Mission: Impossible

Season 1

An elite covert operations unit carries out highly sensitive missions subject to official denial in the event of failure, death or capture.

28 Episodes

  • Pilot
    PilotIMF team leader Dan Briggs assembles his team for the first time. The mission: to recover two nuclear warheads belonging to General Rio Dominguez from a hotel vault in Santa Costa. Jim and Willy sneak safecracker Terry Targo into the vault, who figures out how to get out. The team then captures Dominguez but Targo's fingers are broken in the attempt. With no other alternative, Briggs has himself and Dominguez put into the vault, and Briggs threatens to enter a random combination if Alicio doesn't tell him the code. Dominguez breaks. With the bombs defused, Willy takes the warheads out of the vault. Briggs remains behind and uses the information Targo gathered earlier to get out during a fireworks distraction set off by Barney. Briggs and the rest of the team make a desperate race for safety and get onto a plane heading to safety seconds before the military can catch up to them.
  • Memory
    MemoryIMF is tasked with defamation of Janos Karq, a dangerous politician from the Eastern Block who intends to start a war with the West. Joseph Baresh will be placed in the military prison Lubjanka, where his testimonies shall implicate Karq.
  • Operation Rogosh
    Operation RogoshRogosh is an operative for a country hostile to the United States. When he strikes, he typically leaves dozens, if not hundreds, of bodies in his wake. Rogosh has been spotted in Los Angeles. But he will not crack under normal interrogation methods. Briggs comes up with an unusual plan. The IMF stages an accident where pedestrian Rogosh is struck by a car. When he awakes, he appears to be in a prison in his home country -- three years later.
  • Old Man Out (1)
    Old Man Out (1)An elderly cardinal has been taken prisoner in a fictional Eastern European country because the clergyman is the leader of the political opposition. The IMF force is tasked with freeing him from the "inescapable" prison.
  • Old Man Out (2)
    Old Man Out (2)Rollin manages to avoid the guards and escape, but Vossek is moved to a new cell in solitary confinement. Briggs comes up with a new plan and manages to relay it to the imprisoned Rollin. They manage to do so, and manage to rescue Vossek from the prison. With Barney providing distraction as a clown, the team manages to get Vossek over the border before Vossek's captors can catch up to them.
  • Odds on Evil
    Odds on EvilA prince, the absolute ruler of a principality, has $1.5 million which he plans to use for arms to wage war on a neighboring, oil-rich country. Briggs devises a scheme that involves breaking the bank of the prince's casino. First, the IMF will utilize a computer to take $200,000 at roulette. That will provide the stake the IMF needs to take the prince at a high-stakes game of baccarat.
  • Wheels
    WheelsThe IM force is assigned to prevent an attempt to steal an election in an Latin American country. Brigg's plan is complicated when Barney, whose technical knowledge is vital, is wounded. Now, besides having to execute the plan, the IMF must also get Barney medical help.
  • The Ransom
    The RansomIn a rare episode of the series in which the IM Force isn't sent on a government-sanctioned mission, they're forced by a criminal named Egan, who's kidnapped the daughter of a friend of Briggs, to capture a heavily guarded witness in a trial against him. They know Egan plans to kill the witness, but Briggs is put in a tight spot, and is determined that Egan won't get a chance to kill the witness.
  • A Spool There Was
    A Spool There WasRollin and Cinnamon go it alone to recover a reel of recording wire containing information on a chemical warfare project aimed at the U.S. The courier carrying it was killed by the enemy, and the wire is missing. The two fake a lovers' reunion and then Rollin slips out during a pre-recorded conversation. To duplicate the circumstances of the courier's demise as closely as possible, Rollin lets himself be discovered and then chased along the same route. He finds the wire, hidden in plain sight as part of a fence. He and Cinnamon plan to recover and smuggle out the wire the same way, but it is taken by a young boy looking for fishing wire. Rollin manages to recover it, and they send the wire out disguised as the wire on a balloon.
  • The Carriers
    The CarriersThe foreign inhabitants of a replica American small town are being used as unknowing carriers of a deadly plague in a sinister plot to infect most of America. The IMF must stop this from happening and expose the parties responsible.
  • Zubrovnik's Ghost
