
Season 1

The rules of parenting have changed. Every mother has her own strategy and some have their own game, with only one aim - to be the best of the best. Step into this #Mentalhood.

Where to Watch Season 1

10 Episodes

  • Nutrition
    NutritionThe race to be a great, and not just a good mom is on amongst Meira, AJO, Priety, Diksha, and Namrata. They each have their set of successes and failures in their motherhood journey. Will they be able to strike a balance?
  • Bully
    BullyMoms are competing against each other at the school fete. Meira confronts Priety about her kids bullying Nikhil. Worried about her kids, Priety explains her plight to Meira. Meira finds a supporter in Aakash.
  • Gender Bender
    Gender BenderOver generations, parents have followed conventional methods when it comes to raising girls and boys. But the modern-day parents are adopting a new approach. How does Meira cope with her pre-teen daughter's behaviour? Will Diksha lose custody of her child due to a different style of parenting.
  • The Tiger Mom
    The Tiger MomA child's shoulders are not built to bear the weight of their parents' choices. But it's also the parents who must channelize them in the right direction. How do Meira, AJO, Preity, and Namrata find the right balance between this push and pull?
  • Health Is Wealth
    Health Is WealthDiksha's belief in alternative medicine stretches way too far. Meira and AJO's children suffer from chickenpox. Preity's son is diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. For mothers, there is no bigger hell than a child who is ill.
  • The Art of Saying "No"
    The Art of Saying "No"When kids make demands, should parents give in or say no? It’s a tough choice for parents.
  • Trust Is Overated
    Trust Is OveratedWhile Meira is excited about Amayra being invited to Aryan Khanna's farmhouse, AJO is controlling Mahisha's every move. Namrata contemplates telling Shaista the truth. Sometimes parents have to be the villain to safeguard their children.
  • Trust II / Imtehaan
    Trust II / ImtehaanIt takes trust to build the perfect partnership. Meira feels like she is failing not just at motherhood but also at being a wife. Preity stands up to her husband's disrespectful behaviour. Aakash learns that his daughter Tara has been molested.
  • Good Touch Bad Touch
    Good Touch Bad TouchAll parents are taking steps to ensure their children are safe. Aakash is infuriated and demands action against the perpetrator.
  • Perfection Is A Myth
    Perfection Is A MythMeira confronts Anmol; Anuja’s marriage falls apart. Tara identifies the culprit.

Cast of Season 1

  • Sandhya MridulAnuja
  • Shilpa ShuklaNamrata Dalmia
  • Tillotama ShomePreity Khosla
  • Karisma KapoorMeira Sharma
  • Sanjay SuriAnmol Sharma
  • Dino MoreaAakash Khurana
  • Shruti SethDiksha Shah
  • Nikita KatakwarDoctor



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