In Two

Season 2

The series follows the events of the lives of two different young couples, bringing them together friendship between the boys Ales and Sadi. Ales and Maja are already getting into the routine of being in common lives, and Sandi and Nika are just fresh in love. It pairs with each other they are completely different. Ales and Maja's routine is a little scary for a lover, the playfulness of Sandi and Nika awakens Ales and Maja. Humorous insight into everyday life the happenings of modern youth who are stepping into the unknown at the threshold of adulthood.
Where to Watch Season 2
8 Episodes
  • Let mrtve ptice
    Let mrtve pticeEpisode 1
  • Pokrajina st. 2
    Pokrajina st. 2Episode 2
  • Nika
    NikaEpisode 3
  • Maja in vesoljcek
    Maja in vesoljcekEpisode 4
  • Dekleta ne jocejo
    Dekleta ne jocejoEpisode 5
  • Cefurji raus
    Cefurji rausEpisode 6
  • Vaje v objemu
    Vaje v objemuEpisode 7
  • Za vedno
    Za vednoEpisode 8
Cast of Season 2
  • Luka Marčetič
  • Lara Vouk
  • Niko Zagode
  • Živa Selan

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