Iron Chef: Behind the Battle

Season 1

Alton Brown hosts "Iron Chef: Behind the Battle," which lets viewers revisit fan-favorite battles from the past. Alton explores, dissects and offers new insights about the secret ingredients, stunning cooking techniques and how each Iron Chef approaches confrontations in the kitchen. Such battles include Iron Chef team Bobby Flay and Michael Symon versus Iron Chef team Marc Forgione and Jose Garces.

Where to Watch Season 1

10 Episodes

  • Thanksgiving Feast
    Thanksgiving FeastIn this Battle Thanksgiving Feast, the invincible Iron Chefs Flay and Symon team up to continue their march toward Iron Chef Thanksgiving dominance, taking on Iron Chefs Marc Forgione and Jose Garces.
  • Thanksgiving Past And Present
    Thanksgiving Past And PresentAlton Brown and the Iron Chefs go inside Battle Thanksgiving Past and Present, where Iron Chefs Bobby Flay and Michael Symon attempted to go 3-for-3 in Thanksgiving battles, this time against Iron Chefs Geoffrey Zakarian and Alex Guarnaschelli.
  • The Battle That Almost Killed Me: Bobby Flay
    The Battle That Almost Killed Me: Bobby FlayFor Iron Chef Bobby Flay, Battle Buffalo threatens to be his undoing; immense buffalo ribs and loins are difficult to break down, and the Iron Chef faces off against a competitive challenger chef Rick Bayless.
  • Battle Cobia
    Battle CobiaA live ingredient and a superstar challenger made Battle Cobia one of the top Iron Chef America battles in all 14 seasons. Alton Brown takes us through the historic battle between Jamie Oliver and Mario Batali.
  • Battle Eggnog
    Battle EggnogAlton Brown goes behind the scenes of when Kitchen Stadium froze over for Battle Eggnog. The original Iron Chef rivals, Morimoto and Flay, faced each other in a freezing cold stadium, serving each dish on ice.
  • A Fruitcake For The Ages
    A Fruitcake For The AgesThe holidays descend upon Kitchen Stadium for one of the Chairman's most memorable holiday parties.
  • The Battle That Almost Killed Me: Michael Symon
    The Battle That Almost Killed Me: Michael SymonAlton Brown called it the most amazing battle in Iron Chef history; challenger John Fraser came to Kitchen Stadium without sous chefs, so Michael Symon kicked his out as well.
  • Battle Of The Masters: Morimoto vs. Puck
    Battle Of The Masters: Morimoto vs. PuckOnce an Iron Chef, always an Iron Chef; if the Chairman welcomes you into the most elite culinary club in the world, you're a member for life.
  • Battle Paiche
    Battle PaicheAlton Brown and Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto revise the battle that made history: Battle Paiche. It's hard to win in Kitchen Stadium, and even harder to get a perfect score, especially when the secret ingredient is a 400 pound fish.
  • The Battle That Almost Killed Me: Alex Guarnaschelli
    The Battle That Almost Killed Me: Alex GuarnaschelliIn her first battle as an Iron Chef, pitted Alex Guarnaschelli took on UK Iron Chef Judy Joo and an 80-pound mortadella, and barely lived to tell the tale. She and Alton Brown pick apart her most harrowing battle.



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