Midnite Mausoleum


"Midnite Mausoleum" is a hosted horror movie show with host Aude Metzger as "Marlena Midnite" and Robyn Graves presenting and screening horror and science fiction movies on WQAD MyTV channel 8-3, in Moline, Illinois, USA. Other co-hosts and assistants include "Cat", "Elizadeath", "Wolfred" and "Doctor Thaddeus Bones".
Where to Watch Specials
1 Episode
  • Fearless Manor: White Zombie (1932)
    Fearless Manor: White Zombie (1932)Dr. Fearless (David Dastmalchian) hosts White Zombie. Features a special appearance by Marlena Midnite and broadcast as part of the Midnite Madness/Fearless Manor Drive-In Massacre/White Zombie double feature. Film description: A young man turns to a witch doctor to lure the woman he loves away from her fiancé, but instead turns her into a zombie slave.

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