Exploring special effects in filmmaking, from practical make-up to CGI. Each episode focuses on a specific technique, effect or artist, with interviews and behind-the-scenes insights into recent movies.
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18 Episodes
Creature Makeup: Masks and Mirrors
Creature Makeup: Masks and MirrorsProsthetic molds, masks, and makeup with an emphasis on the 1994 fantasy/comedy, Cabin Boy.
Optical Effects: Optical Illusions
Optical Effects: Optical IllusionsHow optical shots are composited with an emphasis on the 1983 George Lucas film, Return of the Jedi.
Creature Articulation: The Art of Imitation
Creature Articulation: The Art of ImitationCreature models and miniatures with an emphasis on the 1993 Roger Corman film, Carnosaur.
Miniature Pyrotechnics: Baby Blasts
Miniature Pyrotechnics: Baby BlastsPyrotechnics with an emphasis on the 1993 Sylvester Stallone film, Cliffhanger.
Forced Perspective: Eye of the Beholder
Forced Perspective: Eye of the BeholderForced perspective trickery with an emphasis on the 1993 Christopher Guest remake of Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman.
Ride Films: Riding the Movies
Ride Films: Riding the MoviesTheme park attractions that are film driven, with an emphasis on motion simulator attraction, Star Quest Adventure.
Action Miniatures: Fast and Furious
Action Miniatures: Fast and FuriousSpecial effects shots using miniatures with an emphasis on the 1993 Fantasy/Romance, Heart and Souls.
Matte Paintings: The Panoramic Art
Matte Paintings: The Panoramic ArtHow matte paintings are incorporated into special effects shots with an emphasis on the 1993 sequel, Addams Family Values.
Computer Animation: Electric Dreams
Computer Animation: Electric DreamsComputer graphic imagery in film, with an emphasis on a talking cat from the 1993 Walt Disney Pictures film, Hocus Pocus.
Cinematic Flight: Up, Up and Away
Cinematic Flight: Up, Up and AwayThe history of flight in film, with an emphasis on the 1993 Walt Disney Pictures film, Hocus Pocus.
Models and Miniatures: A Model of Perfection
Models and Miniatures: A Model of PerfectionHow miniature models are used in effects scenes with an emphasis on the television series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Stop Motion Animation: One Step at a Time
Stop Motion Animation: One Step at a TimeHow stop-motion animation works with an emphasis on the work of Willis O'Brien, Ray Harryhausen, and Phil Tippett.
Atmospheric Effects: Eye of the Storm
Atmospheric Effects: Eye of the StormHow weather is created for film with an emphasis on the 1993 Clint Eastwood film, In the Line of Fire, and the 1994 Coen Brothers film, The Hudsucker Proxy.
Digital Enhancement: Painting by Numbers
Digital Enhancement: Painting by NumbersComputer generated effects in film with an emphasis on the 1993 fantasy/comedy Heart and Souls and a Kodak commercial.
Sound Effects: Audio Awareness
Sound Effects: Audio Awareness
Pyrotechnics: Bombs and Other Blasts
Pyrotechnics: Bombs and Other BlastsHow explosions are created for film with an emphasis on the 1993 adaptation of Stephen King's Needful Things.
Weapons: Hits and Misses
Weapons: Hits and MissesHow weapons and ammunition are created for film, with an emphasis on the 1993 Sylvester Stalone action film, Demolition Man.
Physical Effects: Causes and Effects
Physical Effects: Causes and EffectsHow physical gags and effects are executed in film, with an emphasis on the 1993 comedy, Hot Shots! Part Deux.
Cast of Season 1
Neil RossNarrator
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