Krazy Kat


This show follows the adventures of Krazy Kat, Ignatz Mouse, and Officer Pupp. Ignatz is the mouse that always cause mischief, or mouse-chief. Krazy is the character who loves Ignatz Mouse. Officeer Pupp always arrest him for throwing bricks...
Where to Watch Specials
4 Episodes
  • Bugologist (1916)
    Bugologist (1916)Episode 1
  • Krazy Kat Goes a Wooing
    Krazy Kat Goes a WooingEpisode 2
  • Krazy Kat & Ignatz Mouse at the Circus
    Krazy Kat & Ignatz Mouse at the CircusEpisode 3
  • Scents and Nonsense
    Scents and NonsenseEpisode 4

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