Our Miss Brooks
Season 3
Miss Brooks teaches English at Madison High, rents a room from Mrs. Davis, gets rides to school with student Walter, fights with Principal Conklin, and tries to snag shy biology teacher Boynton. In the last year she switches to Mrs. Nestor's private school.
Where to Watch Season 3
30 Episodes
- BuddyE12
BuddyMiss Brooks gets a letter of unknown origin in which someone named "Buddy" is going to be killed. Both Mr. Boynton and Mr. Conklin think that they are the "Buddy" referred to in the letter. Miss Brooks discovers that "Buddy" is actually a bull that a friend was going to fight and kill. She uses both Mr. Conklin and Mr. Boynton's fear of the supposed murderer to her advantage though with hilarious results. - Le Chien Chaud Et Le Mouton NoirE22
Le Chien Chaud Et Le Mouton NoirMiss Brooks gets a part time job at what she believes it an elegant restaurant. But Mr. Conklin has bought a greasy spoon and is her employer again. The place has no business however until the superintendent arrives to Osgood's dismay. - Mister Fargo's WhiskersE24
Mister Fargo's WhiskersMiss Brooks changes her hair style per Harriet's suggestion to reignite her relationship with Philip. Mr. Conklin, concerned about an official visit by Fosdick, tries to get her to take time off so she's not around. Instead, she greets Fosdick with strange behavior. - Here Is Your PastE27
Here Is Your PastMiss Brooks and Mrs Davis are both being stalked by a man they have never seen before. In the mean while Mr. Conklin is having a severe attack of allergies. Finally Connie finds out that the man that is stalking her is part of the "Here is your Past" TV program. They bring on her friends and fellow teachers including Mr. Conklin. The prize for Connie appearing on the show is a puppy and of course Mr. Conklin is extremely allergic to dog hair! - The Big JumpE29
The Big JumpMr. Conklin gets his name in the paper by scheduling a safety jump from the school roof. However, when the day arrives for him to jump he gets cold feet, fakes an injury and then tries to get someone else at Madison to do the jump in his place. Suddenly all of the male teachers are injured in some way and it is up to Miss Brooks to jump or else! - Home Cooked MealE30
Home Cooked MealConnie is going to cook a meal on Mr. Boynton's new stove to prove to him that she is the "domestic type" and enlists Mrs. Davis's help (since she can't cook). Little does she know that the stove isn't properly installed and soon the kitchen full of gas, and Mr. Conklin arrives with a stuffed-up nose and a box of matches to find his toolbox in the dark kitchen. You can guess what happens next!