Leave It to Beaver

Season 3

The third season of the American television situation comedy Leave It to Beaver premiered on October 3, 1959 and concluded on June 25, 1960. It consisted of 39 episodes shot in black-and-white, each running approximately 25 minutes in length.

39 Episodes

  • Blind Date Committee
    Blind Date CommitteeWally becomes the chairman of the blind date committee for an upcoming dance. However, Wally quickly wants to resign from the position when he can't find anyone to go with the new girl, Jill Bartlett.
  • Beaver Takes a Bath
    Beaver Takes a BathWard and June allow Wally to babysit Beaver one evening, while they attend a party. However, things go awry when Beaver gets ready to take a bath he accidentally lets the bathtub overflow causing the water to leak onto the bathroom floor and into the downstairs ceiling.
  • School Bus
    School BusA new school year has the bus service being extended to those students living in town. However, after not even a week, Beaver gets suspended from riding the bus after getting into a fight.
  • Beaver's Prize
    Beaver's PrizeAfter leaving the cap off the ink, Beaver is grounded to the house for a whole day after the ink ruined some of Ward's papers. However, Larry and Beaver sneak out to the movies and when Beaver wins a bike, he must find a way to keep it a secret from his parents.
  • Baby Picture
    Baby PictureBeaver's class holds a ""Most Beautiful Baby"" contest and each student is supposed to bring in a baby picture. To make the deadline, June picks out a cute picture of Beaver at the last minute and sends it to Miss Landers, not realizing that the cute picture may cause Beaver embarrassment.
  • Beaver Takes a Walk
    Beaver Takes a WalkWard saves an old pedometer from being thrown out and gives it to Beaver, but not before telling him a story about when he was a kid he would walk 20 miles a day. Taking the story literally, Beaver makes a bet with Whitey that he too can walk 20 miles in a day.
  • Borrowed Boat
    Borrowed BoatLarry and Beaver spend the day at lake which is where they encounter two kids who let them borrow their boat. However, little do Larry and Beaver know that the boat is stolen.
  • Beaver's Tree
    Beaver's TreeInspired after teacher Miss Landers reads a poem to his class about trees, Beaver worries about the tree that Ward planted for him on his birthday in the old neighborhood and decides to bring it to the Cleaver's new yard.
  • Teacher Comes to Dinner
    Teacher Comes to DinnerBeaver gets a surprise when June invites Miss Landers over for dinner and Larry convinces him that something bad might happen. This leads Beaver to becomes a nervous wreck and tries to make sure his parents don't do anything to embarrass him. Meanwhile, Larry charges a quarter to anyone who wants to spy on Miss Landers eating dinner at the Cleavers.
  • Beaver's Fortune
    Beaver's FortuneBeaver has his fortune read by a machine and becomes convinced nothing but good luck is headed his way. However, he doesn't feel that way when Larry sets it up so that Beaver will have to fight a 5th grader, Sonny Cartwright.
  • Beaver Makes a Loan
    Beaver Makes a LoanWard loans Beaver 25 cents but gives him a dollar, expecting 75 cents as change. However, Larry manages to convince Beaver to loan him the 75 cents and when Larry doesn't pay him back, when he said he was going to, a feud erupts.
  • Beaver the Magician
    Beaver the MagicianBeaver buys a common magic trick but is disappointed by everyone's ""that's nice"" reaction, but he gets a totally different reaction out of Bengie when Larry and Beaver convince him that Beaver has been turned into a rock.
  • June's Birthday
    June's BirthdayJune's birthday has Wally and Beaver fighting over what to buy with the five dollars that Ward gave them. Wally buys her a wallet while Beaver buys an ugly blouse that June kindly thanks him for, but she has a hard time bringing herself to wear it.
  • Tire Trouble
    Tire TroubleBeaver wants to raise chinchillas and begins building a cage in the garage. However, when Beaver changes his mind, Ward tries his best to get Wally and Beaver the clean the mess up in the garage. Things get worse, when Ward unknowingly runs over some of the wood and nails that Beaver left laying around with the car, causing the boys to try to patch a flat tire before Ward finds out.
  • Larry Hides Out
    Larry Hides OutWhile Beaver is staying at the Mondellos, Larry sneaks a peak at his sister's diary and his mother discovers him and yells at him right in front of Beaver. This prompts Larry to run away, to Beaver's house, who secretly hides him in his bathroom.
  • Pet Fair
    Pet FairTo impress his teacher and friends, Beaver fabricates owning a pet parrot to bring to the school pet fair but finds out that he can't afford to buy one when he goes to the pet store to make good on his claim.
  • Wally's Test
    Wally's TestAn upcoming test in history, Wally's weakest subject, has Wally studying all weekend and has Larry and Eddie coming up with a plan that will give them good grades on the test.
  • Beaver's Library Book
    Beaver's Library BookWard allows Beaver to check out a book on his library card but when Beaver loses the book he becomes convinced that Ward will be put in jail, thanks to Eddie Haskell's wiseguy comments.
  • Wally's Election
    Wally's ElectionEddie nominates Wally for class president and Wally has no interest in the position, that is until Ward gives him some encouragement. Wally quickly gets wrapped up in the election and his friends see a change in him, a change that prompts them to vote against him.
  • Beaver and Andy
    Beaver and AndyAn old acquaintance of Ward's stops by and offers to paint the trim on the house. However, June and Ward are both apprehensive about the prospect of an alcoholic coming in contact with Wally and Beaver, despite the fact that he says he's cleaned himself up.
