I'm With Busey

Season 1

I'm with Busey was a comedy/documentary television show which aired on Comedy Central in the summer of 2003. It revolved around a young writer named Adam de la Peña, who met and befriended his childhood idol, actor Gary Busey. Although the show lasted for only one season and the popularity of the show was limited, it has developed a cult following in the years after its cancellation.

Where to Watch Season 1

13 Episodes

  • Being a Man
    Being a ManBusey shows de la Pena what it means to be a man, which involves paintball combat and dressing in drag.
  • Vision Quest
    Vision QuestIn this episode Adam meets Gary at his house once again and Gary tells Adam that today he will learn about survival and he will be his survival guide. He and Adam smoked a tobacco stick or rather Gary smoked it. Gary tells Adam that on their journey they won't be taking any maps because he thinks he does not need any which really bothers the worrysome Adam. The trip then changes from a survival voyage to a search for a magic Indian. The pair then go to the Sedona in Arizona. During their drive Gary discusses some rather grusome details about roadkill. When they arrive and get something to eat Gary dips his BBQ ribs in a glass of soda. Gary then hires a guy named Sequoia to take them farther into the desert. Then the three head up the the gorge where Gary proceeds to jump around the gorge's edge. Gary then force Adam to stand at the edge of the gorge as well but Adam resists. The trio then continue their journey while Gary demonstrares a few of his bear calls and pics up some dung to bo
  • Fear
    FearGary teaches Adam to face his fears, and what better way to do so, than to have a one on one knife fight? Busey's lesson also includes a head to head bike collision, on which of course, Adam wimps out. The episode peaks when Gary talks Adam into a demolition derby, leaving Adam more angry than usual and Gary crazier than ever. In the end, Adam calms down (maybe his worst fear is Busey himself).
  • Technology: Rise of the Robots
    Technology: Rise of the RobotsGary tries to show Adam the evils of technology by taking him to an electronics store and teaching him about the pyramids. Adam responds by taking Gary to a 2 man rave and then going to a robotics factory, where they build robots to fight.
  • Imagination
    ImaginationGary tries to unlock Adam's imagination. The two begin by playing with G.I. Joe dolls, and Gary insinuates the Adam's doll is gay. After Adam talks about losing an imaginary friend, Gary takes Adam to do some abstract painting. This attempt fails miserably, so the next attempt to unlock Adam's imagination occurs at a coffee house poetry reading. Gary reads a rather interesting poem, then Adam is forced to go up to the podium. Somehow, the episode flips to Gary sitting at a desk, talking to a publisher about creating a road-kill recipe book. The publisher is not to fond of the idea. Gary and Adam go to a wax museum, and Adam gives Gary a Buddy Holly bobble-head doll, which almost brings Gary to tears.
  • Romance
    RomanceThe ""Busey School of Romance"" is in session, and Adam is the star pupil, well...the only pupil. With the help of Gary's friend, Kim, Adam begins his crash course. According to Gary, romance is an acronym for ""Relying On Magnificent And Necessary Compatible Energy"". Gary sets up Adam on a blind date, with a girl name Jamie. While Adam sits in the hot seat, Gary feeds him lines through a wireless earpiece. Jamie thinks that Adam is a little weird. After the meal flops, the couple goes to play mini-golf, with the determined Gary close behind. Adam's humor has a charming effect on Jamie, but Gary's constant interruptions make things a tad more difficult. In the end, Adam gets a peck on the cheek and a priceless lesson from love-master Busey.
  • Protection
    ProtectionGary tries to teach Adam about protection. Adam learns how to nurture nature, fight, and drive defensively. Gary and Adam also visit a house, with a state-of-the-art security system. Classic Busey in this one.
  • Mystery
    MysteryGary teaches Adam about Mystery in this episode. After Adam solves the mystery of where in the house Gary is, Gary shows Adam the mystery of feeling like a cow full of milk. Then comes the mystery of UFOs as well as "replicants", complete with re-enactments. An encounter with alien activity expert E.W. leads to attempts to communicate with other replicants and then a journey to find Bigfoot. Unfortunately, the alien expert and the Bigfoot expert have a disagreement about the validity of their respective fields and go toe-to-toe, much to Adam and Gary's amusement.
  • Acting
    ActingAdam asks Busey to teach him how to be a movie star.
  • Learning and Knowledge
    Learning and KnowledgeBusey teaches Adam about life, not everything is in the books.
  • Environment
    EnvironmentBusey teaches Adam about the hazards of not being aware of your environment. "Read the labels before you eat the food!"
  • Trust
    TrustThe teachings of trust. "If you really trust yourself the right way, you'll be able to land on your feet, without falling."
  • Break Up
    Break UpAdam meets Andy Dick and Gary is not happy about it. The final episode.

Cast of Season 1

  • Gary Busey
  • Adam de la Peña



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