Our Miss Brooks

Season 3

Miss Brooks teaches English at Madison High, rents a room from Mrs. Davis, gets rides to school with student Walter, fights with Principal Conklin, and tries to snag shy biology teacher Boynton. In the last year she switches to Mrs. Nestor's private school.

Where to Watch Season 3

30 Episodes

  • The Miserable Caballeros
    The Miserable CaballerosConnie meets Ricky, a young boy who gives the impression he's an orphan and his uncle mistreats him. Miss Brooks shares his tale of woe with Mr. Boynton and Mr. Conklin who join her in trying to help the lad who hasn't been quite truthful.
  • Blood, Sweet and Laugh
    Blood, Sweet and LaughConnie is told by Mr. Conklin to pick up their costumes for a masquerade ball. She accidentally gets the incorrect outfits, getting ones reserved for an important state official and his wife who Osgood wanted to impress.
  • Life Can Be Bones
    Life Can Be BonesConnie is jealous of Mr. Boynton's new colleague, biology teacher Miss Sanders and their common interests. She concocts a scheme with Walter to bury butcher bones in her backyard but Walter substitutes dinosaur bones creating havoc.
  • Two-Way Stretch Snodgrass
    Two-Way Stretch SnodgrassConnie is involved when Madison's best athlete Stretch has to temporarily relocate. Rival Hamilton entices the young man to their school so Connie and Mr. Conklin pretend to be his parents with Walter as Stretch to stop outwit them.
  • Angela's Wedding
    Angela's WeddingConnie is helping Angela prepare for her wedding but no one has met the groom Mr. Farnsworth. Angela mistakes the new coach Mr. Greeley as her intended and becomes apprehensive. Mr. Boynton becomes jealous of the brawny Greeley.
  • Van Gogh, Man, Gogh
    Van Gogh, Man, GoghMiss Brooks has taken up painting and her self portrait attracts the interest of Mr. Baptiste. Walter loses the painting, creates a bad imitation and Mr. Conklin decides to involve himself. He outbids Baptiste who's only interested in the frame.
  • The Jewel Robbery
    The Jewel RobberyConnie goes to the movie alone after Philip breaks a date but then sees him acting suspiciously after a jewelry store robbery. But it's Mr. Conklin who is arrested so Miss Brooks takes extreme measures to keep both men out of jail.
  • Space, Who Needs It?
    Space, Who Needs It?Mr. Conklin takes up astronomy as a hobby and soon discovers a new planet which he humbly names "Conklin Jr." Actually, it is a painted bee-bee that Walter Denton has put in his telescope as a practical joke!
  • The Novelist
    The NovelistMiss Brooks welcomes former student Terence Layton who has become a popular novelist. She decides to use his former crush on her to make Philip jealous. But it's Layton's expose of Madison High that has Mr. Conklin in an uproar.
  • Four Leaf Clover
    Four Leaf CloverMiss Brooks finds a four leaf clover and truly believes it will bring good luck including a promotion. But a series of calamities occur primarily involving a car she just fixed plus ruining Boynton's perfect attendance and Conklin's trip.
  • The Citizen's League
    The Citizen's LeagueMiss Brooks reads from a government pamphlet that all good citizens harbor a secret. The news weighs heavily on the minds of Connie, Philip and even Mr. Conklin until they all confess their misdemeanors.
  • Buddy
    BuddyMiss Brooks gets a letter of unknown origin in which someone named "Buddy" is going to be killed. Both Mr. Boynton and Mr. Conklin think that they are the "Buddy" referred to in the letter. Miss Brooks discovers that "Buddy" is actually a bull that a friend was going to fight and kill. She uses both Mr. Conklin and Mr. Boynton's fear of the supposed murderer to her advantage though with hilarious results.
  • Noodnick, Daughter of Medic
    Noodnick, Daughter of MedicMr. Conklin thinks he's being fired after mishearing Connie and superintendent Stone. He writes a nasty letter before learning the truth and involves Miss Brooks into fixing the problem, effecting her own English department promotion.
  • The Stuffed Gopher
    The Stuffed GopherMiss Brooks and her friends arrive at Madison High to see that it's been vandalized. Connie and Walter learn that Stretch is responsible as he was trying to catch a gopher per Mr. Conklin's orders. They try to ensure Stretch isn't blamed.
  • Safari O'Toole
    Safari O'TooleOld friend Safari O'Toole is visiting Mrs. Davis for her birthday. She's determined to wear a ring he gave her years ago, but it goes missing. Also, everyone is broke but determined to give the Margaret a gift so the pawn shop becomes busy.
  • The Weighing Machine