  • Beaver's Dance
    Beaver's DanceBoth Beaver and Larry are forced into attending dancing school by their parents and after one lesson, they find that they absolutly detest it, like they knew they would. This prompts them to skip class next time and they hide out behind a barn until it's time to go home.
  • Larry's Club
    Larry's ClubLarry is furious when Beaver leaves him out when he joins a club called the Bloody Five. To get revenge, Larry makes up a story that he is starting his own club and that people are waiting in line to join. This prompts Beaver to resign from the Bloody Five and he tries to join Larry's bogus club.
  • School Sweater
    School SweaterWally lends his school sweater to Frances and quickly finds getting it back is going to be difficult since the girl keeps making up excuses. Things reach a boiling point when Ward and June overhear Frances bragging to her friends how Wally is chasing after her.
  • The Hypnotist
    The HypnotistAfter seeing someone being hypnotized in a movie, Beaver sets out to do the same but Eddie wants to play a trick on Beaver and pretends Beaver has hypnotized him and Beaver gets scared when Eddie doesn't snap out of the trance.
  • Wally and Alma
    Wally and AlmaAfter drawing Alma's name for a school picnic, Wally finds himself meeting her parents and her mother takes an immediate like to Wally and begins setting him and Alma up on numerous dates then turns around and accuses Wally of monopolizing Alma's time.
  • Beaver's Bike
    Beaver's BikeBeaver asks his parents if he could ride his new bike to school instead of ride the bus, and after some hesitating they finally agree to it. However, on the first day, a naive Beaver gets his bike stolen.
  • Wally's Orchid
    Wally's OrchidWally asks out a rich girl who drops hints that she would like an orchid for her corsage. Wally quickly discovers that getting one is going to be more difficult then he originally thought.
  • Ward's Baseball
    Ward's BaseballWard's cherished autographed baseball becomes the object that Larry and Beaver just can't keep their hand off of. They decide to play catch with it and it ends up getting run over by a truck.
  • Beaver's Monkey
    Beaver's MonkeyBeaver wants a pet and when Ward and June object to his latest one, a mouse. They tell him they can have a sensible pet, so when Beaver and Larry see an ad at the market giving away a free monkey, Beaver jumps at the chance and Ward and June find their house the new home for Stanley, the Monkey.
  • Beaver Finds a Wallet
    Beaver Finds a WalletBeaver and Larry find a wallet that contains $89 while on their way to the grocery store to pick up some groceries for June. Surprisingly, Beaver and Larry decide to turn it in at the police station and Beaver finds himself waiting an agonizing week to see if he can keep the money.
  • Mother's Day Composition
    Mother's Day CompositionBeaver must write a composition about his mother but soon finds himself the only one with a seemingly ""boring"" mother while Richard, Larry and Judy have colorful mothers. Beaver decides to make his mother colorful too even if it means making up things.
  • Beaver and Violet
    Beaver and VioletBeaver finds himself in a most uncomfortable situation when Fred Rutherford practically plays matchmaker and pairs Beaver up with his daughter Violet. Fred organizes a picnic and invites the Cleavers which is where the situation culminates into Beaver getting kissed by Violet.
  • The Spot Removers
    The Spot RemoversFor an upcoming dance, Wally is ready to wear a grey suit but when Beaver brings his new friend Richard over to the house, he accidentally spills oil on it, leaving a big stain. This leads Richard and Beaver to try to bleach the stain out with disastrous results. Beaver finds himself with another problem, when later, Eddie discovers what Beaver is hiding from Wally.
  • Beaver, the Model
    Beaver, the ModelBeaver sends his picture in to a modeling agency and they reply with a letter stating they will place his photo in a modeling directory. Soon after Beaver recieves another letter this time asking for $30 and when Beaver ignores it, the company threatens legal action.
  • Wally, the Businessman
    Wally, the BusinessmanWally gets a job selling Igloo ice cream and quickly finds himself giving credit to everyone, including Eddie. However, as the day approaches that his money is to be collected, Wally scrambles to get those who owe him money, to pay up.
  • Beaver and Ivanhoe
    Beaver and IvanhoeAssigned to read one more book before the end of the school year, Ward suggests Ivanhoe, and Beaver reads it and takes the ideas of knighthood and chivalry to heart. He begins defending girls and begins charging his friends to make them knights.
  • Wally's Play
    Wally's PlayWally has joined an all male club at school and learns that they are putting on a play and he's not too happy when he learns that the part he's supposed to play is that of a chorus girl. Later, Beaver and Gilbert make matters worse when they stumble upon Wally's costume, a dress.
  • Last Day of School
    Last Day of SchoolThe last day of school has each one of Miss Landers' students bringing her a gift. June orders some nice hankerchiefs for for the gift and a slip for herself. Beaver mistakes the slip as the gift for Miss Landers' and debates on whether or not to give her this very ""personal"" gift.
  • Beaver's Team
    Beaver's TeamWhen Wally and Eddie coach Beaver's summer football team and give them a secret play to use against the opposing team, Beaver finds out that the best way to keep a secret is to not tell it...to anyone!

Cast of Season 3

  • Jerry MathersTheodore 'Beaver' Cleaver
  • Barbara BillingsleyJune Cleaver
  • Hugh BeaumontWard Cleaver
  • Tony DowWally Cleaver

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