Live With Lil

#109 "Repairs" [w/ Billy Gierhart, Gregory Melton, & Laura Seay]

2020 E10    Oct 26, 2020    80m
"Fitz! This is no time for childish nonsense like this!" Tri-Guest Episode! The brilliant Billy Gierhart [Director], amaaaazing Gregory Melton [Production Designer], and breath taking actress Laura Seay [Hannah] share their unique paths into the industry, some sneaky BTS media, and discuss the benefits of quality sets with me and Zachary Burr Abel [Live Chat King] as we watch SPOOKY episode 109 of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Follow everyone on insta @DisneyCamera, @TheLauraSeay, @Lil_Henstridge and @ZacharyBurrAbel!"
Where to Watch #109 "Repairs" [w/ Billy Gierhart, Gregory Melton, & Laura Seay]

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