Out There

Season 1

Out There is an Australian comedy-drama series following the trials and tribulations of an American high school boy named Reilly who moves to Australia from Connecticut as his father flees the authorities. He stays with his aunt and uncle who are the owners of a nature reserve and veterinary clinic.

Where to Watch Season 1

13 Episodes

  • Two Down Under
    Two Down Under14-year old Reilly Evans is sent to live with his Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jonathon in Australia after his father is arrested, and his mother is admitted to an institution. After arriving in his new home, Reilly meets Aggie Thackery, a girl from London who will be living and working closely with Reilly's veterinarian aunt on a vet internship. When Reilly and Aggie arrive at the Wild Spring Animal Clinic (Ellen's workplace and home), they discover that life will be much different here down under. Not only are Ellen and Jonathon surrounded daily by exotic animals, they have no TV. Reilly doesn't take the culture shock well, and storms out of the house on a walk, but not before arguing with Aggie about their new home. During his walk, Reilly runs into Miller, an Australian boy his age who welcomes Reilly to his new home. The two boys see a girl their age on her horse ride by, and Miller explains that her name is Fiona McDaniel and she's a loner. When Reilly returns home, his aunt asks
  • Summer in December
    Summer in DecemberReilly goes through culture shock; Ellen leaves the clinic in the hands of Aggie while she leaves for the afternoon, and Aggie makes the mistake of thinking she can care for an injured animal on her own.
  • The Hard Way
    The Hard WayIt's the first day of school for Reilly and Aggie, and while Aggie makes friends easily with Miranda, Reilly finds himself fighting with the school bully....over Fiona.
  • Homesick Blues
    Homesick BluesMiranda, Aggie's new friend, is set on throwing a party with Reilly and Aggie as the guests of honor. Reilly and Miller are raring to go, but Aggie becomes too upset to attend when the flying fox she has been nursing back to healh dies.
  • One Hot Dog to Go
    One Hot Dog to GoWhen a paraplegic dog that Aggie and Ellen has been caring for needs a pair of wheels to move, Miller decides that he'll help the dog: and maybe impress Aggie. When Reilly informs Aggie that Miller is helping the dog because he likes Aggie, she seems flattered - but isn't interested in Miller. At the same time, Aggie visits Fiona, and tells her that Reilly likes her. Fiona seems flattered, and maybe a little interested in Reilly.
  • Connections: Missed and Made
    Connections: Missed and MadeWhen Fiona has to leave town after her Grandmother passes away, Reilly and Aggie volunteer to take care of the McDaniel's animals. When Aggie finds Reilly looking through Fiona's room, Reilly admits he can't stop thinking about her. Aggie takes the oppurtunity to encourage Reilly to ask Fiona on a date. At Fiona's grandmother's house, Fiona shares her hateful feelings toward her grandmother with her Mom. Ever since her grandmother tried to tear a 5-year old Fiona and her deaf mother apart, Fiona has had hateful feelings toward her....until Fiona's Mom reveals that her grandmother spent her life earning money to give to Fiona's college education and her Mom. Meanwhile, Miller, still grounded, spends his time watching romantic films to get tips on how to attract Aggie.
  • Don't Look Back
    Don't Look BackWhen Reilly recieves a letter from his father in prison, he becomes upset, which worries Aggie and Aunt Ellen. To take his mind of his father, Reilly begins taking care of a stray kitten that is dropped by the clinic, only to have to return the kitten to its owner when he finds a ""Lost Kitten"" sign. Also, Miller invites Aggie and Reilly to spend a day with him at the creek, but because Aggie is spending the day horseback riding with Fiona, only Reilly shows up. Reilly shares his thoughts about his father's letter with Miller, and the two boys end up drinking a pack of beers that Miller brought to the creek. On their way home, a drunk Reilly and Miller run into Fiona, and Reilly makes a fool of himself, telling Fiona he 'loves her' and 'wants to love in her backyard'. The next morning, Reilly, suffering from a hangover, is forced to work with Johnathan on building a deck. After their work is over, Johnathan surprises Reilly by taking him to the beach to surf. There, Reilly comes
  • Peggy
    PeggyWhen all the girls go crazy over Reilly's essay about comforting an elderly recluse, Fiona begins to realize that maybe her feelings for Reilly are deeper than she thought. Aggie might have a boyfriend.
  • Some Wombats have all the Luck
    Some Wombats have all the LuckAggie's boyfriend proves too good to be true when she finds out that his parents are racist. Meanwhile, Reilly's ready to start a relationship with Fiona, now that he knows how she feels. Or is she too busy for him?
  • Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
    Smoke Gets in Your EyesWhen Aggie worries that everyone sees her as a goody-good, she plans a day with Fiona to skip school and hang out at the lake. When Reilly and Miller join the girls at the lake, it's all fun and games: until Fiona sees a brush fire in the distance. The group rushes home to help Aunt Ellen, who is already helping the neighbors save the animals they can. At the end of the day, Fiona tells Reilly she would like to go out with him, and Miller confesses to Aggie that he loves her, only to find the feelings aren't mutual.
  • Fairy Floss
    Fairy FlossWhen the friends spend a day at the county fair, Aggie finds herself judging the ""Divine Pig"" contest, and Reilly and Uncle John compete in the Father-Son Sawing contest. Meanwhile, Miller discovers that Miranda is very interested in pursuing a relationship with him.
  • Reilly Had a Little Goat
    Reilly Had a Little GoatWhen Reilly and Fiona find three abandoned goats, Reilly volunteers to take care of them. Soon, he finds that caring for the three animals is harder then he thought, and this leads to his first fight with Fiona after accusing her of not putting in enough effort to care for the animals. Meanwhile, Miller is nervous about inviting Miranda over to his house for dinner. Also, Aggie reveals she is concerned about being the ""odd-girl out"" when she finds the rest of her friends are pairing-off.
  • Tadpole
    TadpoleWhen Ellen and Jonathan leave for the weekend, Reilly and Aggie invite Miller and Fiona over for a night of games. The night's festivities are cut short, however, when Fiona's prized miniature horse comes down with colic. Working with Aunt Ellen over the phone, Miller is able to help Aggie save the life of the horse. By the end of the evening, the friends have settled down and are enjoying a game of cards when Reilly's mother calls from the states informing Reilly that he's coming home and was accepted at a boarding school.

Cast of Season 1

  • Douglas SmithReilly Evans
  • David RobertsJohnathon Archer
  • Richard Wilson
  • Cody KaschTom Butler
  • Jade EwenAggie Thackery
  • Molly McCaffreyFiona McDaniel
  • Richard WilsonMiller McKee



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