    Zubrovnik's GhostThe wife of a deceased scientist, Kurt Zubrovnik, is being pressured by Eastern forces to work for them. They are using a phony psychic to convince the wife her dead husband wants to defect! Accompanied by IMF ""psychic consultant"" Ariana Domi, Rollin and Barney try to disrupt the fraud and convince her to return to working for the U.S. The psychic, Poljac, is torturing the husband for information to use to convince his wife Poljac's powers are real. Ariana senses a real ghost present. In the end, Rollin sets up a final seance and Barney prepares to use a technological projection of Zubrovnik to decry Poljac. However, a blackout causes his equipment to fail, and Ariana's alleged powers, plus some ghostly phenomena, allow them to complete their mission.
  • Fakeout
    FakeoutAnastas Poltroni is the head of an international narcotics syndicate, and has taken refuge in a country with no extradition treaty. The IM Force is assigned to lure him out without kidnapping him (to avoid the publicity). Cinnamon woos Carson until Briggs, pretending to be her husband, interrupts. Carson refuses to bribe Briggs, while Barney plants some of Carson's heroin in his own hotel room and tip off the police. The IMF ambush Carson and steal the heroin, and Carson later escapes. He grabs Cinnamon and follows Briggs to a deserted lodge to retrieve his own heroin. The police are hot on his trail, and he flees with Cinnamon still in his grasp. Thanks to confusing road signs altered by Barney, Carson ends up over the border where he is arrested and the heroin is taken into custody.
  • Elena
    ElenaRollin's sent to investigate the case of a beautiful Latin American spy who's suddenly started acting suspiciously. the IM force must find out if she's still on the right side - or if she's losing her sanity?
  • The Short Tail Spy
    The Short Tail SpyA defector has been targeted by two rival groups from the same foreign country. The team is to discredit the younger group, so that the U.S. can more easily handle the old-line group. The IMF sets it up so that the younger group's assassin, Fetyukov, must seduce Cinnamon to get to the defector. The two play a dangerous romantic game, while Dan convinces the older group's assassin, Shtemenko, that Fetyukov betrayed him to the Americans. They then get pictures of him trying to assassinate the defector, and try to blackmail him to convince him further that Fetyukov is responsible. Cinnamon ""saves"" Fetyukov and convinces him that she wants to defect. As Fetyukov goes after the defector, it's up to Cinnamon to stop him.
  • The Legacy
    The LegacyFour sons of l former Nazi leaders are to meet in Switzerland to take control of Hitler's missing fortune, and lay plans for a fourth Reich. Briggs sends Rollin in place of one of the 4, and plan to overthrow the Reich before it ever begins.
  • The Reluctant Dragon
    The Reluctant DragonThe IM force seeks to smuggle an valuable scientist, with the help of his wife, out from behind the iron curtain. Soon, they discover he doesn't want to leave, and have to change plans to convince him otherwise.
  • The Frame
    The FrameThe Impossible Missions Force mixes dinner and danger at a crime czar's private party. Jack Wellman has arranged the deaths of four Government officials so he can fill the vacancies with men he controls.
  • The Trial
    The TrialIn an Eastern bloc country, Josef Varsh, is plotting to seize absolute power. The IM force must prevent this. Varsh plans to frame an American tourist, to further his agenda. The IM team insert Briggs to be the American bait, and plan to bring Varsh's plan to an end.
  • The Diamond
    The DiamondHenrik Durvard has taken over the country of Lombounda by military coup, and holds the natives in terror. He has obtained a diamond from the native miners, and the IMF are assigned to take it away from him. In London to auction the diamond, Durvard is approached by the team who offer to top all bids if they get exclusive rights to diamond production in Lombounda. Since Lombounda is not known for its diamond production, Durvard is suspicious. Eventually the team lets him figure out that they have a plan to use his country as a blind to distribute artificial diamonds that they claim they can manufacture. Durvard insists on being part of the scam, and forces the team to ""make"" a diamond from him using a piece off of the original stone. They do so, but when it comes time to fake the real diamond, the machine apparently overloads from the strain. The team slips the diamond out of the machine and leaves, as Durvard and the machine blow up.
  • The Legend
    The LegendAn imprisoned member of the Nazi party, Herbert Raynor, is released from prison and is being flown (along with his daughter) to Puerto Huberra in South America, along with other Nazis. All of them are being flown there by an unknown benefactor. Briggs and Cinnamon take the Raynors' place.They and the others are introduced to Martin Bormann, now a bedridden invalid. Borman's secretary, Rudd, informs them that Bormann will lead the Third Reich to new glories. Dan ducks a murder attempt, breaks into Bormann's room, and finds that he is a mannequin with a voice provided by Rudd. Rudd has recorded tapes duplicating Bormann's voice, and the last tape will turn leadership of the party over to him. To stymie Rudd, Rollin dresses up as Bormann and is suddenly not so bedridden. Of course, Rudd knows Rollin is an imposter but can't reveal it without exposing his own ploy. "Bormann" gives orders that eliminate Rudd once and for all and end the threat posed by the Nazis.
