Pitch Meetings

Howard the Duck Pitch Meeting

E24    Jun 20, 2020    5m
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has taken over the global box office in the past decade, but Marvel wasn’t always the cinematic gold mine it is today. In fact the very first Marvel movie that got a theatrical release was so poorly received that they waited more than a decade to make another one. That first movie was Howard the Duck.

The movie definitely raises a ton of questions… Like who is this movie for? Why are we seeing all these duck parts? Why is Beverly attracted to a duck? Why does Howard get a job in an adult spa? Why are there so many duck puns? What was George Lucas thinking? And once again, who is this movie for?!

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to Howard the Duck! It’ll be super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Where to Watch Howard the Duck Pitch Meeting
Cast of Howard the Duck Pitch Meeting
  • Ryan GeorgeScreenwriter Guy

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