Music & the Spoken Word
November 20, 2011 - Thanksgiving Special
S83 • E4288 Nov 19, 2011 25mMusic and the Spoken Word Thanksgiving Special "Gift of Gratitude" with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square.
1. Now Thank We All Our God
2. All Things Bright and Beautiful
3. Prelude on "Simple Gifts"
4. Bless This House
5. Spoken Word - "Thanks and Giving"
6. Prayer of Thanksgiving
7. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Episode 4288. November 20, 2011
1. Now Thank We All Our God
2. All Things Bright and Beautiful
3. Prelude on "Simple Gifts"
4. Bless This House
5. Spoken Word - "Thanks and Giving"
6. Prayer of Thanksgiving
7. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Episode 4288. November 20, 2011