
Season 1999

Long-running factual programme reporting on all aspects of life in Britain.

Where to Watch Season 1999

37 Episodes

  • In Stephen's Name
    In Stephen's NameReport on Met Police Force's commitment to tackling racist crime.
  • In Search of Cynthia Mthebe
    In Search of Cynthia MthebeLife in black South Africa today.
  • Poison On Your Plate
    Poison On Your PlateReport on the alarming rise in food poisoning.
  • Selling Out the Pound?
    Selling Out the Pound?Will the British ever learn to love the Euro?
  • The First Human Clone
    The First Human CloneInvestigation into scientists trying to create the first human clone.
  • The People's Party
    The People's PartyUndemocratic tendencies within the Labour government.
  • Every Parent's Nightmare
    Every Parent's NightmareReport on Britain's recent upsurge in meningitis.
  • Carry On Dr Neale
    Carry On Dr NealeReport on Dr Richard Neale a British gynaecologist accused of professional incompetence.
  • First Sex
    First SexReport on young people starting out on their sexual lives and what makes first sex so dangerous.
  • Drug Runners
    Drug RunnersReport from America and Europe on the Olympic officials who are accused of turning a blind eye to athletes' drug use.
  • Secrets, Spies and Videotape
    Secrets, Spies and VideotapeReport on how the UN's attempt to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction ended in humiliation.
  • The Mind of Milosovic
    The Mind of MilosovicReport on the man behind the war in Kosovo.
  • Absolutely Fabulous Prices
    Absolutely Fabulous PricesReport on traders that try and undercut the big brand names who feel bullied and intimidated into submission.
  • War Room
    War RoomReport on how NATO went to war in Kosovo, and the strategy behind the campaign.
  • The Battle for Britain
    The Battle for BritainReport on the Scottish elections taking place on May 6 1999.
  • The Killing of Kosovo
    The Killing of KosovoReport on refugee camps in Kosovo and whether those responsible for the atrocities will ever stand trial.
  • The Child Snatchers
    The Child SnatchersReport on the increasing numbers of children from broken homes who are being snatched by one of their parents.
  • Frankenstein Foods
    Frankenstein FoodsReport on who made the decisions that allowed Genetically Modified food to become so widespread here.
  • The Mobile Mystery
    The Mobile MysteryReport on the growing concern about the health implications of mobile phones and examines accusations that the industry has covered up possible risks.
  • Kosovo: The Reckoning
    Kosovo: The ReckoningDavid Dimbleby chairs a Panorama studio special which charts the road to the peace deal.
  • Giving Life
    Giving LifeThe life-threatening dilemmas encountered by the team and families at Europe's largest transplant centre in Birmingham.
  • Cheap Labour
    Cheap LabourThe new Minimum Wage was meant to be good news for Britain's worst paid workers; but thousands have ended up no better off and some are getting even less than before.
  • Careless Talk
    Careless TalkTwo lawyers have now been murdered in N. Ireland. Both represented IRA suspects; both claimed before their deaths that the RUC had threatened to have them assassinated.
  • The House Price Lottery
    The House Price LotteryReport on how house prices in London are going through the roof, but how in some Northern Cities entire streets are being bulldozed because no-one wants to live there.
  • The Valley Of The Dead
    The Valley Of The DeadAs the refugees of Kosovo return to their devastated land, Panorama reveals the true extent of the atrocities by Serb paramilitaries and police.
  • Die By Wire
    Die By WireInvestigation into the disturbing truth about a type of aircraft wiring which can lead to fires in the air.
  • Taking Baby
    Taking BabyChildren are being left with parents who neglect and abuse them because the law says keeping families together is best. Now, a confidential report says the law should be changed, with children taken away and adopted much sooner.
  • Private Risks
    Private RisksMillions of people who pay for private healthcare believe they are buying better treatment than they would have got with the National Health Service. But, do some private hospitals present special medical risks of their own?
  • Carmageddon
    CarmageddonAs Britain's congested roads descend into carmageddon, Panorama investigates how far the government is prepared to go to force us out of our cars. Will they dare to charge us for driving through our own towns and cities?
  • Seeing Red
    Seeing RedYou may be loyal to your bank, but how loyal are they to you? Panorama uncovers the banking industry's dark secret; 'customer deselection'. New research shows that more than half of Britain's banks are trying to 'fire' the customers who cost them money.
  • Paddington: An Accident Waiting to Happen
    Paddington: An Accident Waiting to HappenInvestigation into the Paddington rail crash on October 5th 99. Panorama also looks at the state of the railway system at Paddington, where for years danger signals were overlooked.
  • Sick and Tired
    Sick and TiredMatthew Hill investigates the psychiatric approach to the treatment of children with the disabling illness of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Cops On Drugs
    Cops On DrugsAre the police going soft on drugs? Panorama has the startling results of a unique three-year study into what the police really think about the drug laws.
  • Biting the Bullet
    Biting the BulletStephen Sackur investigates the US gun laws and reveals those who have decided they must act now to curb guns, by targeting manufacturers and sellers directly through the courts.
  • The Great Train Jam
    The Great Train JamBirmingham has one of Britain's most congested railways. Who is to blame for under-investment and delayed trains? Is it Railtrack, ask passengers, or the privatised railway companies?
  • The Billion Dollar Don
    The Billion Dollar DonExclusive Interview with Simeon Mogelevich, the most notorious crime figure in Russia.
  • The Blair Mayor Project
    The Blair Mayor ProjectNew Labour, the 'People's Party', tried to stop Ken Livingstone from standing - even though the polls show him to be the 'People's' favourite; and how the party machine is still working against him - even though he is now officially one of Labour's candidates.



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