Juke Box Jury

Season 1963

A panel of notable personalities rate the latest pop records.

Where to Watch Season 1963

4 Episodes

  • Alan Freeman, Spike Milligan, Anne Shelton
    Alan Freeman, Spike Milligan, Anne SheltonA new disc - a Hit or a Miss? Comments and opinions on the latest pop releases. This week's panel: Alan Freeman, Spike Milligan, Anne Shelton and another guest. In the chair, David Jacobs
  • Catherine Boyle, John Lennon, Caroline Maudling, Bruce Prochnik
    Catherine Boyle, John Lennon, Caroline Maudling, Bruce ProchnikA new disc - a Hit or a Miss? Comments and opinions on the latest pop releases. This week's panel: Catherine Boyle, John Lennon, Caroline Maudling, Bruce Prochnik In the chair, David Jacobs
  • The Beatles
    The BeatlesThe Beatles: George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr comment and give their opinions on the latest pop releases. In the chair, David Jacobs Before an audience of The Beatle Fan Club in Liverpool
  • Polly Elwes, Matt Monro, Jimmy Savile
    Polly Elwes, Matt Monro, Jimmy SavileA new disc - a Hit or a Miss? Comment and opinions on the latest pop releases. This week's panel: Polly Elwes, Matt Monro, Jimmy Savile and another guest. In the chair, David Jacobs



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