Pond Life
Season 1
Prequel to series seven of Doctor Who (2005); five short films show the home life of Amy and Rory, while The Doctor has a few adventures of his own.
Where to Watch Season 1
5 Episodes
- MayE2
MayMay: The Doctor bursts into the Ponds' house while they sleep, trying to tell them that the world is endangered and that they are to save the planet. Realising it's the wrong time for them, he decides to collect their future selves. The Doctor tells them they'll be safe, wishes them a good night and leaves. Rory says he hates it when the Doctor does that. - JulyE4
JulyJuly: The Ood is still living in the Pond household, acting as a butler for Amy and Rory - cleaning their windows, making food, hanging their washing outside. The Doctor explains that he rescued the Ood from the Androvax conflict, planning on returning it to the Ood Sphere, and misplaced the Ood when he last visited. He tells Rory that he will pick the Ood up "tonight" and then starts wondering when tonight will actually be?