Melkein Mensa

Season 4

In the almost MENSA entertainment competition, ignorance adds to the pain. This different entertainment program is full of laughter and tough situations. The program will be hosted by media personality Juha Perälä, and the actor Eero Ritala will be the helm of the second team. In each section, two themes with no common denominator are considered. In this program, stupidity is only punished and accounted for after completing bizarre tasks. Almost all of Mensa’s challenges are being taken up by the most interesting guests of the moment. There are three new guests involved each week: two of them form one competition team, and the third guest competes as a pair of Eero Ritala.
Where to Watch Season 4
10 Episodes
  • 1900-luku ja juurekset
    Episode 11900-luku ja juurekset
  • Liha ja numerot
    Episode 2Liha ja numerot
  • Suomi ja estetiikka
    Episode 3Suomi ja estetiikka
  • 60-luku ja kulta
    Episode 460-luku ja kulta
  • Urheilu ja Itä-Eurooppa
    Episode 5Urheilu ja Itä-Eurooppa
  • T-kirjain ja neste
    Episode 6T-kirjain ja neste
  • Pohjanmaa ja yleissivistys
    Episode 7Pohjanmaa ja yleissivistys
  • Eurooppa ja musta
    Episode 8Eurooppa ja musta
  • Klassikot ja matelijat
    Episode 9Klassikot ja matelijat
  • Tiede ja 90-luku
    Episode 10Tiede ja 90-luku

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