-profit organization founded by talk show host and writer Dennis Prager, and screenwriter and producer Allen Estrin.

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61 Episodes

  • The Bigger the Government...
    The Bigger the Government...In every society throughout human history the following relationship has held true: as government grows, human freedom and happiness shrinks. Best selling author, Dennis Prager puts it this way: "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen." This has been true in Europe for decades and is becoming ever more so in the United States. But it's not the kind of nation, the Founding Fathers had in mind. Can we get back to the principles of liberty and individual responsibility? It's a big challenge. But first we have to recognize the problem.
  • The Government vs. the American Character
    The Government vs. the American CharacterOver the past 50 years, the purpose of the American government has radically transformed. Whereas its main goal in domestic matters used to be to protect liberty, it is now an entitlements machine, transferring over $2 trillion per year from some people's pockets to others. Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute explains how the explosions in social security, medicare, medicaid, and other welfare programs are changing the American character for the worse--from one that is focused on individual responsibility and giving, to one that is focused on grabbing as much of the pie as possible.
  • How the Liberal University Hurts the Liberal Student
    How the Liberal University Hurts the Liberal StudentAre most college professors liberal? Yes, says Penn State Associate Professor of Political Science and Philosophy Matthew Woessner. Perhaps surprisingly, however, his research shows that liberal bias does not seem to influence right-leaning students. Rather, it insulates left-leaning students, hindering their ability to critically analyze their own ideas. In five minutes, learn more about college liberal bias.
  • Do You Understand the Electoral College
    Do You Understand the Electoral CollegeDo you understand what the Electoral College is? Or how it works? Or why America uses it to elect its presidents instead of just using a straight popular vote? Author, lawyer and Electoral College expert Tara Ross does, and she explains that to understand the Electoral College is to understand American democracy.
  • The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College
    The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral CollegeRight now, there's a well-organized, below-the-radar effort to render the Electoral College effectively useless. It's called the National Popular Vote, and it would turn our presidential elections into a majority-rule affair. Would this be good or bad? Author, lawyer, and Electoral College expert Tara Ross explains.
  • The Speech Every 2015 College Grad Needs to Hear
    The Speech Every 2015 College Grad Needs to HearThere were thousands of college commencement speeches around the country this year for the Class of 2015. But there was one missing -- one very truthful, funny and witty speech that graduates should've heard, but didn't. Well, here it is, spoken by George Will, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist at the Washington Post.
  • Do Big Unions Buy Politicians
    Do Big Unions Buy PoliticiansWho poses the biggest threat to America's economy by striking deals with crooked politicians? Big Oil, Big Pharma, or Big Unions? Daniel DiSalvo, political science professor at the City College of New York, gives the answer.
  • Are You on the Wrong Side of History
    Are You on the Wrong Side of HistoryAre you on the wrong side or the right side of history? Is there even a "wrong side" or a "right side"? What do those terms mean and why do politicians and pundits use them? Nationally syndicated columnist and best-selling author Jonah Goldberg explains.
  • Why the Right is Right
    Why the Right is RightWhat makes conservatism right? If you're a conservative, you should know why you're right. If you're not a conservative, why should you think about becoming one? Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of, "How To Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct", explains. ORDER "How To Be Right".
  • Who Killed the Liberal Arts
    Who Killed the Liberal ArtsWhat in the world happened to the liberal arts? A degree in the humanities used to transmit the knowledge and wisdom imbued in the works of great Western artists, writers, musicians and thinkers like Shakespeare and Mozart. But today, that same degree stresses Western racism, sexism, imperialism, and other ills and sins that reinforce a sense of victimhood and narcissism. So, what happened? Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute explains.
  • Left but Really Right
    Left but Really RightSuccessful liberals live by conservative values. It's true. The liberal musician, the liberal chef, the liberal writer -- all swear by things conservatives love, like competition, earned reward, and, yes, profit and the bottom line. Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of, "How To Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct", explains. ORDER "How to Be Right".
  • Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts
    Campaign Finance Reform CorruptsWhat corrupts politics more: Millionaires and billionaires? Or the rules that intend to limit the influence of wealthy donors? George Will, author and Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Washington Post, explains who designed campaign finance reform and why Congress's solution to the problem may actually be the bigger problem.
  • How Big Should Government Be Left vs. Right #1
    How Big Should Government Be Left vs. Right #1How big should the government be? And what is its proper role in the daily lives of Americans? The Left and Right have opposite answers. Dennis Prager's Left-Right Differences Series Part 1: How Big Should Government Be? How do Conservatives and Liberals differ?
