Where to Watch Season 6
13 Episodes
- Joyce's Will Be DoneE5
Joyce's Will Be DoneJoyce decides to prepare her will after her yoga teacher dies. Joyce gives Molly her ring and she gives Victoria her house. Molly becomes furious at Victoria for getting the house and she tries to hurt Vince when he mentions the ring. Molly thinks that she is the screw up until Joyce reveals that she gave Victoria the house so she can have a roof over her head and she and Mike can move out to have a family together. - I See LoveE13
I See LoveMike and Molly gather together with their loved ones when they plan on adopting a baby. The Flynn and Biggs families begin discussing their future. Mike and Molly introduce their adopted child to their family and friends. Victoria and Carl become godparents to the child (the two of them have gotten back together for two weeks).