Season 2
The son of Death and Springtime is sent to collect the acerbic and reclusive Miss Farnaby. He joins the staff in her manor house, becomes her personal servant, and endeavors to help her enjoy life during her three month extension.
Where to Watch Season 2
7 Episodes
- SpringtimeE1
SpringtimeMiss Farnaby decides to enter a local floral competition and gives Bert the task of bringing one of her favorites flowers, one of her prized hyacinths, into bloom in time for the competition. In the meantime, Mulberry's father appears again and tells Mulberry that his time is up and he must ""take"" Miss Farnaby or else. Mulberry pleads for just another 24 hours. In the meantime, while checking on Miss Farnaby's hyacinth, Mulberry meets his mother, Springtime, urging the lowly flower into bloom in time for the competition. Mulberry asks her to intercede with his father and give him more time with Miss Farnaby. His mother agrees and promises him he will have more time with lady of the manor. When the flower blooms in all it's glory for the competition, no one is more suprised than Bert. - The AccidentE2
The AccidentMiss Farnaby summons her solicitor Mr Horsham so that she can make provision in her will for Mulberry,something that does not please Bert and Alice though Mulberry assures them that he wants nothing. out flying a kite with his employer Mulberry falls off a cliff and is pronounced dead, Miss Farnaby explaining to Alice and Bert that he was fond of them and that they would not get any less money in the will because of him. However,being the son of Death Mulberry cannot die and wakes up nude on a mortuary slab,which shocks quite a few people. Miss Farnaby is very relieved to have him home. - The MatchmakerE3
The MatchmakerMiss Farnaby's niece Jocelyn,the only one of her relatives that she likes,comes to stay and Miss Farnaby is anxious that she should go on a date with Mulberry. Unfortunately,given who he is,he is not in the business of long term relationships but cannot tell her. He does however do Bert an unselfish turn on his wedding anniversary whilst Bert himself admits to a childhood crush on Miss Farnaby,which quite flatters her. - The Art ClassE4
The Art ClassMulberry, in one of his attempts at getting Miss Farnaby out of the manor and enjoying life, gets her to join the local village's art class. At which she promptly volunteers him to be a model which could lead Mulberry to much more exposure than he had anticipated. Seeing some of her work, he unknowingly submits it for an art contest. Upon hearing of this, she is quite upset with her personal companion and the sparks fly. Meanwhile, Alice is not too pleased with Bert's new part-time job. - A Mysterious GuestE5
A Mysterious GuestMiss Farnaby catches Mulberry by complete surprise when she insists on driving herself to the library. She also tells Mulberry that she has met a gentleman and is going to have dinner with him at the manor, but refuses to tell him who it is. No matter how hard he tries, she will not reveal the man's name. Later, while Bert is supposed to be serving, Mulberry enters the room and finds his father is the man dining with Miss Farnaby. Knowing that once he enters a house, a death must occur, Mulberry is sure that his time with Miss Farnaby will soon be over. - A Musical EveningE6
A Musical EveningMulberry and Miss Farnaby grow increasingly suspicious of Alice's actions of late. They both agree that something is amiss and decide to follow her one day only to make a rather unusual and distressing discovery. Meanwhile, Miss Farnaby's planned musical evening at the manor seems destined to failure until the last minute discovery of a hidden talent in Bert. - An Unexpected VisitE7
An Unexpected VisitMiss Farnaby is in dread. Her two sisters, Adele and Elizabeth, who have bested her her whole life, are coming for a visit. No matter how much Mulberry tries to calm Miss Farnaby, she knows that something terrible is coming to visit. Her fears are born out when after the required pleasantries and forced small talk, she forces them to tell her why they have really come. They want her to sell the manor.