Manatsu no Shonen: 19452020

In "Manatsu no Shonen: 19452020," high school pals Ryuji, Satoru, and Atsushi's summer takes a twist when they encounter Sanpei, a time-traveling soldier from WWII. As they bond, they explore friendship, courage, and the impact of war on youth.
Where to Watch Manatsu no Shonen: 19452020
1 Season
  • Season 1
    Season 11 Episode
Cast of Manatsu no Shonen: 19452020
  • Iwasaki Taisho
  • Ryuga Sato
  • Nasu Yuto
  • Ukisho Hidaka
  • Fujii Naoki
  • Kanasashi Issei
  • Yui Imaizumi
  • Satoshi Jinbo
  • Jin Katagiri
  • Mijika Nagai
  • Miki Mizuno
  • Kyoko Hasegawa
  • Ayumu Mochizuki
  • Hanamaru Hakata

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