It's a Man's World
Season 1
Wes and Tom-Tom are friends going to college and with musician Vern share a houseboat. Wes also watches out for his younger brother Howie and the four of them deal with girls, jobs, and school. Occasionally the boys get serious but more often they use humor to handle situations.
Where to Watch Season 1
19 Episodes
- Stir-CrazyE2
Stir-CrazyWes is uptight about his financial situation again. The grocery bill is due; Howie needs his share of the cost for a gift for the coach; and the shoes need to be picked up at the shoe repair. And if things weren't bad enough, Tom-Tom invites a stranger he met at the local bar to stay with them for a few days. - Molly Pitcher and the Green-Eyed MonsterE3
Molly Pitcher and the Green-Eyed MonsterIt's Wes' birthday and Irene's got a big party planned for him. Wes has to make a run to Emmett to pick up some tires for Mr. Stott. On the way back, he ends up rescuing Nora, the free spirit, who has gotten herself into quite a pickle. The afternoon turns into an adventure and it's all Nora and Wes can talk about at the party. Irene, feeling quite left out and quite dull, can't help herself when she tells Nora off for having so much fun with Wes. - Winning His WayE4
Winning His WayThis episode deals with the fellow's attitudes related to money. Wes hates to go into debt for anything (since his parents were always in debt). Tom-Tom lives vicariously as he makes a series of ""deals"" to get himself a car. Vern, though initially conservative, learns from Tom-Tom that you have spend money to make money. Howie wants his motorbike, and has to learn the lesson of making sure that, in the end, you have the money to pay for it. - The Beavers and the OttersE6
The Beavers and the OttersIndian Summer has come to Cordella. While everyone else is basking in the sun and fun, Wes and Irene are stuck working and going to classes until they decide to skip out as well. The pair's relationship is explored expertly, including an opportunity for a little premarital sex. Irene (Jan Norris) displays her enormous talents as an actress. She gives a multi-layered performance as she does throughout the show, with the silences displaying an amazing level of subtly. Wes and Irene are about as real a couple as ever populated a TV show. Tom-Tom (Ted Bessell) slips in a nice bit about foreplay concerning a lecture he, Irene and Nora are attending. I start to get the impression that it may have been the barely disguised allusions to sex that doomed this show with the network as much as anything. Far ahead of its time. Makes you realize what we've lost in 50 years in terms of adult writing and performances in television drama. Listen for Lyle Waggoner as the announcer at the end of every show. - Howie's AdventureE7
Howie's AdventureThe camping trip that Tom-Tom, Vern and Howie have planned ends abruptly when Howie is struck by lightning. He seems OK after the accident so the guys decide to wait out the storm before returning to town to see the doctor. Sometime during the night, though, Howie wanders off. - The Bravest Man in CordellaE8
The Bravest Man in Cordella""Ultimatum for Peace"" is the topic of Tom-Tom's manuscript. He's asked Molly to type it for him. Molly's boyfriend ""Scooter"", currently away in the military, is a 200 lb. ex-football player. When Tom-Tom begins to go out with Molly, Wes warns him of the danger if Scooter finds out. Tom-Tom refuses to let that worry him. When Scooter returns home on a two day leave, the whole town comes to watch the fireworks when Scooter meets Tom-Tom. - The Man on the Second FloorE9
The Man on the Second FloorHowie's been begging Mr. Stott for a job but Mr. Stott won't hire him. Finally, Mr. Cleary offers Howie a job working with him in the insurance office every day after school and on Saturdays. Howie's very pleased with his new job. When Mr. Stott finds out though, he becomes very jealous and uses blackmail to get Howie to quit working for Mr. Cleary. - I Count My Life in Coffee CupsE10
I Count My Life in Coffee CupsVern meets Jeri, who's been left at the drive-in by her date. Jeri's a waitress at the local luncheonette and is tired of living in Cordella ""where nothing ever happens"". She learns from Vern, some valuable lessons about self respect and where your dreams can take you. - Chicago Gains a NumberE11
Chicago Gains a NumberTom-Tom's failing in three classes and receives an automatic suspension from school. When he tries to see the dean, he's treated as just a number; number 1271 to be exact. He walks out, gaining his freedom from timetables and deadlines and returns to his hometown of Chicago. ""Cordella hasn't lost a son, Chicago has gained a number"". Arriving unannounced in Chicago, he finds the house empty. While alone, he gets the opportunity to relive how it would have been if he'd stayed in Chicago to join his father's business. - Night Beat of the Tom-TomE15
Night Beat of the Tom-TomTom-Tom's got a very open view of marriage and female relationships. ""One and one make two people"". When Nora cancels a date at the last minute to meet with an old 'friend', Tom-Tom even gives them his dinner reservation. As the night goes on, though, Tom-Tom discovers he's not as open-minded as he thought. - Hour of TruthE16
Hour of TruthAnother show that falls with a resounding thud as Vern steps to the fore in a silly story that revolves around his telling the truth to everyone he meets and the havoc that ensues. It only points out the weakness and limitations they had built into Vern's character. As the show nears its end, it becomes ever clearer that despite Randy Boone's charming interpretation of the character, Vern should have been written out of the show and Howie reduced to a supporting player in favor of Wes and Tom-Tom. - Mutiny on the ElephantE18
Mutiny on the ElephantIt's Louisville or bust! Tom-Tom, Vern, and Howie are headed for Louisville on vacation with Mr. Stott as the captain of the houseboat ""the elephant"". Mr. Stott burdens the boys with numerous 'abandon ship' exercises and lessons in river tides. All useful but absolutely no fun! The boys eventually trick Mr. Stott into leaving the boat while they take off for a few hours of fun; but the fun is short lived.