Korg: 70,000 B.C.

Season 1

Short-lived Saturday morning live-action series about the daily struggles of an extended family of Neanderthals in prehistoric Europe. Crisp narration by veteran actor Burgess Meredith lent a "documentarian" feel, suggesting that the show was a dramatic re-creation of how life might have been 72,000 years ago.

Where to Watch Season 1

19 Episodes

  • The Blind Hunter
    The Blind HunterCaptured by a stranger who has become blinded in a recent hunting accident, young Tor is forced to lead the hunter back home to his tribe.
  • The Exile
    The ExileAfter a bad throw with his throwing stone, Korg accidentally kills a woodpecker instead of his intended target. Seeing a bird flying above just then that is looking down on them, Korg feels it curses him. A string of unlucky events soon convinces him of the truth of this more than ever. So his family won't suffer his bad luck, Korg goes into a self-imposed exile. But his family misses him and works to retrieved Korg.
  • The Big Water
    The Big WaterForced to migrate in search of food, Korg and his family discover the ocean. Mara's ankle becomes caught under a huge rock while the tide rises around her.
  • The Eclipse of the Sun
    The Eclipse of the SunRee is bitten by a snake. While Korg and the others search for a healing root, Tane and Tor enter a forbidden valley and appear to offend the sun god.
  • Trapped
    TrappedAn earthquake traps most of Korg's family within their cave while his youngest children, Ree and Tor are left outside to fend for themselves.
  • The Story of Lumi
    The Story of LumiDuring a drought, a lost girl, Lumi, is befriended by Korg's family. When her father and brother arrive later, they decide to take her back--along with Korg's water.
  • The Running Fight
    The Running FightBitten by a large, poisonous spider, Bok loses his senses and thinks his own family are enemies. Not thinking clearly, Bok is dangerous, and he manages to steal Korg's spear and rabbit and tries to evade the man. Korg hunts him down and desperately tries to convince Bok he is his brother, a friend, and not an enemy, and Korg must find a way to bring his dangerous brother home safely until he might regain his senses.
  • The Beach People
    The Beach PeopleLacking the skills to hunt and gather food in their new, ocean-side surroundings, the Korg family is watched with amusement and fear by a more local tribe.
  • The Ancient One
    The Ancient OneKorg, Bok, and Tane encounter a tired, old man who has dug his own grave and is lying in it awaiting death.
  • Tor's First Hunt
    Tor's First HuntRee discovers a highly-reflective piece of mica. Meanwhile, Korg and Bok make the determination that Korg's youngest son, Tor, is now old enough to join them on the hunts.
  • Magic Claws
    Magic ClawsDuring a battle with a bear, Bok is wounded and requires special encouragement/magic charms in order to get him to hunt again.
  • The Hill People
    The Hill PeopleA neighboring tribe loses one of their hunters, and Bok wishes to make this man's widow his woman. However, the dead man's brother has a stronger claim to her.
  • The River
    The RiverKorg and his family need to cross a wide river or face starvation. After two failed attempts, Mara, afraid, refuses to accompany them on their third attempt.
  • The Web
    The WebTrapped in a cave by a bear who is not afraid of their fire, Korg observes a fly caught in a spider's web and devises a means of escape.
  • The Picture Maker
    The Picture MakerThe Korg family encounters a mute boy who speaks to them by writing pictures in the dirt.
  • Ree and the Wolf
    Ree and the WolfRee frees and befriends a wolf trapped beneath a fallen tree. The rest of her family has misgivings and do not trust this animal.
  • Bok Loses Courage
    Bok Loses CourageWounded by a bear, the near death experience shakes Bok's confidence as a hunter. Bok refuses to hunt again. Without Bok's help the family won't be able to survive, so Korg devises a sneaky plan to help his brother regain his confidence.
  • Moving Rock
    Moving RockReaching the wide water (the ocean) Korg's family contends with unknown dangers. Her foot is trapped, Mara might soon drown if not freed before high tide. Brute strength fails, but Korg remembers seeing a large stone move once before.
  • The Guide
    The GuideBlinded in a hunting accident, a stranger captures Tor forcing him to be his eyes and lead him back to his own people. Tor tries but can't escape. Soon, Korg and Bok begin to track the missing boy and race to overtake their quarry.

Cast of Season 1

  • Burgess Meredith



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