Judge Rinder

Season 7

Arbitration show in which real, small-claims cases are adjudicated over, within a studio courtroom, by Judge Robert Rinder. After questioning the claimant, defendant and witnesses, and assessing the evidence, Judge Rinder makes a ruling on each case.

60 Episodes

  • Tracy V Sharon, Christina V Josh
    Tracy V Sharon, Christina V JoshA dog owner sues a groomer for vet bills; former friends dispute repair costs for a loaned laptop.
  • Kallum V Andy, Andry V Chris
    Kallum V Andy, Andry V ChrisA drag performer wants to be paid for cancelled performances; a homeowner sues a builder for substandard and unfinished work.
  • Liz V John
    Liz V JohnExes fight over outstanding debt, a sofa, and arrears in child maintenance - he says her current boyfriend bashed him over the head with a metal bar.
  • Jerry (aka JFM-C) V Steve (aka DJSP), Lee & Rebecca V Bernie
    Jerry (aka JFM-C) V Steve (aka DJSP), Lee & Rebecca V BernieA performer wants his share of sales from his music but his producer says the sales didn't cover the cost of promotion; a car buyer and car seller dispute responsibility for repair costs.
  • Steve V Helen, Walatta V Loovin
    Steve V Helen, Walatta V LoovinShe says they were engaged, he says they were just friends, and he wants her to pay for his car that was stolen after she abandoned it on the street; a former tenant and landlord argue over repairs, security deposit and back rent.
  • Samantha & Kym VS Sherall, James V Wallace
    Samantha & Kym VS Sherall, James V WallaceTwo clients of a wedding photographer who didn't show up sue to have their weddings re-shot; a seller of a games console wants the buyer to finish paying for it.
  • Mark V Martyn, Callum V Barry
    Mark V Martyn, Callum V BarryA seller wants payment for a sound system but the buyer says it was junk and counterclaims for emotional distress; an evicted tenant sues his former landlord for rent and emotional distress.
  • Jack V Adam, Jade V Stacey
    Jack V Adam, Jade V StaceyDrag artists argue over damaged reputation to a new drag business and an unpaid performance fee; a salon client wants reimbursement for acrylic nails and the taxi fare to the appointment.
  • Claudia V Jeff, Abi V Dean
    Claudia V Jeff, Abi V DeanA mother wants back child maintenance but the father says he won't let her see their child; a sister wants her brother to repay a loan but he thinks she should write it off because they're family.
  • Jemimah V Mickaella, Kevin V Charlene
    Jemimah V Mickaella, Kevin V CharleneSisters fight about damaged possessions, a man would like repayment of loans he made to a friend to help with rent.
  • Richard V Shane, Gillian V Joanne
    Richard V Shane, Gillian V JoanneAn uncle sues his nephew for payment for a decorating job; a woman wants payment for a mobile phone damaged by her friend's goat.
  • Danny V Sarah, Chris V Ashley
    Danny V Sarah, Chris V AshleyA contracter wants payment for work he completed but the property owner says it was substandard; brothers-in-law argue over car payments.
  • Rianne V Garry, Matilda V Jerome
    Rianne V Garry, Matilda V JeromeA homeowner sues her contractor for substandard work on her son's bedroom and he countersues for malicious falsehood; a sister wants her brother to pay wages for work he promised but cancelled.
  • Angelica V Josie, James V Rich
    Angelica V Josie, James V RichFormer friends dispute money owed (or not owed) for a holiday; brothers fight over a faulty car sold by one to the other.
  • Kyle V Sam, Chrissy V Paul, Si V Caz
    Kyle V Sam, Chrissy V Paul, Si V CazA man who broke his back during a gymnastic stunt feels his former friend should pay for his loss of earnings, since he encouraged it; former friends argue over loans for rent; other former friends argue over nonpayment of wages.
  • Nickey V Chinedu, Craig V Chris
    Nickey V Chinedu, Craig V ChrisFormer partners argue over loan repayments; former friends argue over loan repayments.