  • Does it Feel Good or Does it Do Good Left vs. Right #2
    Does it Feel Good or Does it Do Good Left vs. Right #2When setting public policy, what's more important: intentions or results? Feeling good or doing good? When it comes to being guided by the heart or by the mind, the Left and Right are very different. Dennis Prager's Left-Right Differences Series Part 2: Does it Feel Good or Does it Do Good? How do Conservatives and Liberals differ?
  • How Do You Judge America Left vs. Right #3
    How Do You Judge America Left vs. Right #3Is the United States an exceptional country that has played a uniquely good role in history? Or is it a typical country, perhaps even a uniquely bad one considering the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow? On this, the Left and Right do not agree. Dennis Prager's Left-Right Differences Series Part 3: How Do You Judge America? How do Conservatives and Liberals differ?
  • How Do You Deal With Painful Truths Left vs. Right #4
    How Do You Deal With Painful Truths Left vs. Right #4The Left and Right perceive the world differently. One side sees it as it exists, accepts fundamental truths and facts--even if they are painful--and then adopts a worldview. The other side adopts a vision, and then views the world through that prism. Which side sees the world as reality? And which as it imagines? Dennis Prager's Left-Right Differences Series Part 4: How Do You Deal With Painful Truths? How do Conservatives and Liberals differ?
  • How Do We Make Society Better Left vs. Right #5
    How Do We Make Society Better Left vs. Right #5How do you want to improve America? By focusing on improving and refining yourself? Or by transforming society? The answer to that question will reveal whether you're on the Left or the Right. Dennis Prager's Left-Right Differences Series Part 5: How Do We Make Society Better? How do Conservatives and Liberals differ?
  • The Government Isn’t Supposed to Fix Your Life
    The Government Isn’t Supposed to Fix Your LifeAdam Carolla isn't going to tell you who to vote for. But he is going to tell you who NOT to vote for. And in a time when candidates running for office promise the moon, one of America's funniest comedians shares a few tips about how to spot the candidate that you should run from.
  • Government - Is it Ever Big Enough
    Government - Is it Ever Big EnoughCan the government ever be too big? How much spending is enough spending? And if there can be too much spending, where is that point? William Voegeli, Senior Editor of the Claremont Review of Books, explores these complex questions and offers some clear answers.
  • Which One Are You
    Which One Are YouWhen it comes to politics, do you have an ideology? Or are you a pragmatist? What's the difference? Is one better than the other? Jonah Goldberg, Senior Editor for National Review, explains why ideology matters, and why "pragmatism" may not mean exactly what you think it does.
  • Who's More Compassionate
    Who's More CompassionateDemocrats often think of themselves as kind and caring, and of Republicans as callous and mean-spirited. But why? Are Progressive policies more likely to raise people out of poverty than conservative ones? And what really counts as "kind": supporting policies that feel good? Or supporting policies that do good? William Voegeli, Senior Editor of the Claremont Review of Books, explains.
  • The Conservative Student's Survival Guide
    The Conservative Student's Survival GuideConservative students are vastly outnumbered on campus, and their beliefs and values are often ridiculed by other students, professors and administrators. So, how can conservatives survive and thrive in college, while also making a difference? Matthew Woessner, a political science professor at Penn State Harrisburg, offers some tips.
  • Immigrants! Don't Vote for What You Fled
    Immigrants! Don't Vote for What You FledMany of America's legal and illegal immigrants fled nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. But once here, they support the same things. Why? Gloria Alvarez, Project Director at the National Civic Movement of Guatemala, explains.
  • Why I Left the Left
    Why I Left the LeftDave Rubin of The Rubin Report used to be a big progressive. He even had a show with The Young Turks! But now he's not a progressive. He has left the left. Why? Dave Rubin shares his story.
  • Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism
    Why Isn't Communism as Hated as NazismWhen people think of humanity's greatest evils, why is "communism" rarely mentioned? After all, it has caused more suffering than any other ideology, including Nazism. Watch Dennis Prager's account of communism's horrific legacy.
  • Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings
    Facts Don't Care About Your FeelingsWhy does it seem as if America's college campuses have totally lost it? Well, because they have. In short, feelings now rule facts, and victims are heroes. But here's a fact: If you're a college student in the United States, you're almost certainly NOT a victim. Ben Shapiro explains why.
  • When Transparency Really Means Tyranny
    When Transparency Really Means TyrannyWhen you hear the word "transparency," what comes to mind? Maybe words like openness and honesty. But David French, Senior Writer for The National Review, shows how progressive activists, under the guise of "transparency," are ruining the lives of many good Americans.
  • Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican
    Why Did the Democratic South Become RepublicanThe south used to vote Democrat. Now it votes Republican. Why the switch? Was it, as some people say, because the GOP decided to appeal to racist whites? Carol Swain, Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, explains.
  • College Made Me a Conservative
    College Made Me a ConservativeJay Stephens went into her elite liberal arts college a social justice warrior....and graduated as a get-off-my-lawn conservative. How did that happen? Watch Jay's story.
  • What Is the Alt-Right
    What Is the Alt-RightWhat is the alt-right? What is its worldview? How big is it? Michael Knowles, bestselling author and host of The Michael Knowles Show, took a deep dive into alt-right culture. Here's what he learned.
  • Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media
    Why No One Trusts the Mainstream MediaTrust in the media is at an all-time low. But should it be? Why do fewer and fewer Americans trust the mainstream media. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, author of The Smear, explains.
  • Is Fascism Right Or Left
    Is Fascism Right Or LeftEvery Republican president since the 1970s has been called a fascist. Ironic, no? After all, fascism has its roots in the left. Dinesh D'Souza, author of The Big Lie, explains.
  • Brexit - Why Britain Left the European Union
    Brexit - Why Britain Left the European UnionIs the European Union good for Europe? Or would Europeans be better off without it? Nigel Farage, a leader of the United Kingdom's Brexit movement, shares his view.
  • Control the Words, Control the Culture
    Control the Words, Control the CultureThe culture war is first and foremost a war of words - and the left is winning. The consequences can be seen everywhere: in politics, in education, in media. In this video, Michael Knowles, host of the Michael Knowles Show, explains why we should not cede another syllable.
  • Public Union - Public Enemy
    Public Union - Public EnemyPublic-sector unions have been gaming the political system for decades, bankrupting whole cities and plunging states into massive debt. How did this happen and can it be stopped? Akash Chougule, senior policy fellow for Americans for Prosperity, has the answers in this sobering video from Prager University.
  • Left or Liberal?
    Left or Liberal?Tell the average American you’re a liberal and they’ll assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very different positions on key issues. In this video, Dennis Prager explains how the tenets of liberalism like a belief in capitalism and free speech have more in common with conservatism than with the identity politics and racial resentment preached by the left.
  • Why You Should Be a Nationalist
    Why You Should Be a NationalistIt’s undeniable: Around the world, nationalism is on the march, and the media and reigning political elites would have you believe this is a dangerous disaster in the making. So, why is Yoram Hazony, author of The Virtue of Nationalism, unafraid? Watch to understand.
  • Why Trump Won
    Why Trump WonWere you shocked at the results of the 2016 American presidential election? Most people were, but Stephen Harper was not one of them. Here, the former Prime Minister of Canada explains the trends that foreshadowed Trump’s victory and left many political elites looking wildly out of touch.
  • Why You Can't Argue with a Leftist
    Why You Can't Argue with a LeftistWhen two people share the same goals, they can disagree – even strongly disagree – and still have a productive discussion about how to reach those shared objectives. As comedian and author Owen Benjamin explains, the problem with America today is we no longer share the same goals, and that’s tearing us apart.
  • The Left Ruins Everything
    The Left Ruins EverythingFrom the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: the left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains.
  • Big Tech Is Big Brother
    Big Tech Is Big BrotherGeorge Orwell's fictionalized world where Big Brother reigns supreme is no longer a figment of the imagination, but a prophetic vision of present-day threats. Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, explains how and why Big Tech is making Orwell’s 1984 a 21st century reality.
  • Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?
    Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?Why can’t America build or repair infrastructure on a par with countries in Europe or Asia? Why are our bridges, roads, and airports not what they should be? Aren’t we the richest and most technologically savvy country in the world? Who or what is holding us back? Kyle Smith of National Review has the surprising (and frustrating) answer.
  • The Charlottesville Lie
    The Charlottesville LieDid President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.
  • Who Should Win the Nobel Peace Prize?
    Who Should Win the Nobel Peace Prize?They’ve saved the free world more than once. And they’re on the job preserving the peace right now. When it comes to making the world a more secure place for good and decent people everywhere, this one group deserves the bulk of the credit. Who is this group, and how can we ever thank them? Pete Hegseth, U.S. Army Major, has the answer.
  • The Dark Art of Framing
    The Dark Art of FramingWhy do intelligent people – sometimes even our friends and family members – continue to fall for the Left’s false narrative? Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries, offers some compelling insight into the ways in which the Left manipulates words and emotions, and what you can do to protect yourself.
  • The Myth of Voter Suppression
    The Myth of Voter SuppressionDo Republicans win elections by preventing minorities from voting? The Left says yes, but the data says no. Jason Riley, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, settles the argument with hard evidence, separating fact from fiction.
