Most Likely To

Season 1

MOST LIKELY TO tells the story of celebrated students whose lives don't turn out the way anyone expected.
6 Episodes
  • Til Death Did We Part
    Episode 1Til Death Did We Part
  • Children of the Corn(stalks)
    Episode 2Children of the Corn(stalks)Jerry and Tom are suspected individually of murdering their brother, Les, who runs the family business, and his family.
  • Sempre Die
    Episode 3Sempre Die
  • Brotherly Love
    Episode 4Brotherly LoveButch Pratt was a star athlete in school and the first of his family to go to college. He joined a fraternity and befriended Ed Swiger. The two decided to steal from their fraternity and when Butch turns himself in, Ed decides to silence him for good.
  • Poisoned Passions
    Episode 5Poisoned PassionsEric Miller sacrificed med school for his wife Ann. The two worked as medical researchers and had a beautiful baby girl. When Eric is poisoned and dies as a result of it, it is very suspicious. Turns out the closest supply for the arsenic was Ann's lab.
  • The Hypocritical Oath
    Episode 6The Hypocritical OathRobert and Marilyn Reza had a successful lung practice, two young daughters, and appeared to be the perfect couple. When Marilyn is found dead it comes to light that Bob was having an affair with the church organist. But who would want to kill Marilyn?

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