Nehemiah was cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes I and was later known as the rebuilder of the walls of Jerusalem. At that time, the walls and gates of a city symbolized its strength and dignity.
Where to Watch Nehemiah
1 Season
Season 1
Season 17 Episodes
Cast of Nehemiah
Mário BregieiraNeemias
Wolney OliveiraZabai
Guilherme BouryHataque
Ricardo Lyra Jr.Secanias
Rafael CoimbraPerez
Roberta TeixeiraAmiyah
Bianca PalheirasArevute
Nathalia NiemanTirzah
Tatsu CarvalhoSambalate
Homero LigereTobias
Enzo CioliniArtaxerxes
Esther de OliveiraDamaspia/Ariana
Hall MendesEsdras
Fernanda JunqueiraHannah
Bruna PinheiroMalka
Mario HermetoEliasibe
Fifo BenicasaSemaias
Jefferson da FonsecaSalum
Frederico VolkmannJoanã
Bernardo MesquitaHanani
Nara MarquesNoadia
Flávio PardalAnanias
Miguel VenerabileShacar
Karina AmorinSheifá
Camila LorenzoElza
Wagner BrandiMeetabel
Leopoldo RodriguezJoiada
Nathalia FlorentinoEster/Hadassa
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