  • Susan V Sarah, Bob V Gari
    Susan V Sarah, Bob V GariA landlady sues her former tenant for rent, court fees and property damage; a truck buyer says he needs more time to pay it off.
  • Ehiz V Matthew, Sarah V Mike
    Ehiz V Matthew, Sarah V MikeA photographer's client says that since he wasn't a professional photographer and money wasn't discussed he owes nothing; a mechanic's customer wants him to pay for the replacement engine, and her loss of earnings.
  • Scott V Lynda & Michael, Julie V Aaron
    Scott V Lynda & Michael, Julie V AaronHomeowners and builder dispute an unfinished job and cost of repairs and completion; a landlady wants her tenant to repay a loan. Peter is the big burly court guard, it's his birthday, and he has a darling smile. Happy birthday, Peter!
  • Leyla V Sarah, Peter V Dan, Aaron V Chris redux
    Leyla V Sarah, Peter V Dan, Aaron V Chris reduxA landlady sues her former tenant for rent arrears; zombie survival event scare-actors argue over the cost of transportation; former litigants return to court over a loan repayment agreement.
  • Theresa V Stephen, Vicky V Paul
    Theresa V Stephen, Vicky V PaulCousins are in court over credit card payments and renovation work; a mother wants child support from her former partner but he says he already provides for their child and can't pay any more.
  • Sally V Chris, Maliseni V Elvis
    Sally V Chris, Maliseni V ElvisA gardener is sued for work claimed to be substandard and incomplete; former friends argue over costs of a car owned by one and crashed by the other.
  • Tracey V Lydia, William V Ste
    Tracey V Lydia, William V SteA woman wants money for her late mother's possessions she gave to an auction house but they say the items didn't sell and unsold items go to charity; a father is in court on behalf of his son who sold a dog and wasn't paid.
  • James V Emma, David V Gareth
    James V Emma, David V GarethA son sues his mother for belongings she says she's keeping until he pays her what he owes; a homeowner wants a refund and repair costs for what he says was substandard work on his home.
  • Ross V Roxy, Kirsten V Floyd, Nathan V Steph
    Ross V Roxy, Kirsten V Floyd, Nathan V StephA woman admits to vandalizing her fiance's van but says since he was unfaithful she doesn't owe him a thing; exes argue over the cost of a holiday; a son sues his mother for his games console and she sues him back for rent arrears.
  • Michelle V Tony, Tilda V Danny
    Michelle V Tony, Tilda V DannyNeighbors fight over property damage and a carport; a puppy buyer thought he was going to work for the seller in lieu of payment but she wants money.
  • Teresa V Lindsey, Paddy V Lianne
    Teresa V Lindsey, Paddy V LianneThe owner of a precious crockery set says it was damaged in the mail because her friend didn't pack it properly; a man wants his friend to pay for a lost phone and cash, and to rectify a tattoo, after their drunken holiday.
  • Colm V John, Khadim V Kevin
    Colm V John, Khadim V KevinA dog owner sues for loss of earnings after his dog was injured in his friend's care, rendering her unable to be bred; a car buyer wants a refund on a car he says was not roadworthy but the seller says it was used as a taxi so wasn't covered under the warranty.
  • Joely V Leah, Colin V Natalie
    Joely V Leah, Colin V NatalieAn online raffle winner wants her prize but the proprietor says it got lost in the mail and is countersuing for malicious falsehood; former tenant and landlord argue over a security deposit and property damage.
  • Jane V Matt, Taylor V Paige, Darren V Terry
    Jane V Matt, Taylor V Paige, Darren V TerryA mother wants her son to repay money she loaned him for bathroom renovation; sisters are in court over a computer damaged by a cat; former friends argue over a loan.
  • Emily V Steven, Greg V Roy
    Emily V Steven, Greg V RoyFormer partners are in court over outstanding child maintenance and visitation; a man says he did accept a loan but was subjected to a revenge attack over the debt.
