Season 5
An intrepid band of explorers roam the oceans in search of adventure and fun. Led by a valiant polar bear and a daredevil kitten, these eight talented critters are always ready to embark on an exciting new mission.
Where to Watch Season 5
27 Episodes
- Bluefin TunaE1
Bluefin TunaAfter an encounter with a school of migrating tuna, the Octonauts discover that one of the speedy fish, Tina, has been left behind. And she’s injured! Poor Tina has a hook stuck in her mouth and is too weak to swim. After Peso tends to her wound, the Octonauts agree to help get her to the tuna spawning grounds. But they’ll have to be quick: egg-laying season doesn’t last long. Luckily, Tweak’s latest gup, the Gup-R, is the fastest she’s ever built! The Octonauts use it to tow Tina, but when the Gup-R’s battery dies, how will they catch up to the rest of her school? - Blue Whale RescueE2
Blue Whale RescueWhen Kwazii discovers a blue whale with an injured tail, the Octonauts attempt to use a giant net and Octofloats to keep it from sinking. Meanwhile, Peso and Tweak collaborate on a special brace for its tail, and Kwazii, Dashi and Shellington try to find it enough food. But when the supporting net breaks, the Octonauts have to launch an emergency free-fall rescue! - Whales of MysteryE3
Whales of MysteryShellington is excited to find the distinctive tooth of a very rare creature, the spade-toothed beaked whale. Now, the Octonauts must find the tooth’s owner, so Shellington can study it, and so that Peso can help replace its tooth. But it won’t be easy: spade-toothed beaked whales like to be left alone and can dive very deep. - Ghost ShipE4
Ghost ShipThe Octonauts follow a trail of deep-sea debris to its source: a derelict ship floating unmanned on the surface. But the ship seems to be haunted by ghostly voices, which a quick dip below the water line reveals to be hundreds of barnacles stuck to the ship. As the ship drifts into waters too cold for the barnacles, the Octonauts must find a way to tow it to warmer waters before it sinks or falls apart. - Chinese Giant SalamanderE27
Chinese Giant SalamanderThe Octonauts head to the Yangtze River to help Min the Mapmaker, an old friend of Inkling's, who's been trapped by a mysterious creature. Turns out, It was just a Chinese giant salamander protecting her precious eggs, which have fallen ill due to rising water temperatures.