  • Is Voter Fraud Real?
    Is Voter Fraud Real?What is the greatest threat to free and fair elections in America? Here’s a hint: it’s not Russia, or any other foreign power. It’s not a person, either. It’s something much more subtle, and much more dangerous. Investigative reporter Eric Eggers has the answer.
  • Who's More Radical: The Left or the Right?
    Who's More Radical: The Left or the Right?What would America look like if the Left got everything it wanted? What would America look like if the Right got everything it wanted? PragerU’s Will Witt fleshes out each of these scenarios in this provocative thought experiment.
  • The Rally That Changed My Mind
    The Rally That Changed My MindPsychologist and author Karlyn Borysenko wouldn’t be caught dead at a Trump rally. So what was she doing in a New Hampshire arena, surrounded by 11,000 cheering Trump supporters? And what did she take away from the experience? She explains what happened when perception met reality in this eye-opening video.
  • Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State?
    Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State?We're supposed to be the United States of America. But in many ways, we're now divided into two very different nations: red states and blue states. Which ones are succeeding? Which ones are failing? And why? To answer these questions, economist Stephen Moore compares them side-by-side.
  • How to Steal an Election: Mail-In Ballots
    How to Steal an Election: Mail-In BallotsWhat’s the difference between absentee balloting and universal mail-in balloting? The latter might sound like a great idea, but is it really? Eric Eggers of the Government Accountability Institute answers this vitally important question.
  • How the Left Sees the World: Power, Race, and Class
    How the Left Sees the World: Power, Race, and ClassHow do those on the Left determine right from wrong? Since Marx, they’ve relied on a formula based on status, skin color, and wealth. But is that the way to reach a moral conclusion? Dennis Prager uses Israel and the United States to provide an illuminating perspective on this question.
  • Taking on Woke Inc.
    Taking on Woke Inc.Congratulations, graduates! Your days of leftist indoctrination are behind you. Just kidding! The glass tower of the corporate world is fast becoming as woke as the ivory tower of the college world. In PragerU’s 2021 commencement address, Ben Shapiro offers some sage advice for how to stick to your values... no matter where you go.
  • The Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic
    The Difference Between a Democracy and a RepublicIf you ask Americans to name their country’s form of government, most of them will say they live in a democracy. However, the real answer is more complicated (and unexpected) than that. Robert George, Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, explains.
  • Is America's Government Secular?
    Is America's Government Secular?Was America founded to be a secular nation? In other words, does religion have no role in American politics or public policy-making? The answer is more complex than you might think. Robert George, Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, explains.
  • Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?
    Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?What does totalitarianism look like? In the 20th century, it took the form of secret police violently silencing anyone who spoke out against the government. Now, it has a very different face — one we should be wary of just the same. Rod Dreher, author of Live Not By Lies, explains.
  • Can You Trust the NY Times?
    Can You Trust the NY Times?The most influential news source in the world is the New York Times. Every day, hundreds of newspapers and news stations around the world follow its lead. After all, isn’t the Times the gold standard of journalism? Investigative reporter Ashley Rindsberg reveals the truth in this eye-opening video.
  • Understanding Marxism: The Enemy of Being Is Having
    Understanding Marxism: The Enemy of Being Is HavingCapitalism is the source of all evil. If we can just get rid of the capitalist system, we can eliminate poverty, inequality, exploitation, class conflict, and war. This is what Karl Marx believed, and many today still follow his lead. But is his utopian vision possible? And would we want it even if it were?
  • Understanding Marxism: From Each According to His Ability...
    Understanding Marxism: From Each According to His Ability...Private property, wage labor, competition, and profits — under Karl Marx’s world view, these would have to go. Instead of self-interest, everybody would work for the benefit of everybody else. For many, this is a very seductive idea. Is this the dream we should aspire to? Or would it be a nightmare?
  • Understanding Marxism: Change the World
    Understanding Marxism: Change the WorldWorkers of the world, unite! Karl Marx’s famous call to action never caught on with its intended target, the working class. But the intellectual class—the world of academia—swallowed it hook, line and sinker. They are still pushing it today. Why? What do they hope to gain and what does it mean to the rest of us?
  • Why Do You Hate Conservatives?
    Why Do You Hate Conservatives?What do you think of conservatives? Do you think their views are rooted in racism, ignorance, and intolerance? Or is it just possible that they have valid reasons for thinking the way they do? Former leftist activist and now PragerU personality Amala Ekpunobi breaks it down in PragerU’s 500th 5-Minute Video.



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