During a children's party, the magical Gonzalez dies after an unsuccessful trick. Drowning, poisoning, accident, murder: all research lines will be followed by the police and everyone is a suspect.
Where to Watch The Great Gonzalez
1 Season
Season 1
Season 110 Episodes
Cast of The Great Gonzalez
Camillo BorgesCamillo
Antonio TabetLucimar
Clarice FalcãoRebeca
Fábio PorchatRômulo
Flávio PardalAntônio
Gabriel TotoroJurandir
Gregório DuvivierGerardi
João Vicente de CastroWagner
Luís LobiancoGonzalez
Rafael InfanteJoão
Thati LopesVanessa
Felipe AbsalãoJardineiro
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