It's Me or the Dog

Season 2

It's Me or the Dog is a television program featuring dog trainer Victoria Stilwell who addresses canine behavioral problems, teaches responsible dog ownership and promotes dog training techniques based on positive reinforcement. The show currently airs in about 50 countries worldwide.

12 Episodes

  • Pugsley
    PugsleyPugsley, a spoiled, frightened Bulldog terrorizes a young family by biting, humping and pooping on their beds. Victoria comes in to help the three-year old pedigree bulldog, whose disobedience and overactive sex drive create endless headaches for his owners.
  • Toadie and Smartie
    Toadie and SmartieVictoria tries to discipline two misbehaving Great Dane mixes, weighing in at over 110 pounds each. Having already cost their owners $52,000 over the past six years, the two dogs are treated to gourmet meals every night while the rest of the family make do with frozen dinners. Meanwhile, exercise is a nightmare for their doting owners as their toleration for other dogs is non-existent. Can the family continue living with these canine monsters?
  • Rufus
    RufusVictoria attempts to curb the aggressive behaviour of a miniature dachshund. A barking baby-substitute, Rufus has a particular hatred for small children and goes wild at the sight of a stroller. Its owner’s cat is also on the receiving end, but Victoria is determined to bring the disruptive pet to heel before he divides the family further and pits brother against sister.
  • Bailey
    BaileyBailey an aggressive Yorkshire Terrier causes havoc to a couple’s love life and bullies the governor of a high security prison with a green wellington boot!
  • Max
    MaxMax an ex-military dog suffers with obsessive compulsive disorder. Can Victoria curb his obsession with chasing reflections and shadows?
  • Rex
    RexA terrier aggressively protects his young owner from her mother – can Victoria change Rex’s potentially dangerous behavior and mend the bond between mother and daughter?
  • Tallulah
    TallulahA Paris Hilton wannabe buys a viscous accessory that is intent on causing destruction to all visitors. With a long bite history Tallulah the Chinese Crested is living on borrowed time.
  • Ben
    BenA German shepherd holds an entire family to ransom chasing kids around the house and defending his male owner from all visitors.
  • Red and Jasper
    Red and JasperTwo Labradors threaten a new baby with their pushy behavior driving their owner to tears. With no daily exercise the labs are intent on escaping the house – Victoria gives the lazy owners a taste of their own medicine.
  • Jilly Johnson
    Jilly JohnsonThree spoilt and unsocialized Great Danes who have taken over the neighborhood are banned from the nearby village. Can Victoria restore order and tame these large powerful dogs?
  • Bailey at Crufts
    Bailey at CruftsBailey an out-of-control Shnauzer is trying to win at Crufts – the biggest dog show in the world. Can he beat 22,000 other hopefuls and get ‘Best in Show,’ or will he be disqualified for humping the judge?
  • Teddy Pompom update
    Teddy Pompom updateDid Teddy Pom Pom change from demon biter to little Angel? Watch what happens when Victoria revisits the family six months later.

Cast of Season 2

  • Victoria Stilwell
  • Sean Chapman



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