  • Snowball in Hell
    Snowball in HellThe sadistic former chief of a tropical prison has a sample of a substance which could make cheap nuclear weapons possible. He's also memorized its formula and will sell it to the highest bidder. Briggs and the IM force must stop him. They plan for Barney to pose as a former prisoner.
  • The Confession
    The ConfessionAndreas Solowiechek, a member of a Communist trade delegation, is arrested after assassinating a U.S. Senator, Townsend. Townsend's backer, McMillan, is rallying his supporters for the U.S. to break off all trade talks with the Russians. It is believed Solowiechek wasn't working on the orders of his government, so the IMF team have to break him. Rollin becomes the assassin's cellmate, and arranges to be handcuffed to him. Rollin then fakes an escape, and threatens to kill Solowiechek. The assassin promises that his backer can Rollin money. Meanwhile, Dan has pretended to be an artist and got into McMillan's house, leaving a camera behind hidden in his art box. Rollin and Solowiechek confront McMillan, and the latter admits that he arranged for Townsend to be killed so as to become a martyr to his cause, unaware that his words are being transmitted on national TV.
  • Action!
    Action!Miklos Klaar, an Iron Curtain filmmaker, has film of American soldiers and plans to edit it into an atrocity movie to discredit the U.S. He has recreated the jungle as a set from the one print of the film he has. Disguised as a Ministry of Propaganda officer, Rollin destroys the print and Barney floods the negative vault, forcing Klaar to reshoot the American footage as well. Cameraman and IMFer David Day is snuck in and films Klaar recreating the American footage. On the day the press is assembled, David and Willy manage to bypass Klaar's guards and air the footage of Klaar rehearsing his cast and crew and congratulating themselves on the phony massacre.
  • The Train
    The TrainThe protégé of the dying prime minister of a fictional European nation is readying himself to assume power. Upon taking over, he plans to restrict freedoms as an absolute dictator. The IMF must step in to prevent this from happening.
  • Shock
    ShockEnemy operative Kiri has kidnapped U.S. envoy Carl Wilson and has an imposter, Gort, who is impersonating him to discredit a U.S. trade agreement. The team have to rescue Wilson and foil the impersonation before Kiri kills Wilson. Cinnamon impersonates Wilson's niece while Willy kidnaps Gort and Briggs-as-Wilson takes Gort's place, pretending to be Gort. The team put Gort in an asylum and give him electro-shock to scramble his memories, then claim he is is a delusional accountant. Under the threat of more electro-shock, Gort tells them the full details of his delusion: that he's to kill an American official and leave Wilson to take the blame. Barney and Willy replace the unconscious Wilson at the reception with a drugged Gort set to look like a suicide, then Briggs-as-Gort-as-Wilson takes a shot at the official. Briggs returns and reveals that "Wilson" is actually Gort, who was in Keri's employ.
  • A Cube of Sugar
    A Cube of SugarAn American agent in possession of advanced computer chip. has been captured behind the Iron Curtain. He's hidden the chip in a sugar cube; one of 7 soaked in LSD. The IMF must get the agent out, as well as the chip - which are both in a facility under strict observation.
  • The Traitor
    The TraitorA U.S. intelligence operative has defected to an Eastern Bloc country and is currently housed at that nation's embassy in Washington. Briggs devises a plan in which a contortionist is needed to navigate through the ventilation system of the embassy and break into a top-security portion of the facility. What's more, Rollin will pose as an official of the nation while Barney, Willy and Cinnamon also play key roles.
  • The Psychic
    The PsychicAn investment promoter, Alex Lowell, gained control of manufacturer of NATO top-secret defense hardware and absconded to South America to sell them to an enemy powers. The IMF needs to recover the stock documents worth $80 mil. Cinnamon gets close to Lowell as a psychic who manages to prove herself accurate with her predictions thanks to IMF assistance. She then "predicts" that Rollin (as a gangster) will play against him, try to cheat, and lose. Lowell finds the fake cards that the IMF has planted. He goes through with the game, intending on cheating Rollin. He succeeds, but as Rollin is tossed out he secretly switches the stock documents with phonies thanks to a automated feeder arm, leaving Lowell with nothing but an unendorsed check for $80 milliion.

Cast of Season 1

  • Greg MorrisBarney Collier
  • Steven HillDaniel Briggs
  • Barbara BainCinnamon Carter
  • Peter LupusWilly Armitage
  • Bob JohnsonMan on Tape (voice)

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