Pitch Meetings

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Pitch Meeting

E25    May 18, 2018    5m
Did you ever wonder what in the world the studio was thinking when they created Deadpool for X-Men Origins: Wolverine? So were we! So we stepped into the pitch meeting that started it all, and broke down the entire thought process behind the movie to answer all the questions we know you've been asking yourselves for years. How does Deadpool bend his arms with two giant swords embedded in them? What is Wolverine's relationship with Striker and why did he allow him to experiment on him with adamantium? And perhaps most importantly, where did Wolverine get that TIGHT leather jacket?!
Where to Watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine Pitch Meeting
Cast of X-Men Origins: Wolverine Pitch Meeting
  • Ryan GeorgeScreenwriter Guy

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