  • Margaret V Henry, Tasha V Meddy
    Margaret V Henry, Tasha V MeddyA property owner wants a refund for landscaping and payment for the cost of redesign; a performer is sued for various loans but says there was no formal repayment agreement.
  • Mark V Chris, Lance V Sarah
    Mark V Chris, Lance V SarahThe seller of a haunted doll named Angela wants his money but the buyer says Angela told him to stop making payments; a pub owner sues a patron for cleaning costs after she barfed all over one of his Halloween props.
  • Jack V Leanne, Lewis V Kiah, Vinnie V Dixie
    Jack V Leanne, Lewis V Kiah, Vinnie V DixieA young man sues his mother after she sold his Swiss Army diver's watch without permission; the producer of an independent film says he can't pay his star since the film hasn't sold yet; husband and wife argue over who does the most damage - her dog or his cats.
  • Emille V Josh, Nicole V Tineka, Vicki V Katey
    Emille V Josh, Nicole V Tineka, Vicki V KateyWork colleagues argue over loans and petrol costs for a borrowed car; a woman wants repayment from her former friend who claims part of the money was a gift; a mother sues her daughter for money loaned for furnishing an apartment.
  • Vicky & Paul V Keith, Steven V Steve
    Vicky & Paul V Keith, Steven V SteveDog owners want vet bills paid after their dog was attacked by a neighbor's; former friends argue over a loan to buy a van.
  • Sinead V Karys, Steve & Rachel V Adam
    Sinead V Karys, Steve & Rachel V AdamFormer roommates argue over the cost of damages to their shared flat; former tenants sue for their security deposit but former landlord says the place was left a mess.
  • Helen V Kirsty, Brenda V Rachel
    Helen V Kirsty, Brenda V RachelA grandmother and granddaughter are in court over a debt for weight loss surgery; a former mother-and-daughter-in-law who hate each other's guts fight over loans.
  • Daniel V Diane, Hannah V Lee, Clare V Bethan
    Daniel V Diane, Hannah V Lee, Clare V BethanA son sues his mother for repayment of a personal loan; a woman wants reimbursement for costs incurred on holiday after her friend took her passport by accident; a ferret-owner says they have natural urges which are out of her control, so she doesn't owe for damage to a fence.
  • Barry V Jason, Hamza V Adeo, Casey V Shannon
    Barry V Jason, Hamza V Adeo, Casey V ShannonA father sues his son for damage caused to his car; former best friends are in court over a loan; a woman feels she shouldn't have to pay loan interest to her brother because they're family.
  • Kellie V Kayleigh, Jackie V Jack
    Kellie V Kayleigh, Jackie V JackA woman wants compensation for a poor haircut and the cost to repair it; a customer says pub damage by his pet goat was an accident so he owes nothing.
  • Wayne V Heather, Carol V Robin
    Wayne V Heather, Carol V RobinA man wants money from a cockatoo owner after he was attacked but she says she warned him; a paralegal is sued for legal services paid for but not received.
  • Christiana V Jae, Adam V Terry
    Christiana V Jae, Adam V TerryFormer friends argue over money entrusted, possessions thrown away, and emotional distress; in a case involving a heavy metal venue, we learn that Michelle dated a heavy metal drummer, Peter says he WAS a heavy metal drummer, and Iron Maiden played there as 'The Sherman Tankers'.
  • Jenny & Emma V Sarah & Anne, Prudence V Elliott
    Jenny & Emma V Sarah & Anne, Prudence V ElliottWomen argue over property damage and rent arrears; landlord and former tenant dispute money owed for rent.
  • Joe V Tom, Mike V Jeff, Bernard V Guy
    Joe V Tom, Mike V Jeff, Bernard V GuyA man wants payment for a photoshoot but his friend says he offered free training sessions and nutritional advice so he owes nothing; brothers argue over a loan; a man says he was mis-sold tickets to a Cameroonian society event and wants his money back.
