People Behaving Badly

Season 1

People Behaving Badly features all of the over-the-top, embarrassing, out-of-control, and generally ridiculous things that people do. It's a laugh-out-loud tour of the very best of people's very worst.

Where to Watch Season 1

25 Episodes

  • How to Lose Friends and Infuriate People
    How to Lose Friends and Infuriate PeoplePeople have too much fun messing with other people's food, just enough fun with inflatable exercise balls, and they also dump 50 crickets on a guy in the shower.
  • 2 Bad, 2 Furious
    2 Bad, 2 FuriousPeople give other people fake haircuts, use a cattle prod to wake up a passed-out friend, and pass a lot of gas in a sauna
  • You Give Bad a Bad Name
    You Give Bad a Bad NamePeople mix cinnamon with popping candy, get into goofy fights in traffic, and a man scares his family by hiding inside a snowman.
  • Hurts So Bad
    Hurts So Bad
  • The Bad, the Bad, and the Ugly
    The Bad, the Bad, and the UglyPeople punish Santa Claus with paintball blasts, spend too much time in front of a large air compressor, and a woman bakes her boyfriend's car keys.
  • Epsiode 6
    Epsiode 6
  • A Few Bad Men and Women
    A Few Bad Men and WomenPeople take themselves on purpose, quit jobs they never had, and a guy destroys his roommate's car with a giant axe
  • Bad Will Hunting
    Bad Will HuntingPeople eat way too much wasabi in one sitting, burp like no one has ever burped before, and a man glues his hands to his own armpits.
  • As Bad as it Gets
    As Bad as it GetsPeople hurt themselves with falling trees, ruin weddings by being bad best men, and scare their friends by jumping out of giant boxes.
  • Badfellas
  • Bad Vibrations
    Bad VibrationsPeople go out of their way to injure themselves in the groin, find non-car related uses for air bags, and two guys get caught up in a never-ending slap fight.
  • Bad Sports
    Bad SportsPeople put fireworks in places they don't belong, dunk on other people in public, and a man in a diaper shoplifts junk food.
  • Be the Worst You Can Be
    Be the Worst You Can BePeople break things with their heads, give themselves the ultimate wedgie, and a fake dad confronts young adults at a music festival.
  • Bad Riddance
    Bad Riddance
  • Close Encounters of the Bad Kind
    Close Encounters of the Bad Kind
  • There Will Be Bad People
    There Will Be Bad People
  • Dancing with People Behaving Badly
    Dancing with People Behaving Badly
  • The Badly Files
    The Badly Files
  • Badly 2: Electric Boogaloo
    Badly 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • Call Me Badly
    Call Me Badly
  • Terms of Behaving Badly
    Terms of Behaving Badly
  • Bad Ma
    Bad Ma
  • Bad Man Walking
    Bad Man Walking
  • The Bad and the Beautiful
    The Bad and the Beautiful
  • No Country for Bad Men
    No Country for Bad Men



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