The series tells about a group of teenagers in a children's hospital, about their growing up and struggling with circumstances, about how the characters are friends and love, respond to the challenges of fate and make principled choices.
Where to Watch The Red Bracelets
1 Season
Season 1
Season 112 Episodes
Cast of The Red Bracelets
Filipp ErshovОлег
Kuzma KotrelevДима
Azamat AliyevРомка
Denis ParamonovАнтон
Gleb KalyuzhnyИлья
Stasya MiloslavskayaКристина
Mariya ShalaevaЮля, сестра Олега
Aleksandr IlinАлександр Трофимович, дедушка Антона
Anna MikhalkovaАнна Марковна, зав. отделением хирургии
Lyubov Mulmenko
Yevgeni TsyganovNikita
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