Pitch Meetings

Uncharted Pitch Meeting

E4    Feb 21, 2022    5m
Video games tend to not do super well when adapted to the big screen, but gosh dangit, Hollywood’s determined to keep trying. The latest attempt is Uncharted, based on the popular game series called Uncharted. With a surprisingly good performance at the box office, maybe they’ll keep on doing this kind of thing?

The Uncharted movie definitely raises some questions though. Like why were Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg chosen to star as characters they seem nothing like? How has nobody explored the very accessible ancient access points in Barcelona, one of which is literally in a Papa John’s pizza shop? How did Sully and Nathan get into the trunk of that car on the cargo plane? How did Moncado miraculously not lose a single drop of blood? Why can’t iconic characters wear their iconic outfits in movies anymore?
Where to Watch Uncharted Pitch Meeting
Cast of Uncharted Pitch Meeting
  • Ryan GeorgeScreenwriter Guy

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