  • Dal V Leia & Frankie, Kay V Melanie
    Dal V Leia & Frankie, Kay V MelanieFormer friends are in court over payment for a holiday, harassment, malicious falsehood and loss of earnings; a woman wants compensation for damage to her car while it was in her friend's care.
  • Robert V Jex, Ellie V Jake
    Robert V Jex, Ellie V JakeA rapper owes for his use of a music studio, but says he can't pay since he couldn't finish his album; girlfriend and boyfriend are in court over a van they bought together.
  • Mark V Mike, Elaine V Samantha
    Mark V Mike, Elaine V SamanthaA car buyer says the car he was sold was not roadworthy but the seller disagrees and countersues for malicious falsehood; a grandmother wants her granddaughter to repay a loan.
  • Sandy V Wayne, Matt V Kate, Alan V Leighton
    Sandy V Wayne, Matt V Kate, Alan V LeightonA mother wants her son to repay loans; former friends are in court over a mobile phone damaged during a drunken night out; former friends argue over a loan to cover credit card debt.
  • Stephen V Andrew, Nelson V Stan, Charmaine V Cameron
    Stephen V Andrew, Nelson V Stan, Charmaine V CameronFormer boyfriends argue over belongings and living expenses; a tenant says he doesn't owe his former landlord because he never agreed to the rent increase; former friends are in court over two loans.
  • Mark V Leland, Bethany & Doug V RJ
    Mark V Leland, Bethany & Doug V RJA graveyard aficionado wants compensation after he expected to be featured in the "Dull Men's Club" calendar but only wound up on a back page; dog owners sue for vet bills after an acquaintance dropped their dog.
  • Micky V Mark, Sue V Alan
    Micky V Mark, Sue V AlanA man says his friend's boat was an eyesore so he was doing him a favor by burning it; a woman changed her mind about buying a sofa and wants her deposit back - the seller counterclaims for malicious falsehood.
  • Johnny V Kevin, Kelsey V Grant
    Johnny V Kevin, Kelsey V GrantA would-be caterer says his caravan suffered a dangerous gas leak due to ill-fitted appliances; former partners argue over loans and car payments.
  • Dickie V Don, John V Stephen, Adam V Robert
    Dickie V Don, John V Stephen, Adam V RobertEighty-two-year-old man sues for loss of enjoyment after his veteran's football team folded due to lack of players; litigants return to court over a loan agreement; former friends argue over holiday costs after one was unable to go due to illness.
  • Gillian V Jonathan, Chris V Lee, Ellie V Christina
    Gillian V Jonathan, Chris V Lee, Ellie V ChristinaMother wants her son to pay for her sofa after his dog damaged it; former co-workers argue over a loan for a new business; women are in court over a TV and a damaged dress.
  • Bethan V Mabs, Zoe V Leigh
    Bethan V Mabs, Zoe V LeighA bride sues the caterer for ruining her wedding; a man admits he faked his own kidnapping but says it was for a good cause.
  • Lottie V Saul, Ronald V Aiden
    Lottie V Saul, Ronald V AidenFormer partners argue over loans and a smashed up slot machine; a former tenant says he isn't paying rent arrears because the landlord put too much pressure on him.
  • Lindsay V Paddy, David V Donna
    Lindsay V Paddy, David V DonnaFormer partners are in court over a loan; a landlord sues his former tenant for property damage.
  • Wes V Adam, Becky V Jake, Rob V Jon
    Wes V Adam, Becky V Jake, Rob V JonA man wants his brother-in-law to repay a loan for a house deposit; a mother says her son owes her for two cars, insurance, and rent; litigants return to court over a loan agreement.
  • Katherine V Lisa, Lorenzo V Mark, Abbie V Charlie
    Katherine V Lisa, Lorenzo V Mark, Abbie V CharlieMother and daughter argue over a dog loan; a man took out financing to help his friend buy a motorbike and wants repayment; women are in court over money for a holiday.



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