    The Weighing MachineMiss Brooks is urged by Margaret and Philip to fight to get a penny back after a weight machine malfunctions. But a rumor spreads among the students that she's broke and begin raising funds for her as she continues her effort to get her refund.
  • Public Speaker's Nightmare
    Public Speaker's NightmareSchool officials are visiting Madison and Mr. Conklin to give a welcoming speech. But he fears doing badly so Miss Brooks aids him by taping it ahead. But putting Walter and Stretch in charge of the recorder proves to be a mistake.
  • The Auction
    The AuctionMadison High is having a fundraising campaign and a philanthropist has agreed to donate a house's contents. Mr. Conklin and Walter both give Stretch errands which he confuses. Mr. Conklin is surprised to see his furnishings being sold.
  • The Mambo
    The MamboThe Madison kids are hanging out at Elmer's Malt Shop instead of doing homework and Mr. Conklin is going to stop it. He hires Orville Mason as security who's actually a dance instructor. Connie and Osgood go incognito to learn the truth.
  • The Dream
    The DreamMiss Brooks takes a long nap on the sofa and dreams of her future along with her friends. Mr. Boynton becomes romantic, various couples marry, and babies arrive. Walter even graduates from high school.
  • The Return Of Red Smith
    The Return Of Red SmithWhen an ex-boyfriend announces a visit, Mrs. Davis wants to impress him by pretending to be wealthy. This leads to Connie posing as her personal secretary, even as the bill collectors are knocking at the door.
  • Le Chien Chaud Et Le Mouton Noir
    Le Chien Chaud Et Le Mouton NoirMiss Brooks gets a part time job at what she believes it an elegant restaurant. But Mr. Conklin has bought a greasy spoon and is her employer again. The place has no business however until the superintendent arrives to Osgood's dismay.
  • Kritch Cave
    Kritch CaveLocal landmark Kritch Cave is being sold so Connie, Walter, and Philip visit to reminisce. Miss Brooks becomes involved in the transaction, ending up with the incorrect deeds and accidentally sells Madison High. Miss Davis comes to the rescue.
  • Mister Fargo's Whiskers
    Mister Fargo's WhiskersMiss Brooks changes her hair style per Harriet's suggestion to reignite her relationship with Philip. Mr. Conklin, concerned about an official visit by Fosdick, tries to get her to take time off so she's not around. Instead, she greets Fosdick with strange behavior.
  • The Great Baseball Slide
    The Great Baseball SlideStretch's prowess as a baseball player is changing expectations about his future. But an injury has Miss Brooks persuading Conklin and Boynton to pretend to be agents so the actual baseball representative will still sign Stretch.
  • Turnabout Day
    Turnabout DayWalter's idea to have students and teachers swope roles happens at Madison despite Mr. Conklin's opposition. Connie learns Walter forged the letter of official approval so she needs to convince Mr. Stone he wrote it.
  • Here Is Your Past
    Here Is Your PastMiss Brooks and Mrs Davis are both being stalked by a man they have never seen before. In the mean while Mr. Conklin is having a severe attack of allergies. Finally Connie finds out that the man that is stalking her is part of the "Here is your Past" TV program. They bring on her friends and fellow teachers including Mr. Conklin. The prize for Connie appearing on the show is a puppy and of course Mr. Conklin is extremely allergic to dog hair!
  • Madison Mascot
    Madison MascotMr. Conklin thinks the school needs a new mascot and his wife breaks an elephant bookend. Due to a torn note Miss Brooks and Mr. Boynton misunderstand the situation and head to the circus to get the animal they believe has been selected.
  • The Big Jump
    The Big JumpMr. Conklin gets his name in the paper by scheduling a safety jump from the school roof. However, when the day arrives for him to jump he gets cold feet, fakes an injury and then tries to get someone else at Madison to do the jump in his place. Suddenly all of the male teachers are injured in some way and it is up to Miss Brooks to jump or else!
  • Home Cooked Meal
    Home Cooked MealConnie is going to cook a meal on Mr. Boynton's new stove to prove to him that she is the "domestic type" and enlists Mrs. Davis's help (since she can't cook). Little does she know that the stove isn't properly installed and soon the kitchen full of gas, and Mr. Conklin arrives with a stuffed-up nose and a box of matches to find his toolbox in the dark kitchen. You can guess what happens next!

Cast of Season 3

  • Eve ArdenConnie Brooks
  • Gloria McMillanHarriet Conklin
  • Jane MorganMrs. Margaret Davis
  • Robert RockwellPhilip Boynton
  • Gale GordonOsgood Conklin
  • Richard CrennaWalter Denton



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