Poulpe and his guest roam sets that evolve on sight over the course of the show, to go through a whole day of TV programs, but without knowing anything about the program beforehand.
Where to Watch Poulpovision
1 Season
Season 1
Season 112 Episodes
Cast of Poulpovision
Monsieur PoulpeHost
Audrey Pirault
Davy Mourier
Jeremie Dethelot
Ambre Larrazet
Alex Ramirèslui-même
Shirley Souagnonelle-même
Lionel Laget
Bruce Fauveau
Baptiste Lecaplain
Bruno Henry
Thibault Farnoux
Cécile Laforest
Marie Portolano
Ahmed SyllaSelf
Roman FrayssinetSelf
Marianne JamesSelf
Ramzy BediaSelf
Bérengère KriefSelf
Thomas VDBSelf
Céline Groussard
Julien Schmidt
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