In each episode, the participant and the team of experts get to know the characters who will not say a single word for the entire episode of the show. Who of them is a real vocalist, and who is a deceiver - this is to be found out.
Where to Watch I see your voice
1 Season
Season 1
Season 17 Episodes
Cast of I see your voice
Vladimir VolkovyskiySelf/Host
Aleksandr StepanovSelf / Expert
Nikolay FomenkoSelf / Expert
Larisa RubalskayaSelf / Expert
Olga ShelestSelf / Expert
Valeriy MeladzeSelf / Expert
Aleksey ChumakovSelf / Expert
Natalya IonovaSelf / Expert
Diana ArbeninaSelf / Expert
Aglaya ShilovskayaSelf / Expert
Dmitriy BibinSelf / Disco dancer / Fraud
Aleksey EfremovSelf / Courier / Fraud
Dmitriy GubernievSelf / Expert
Irina IgnatyukSelf / Pianist / Fraud
Filipp KirkorovSelf / Singer
Anastasiya KosarevaSelf / Eco activist / Vocalist
Mariya PoslovaSelf / Gamer
Liza PushkoSelf / Music group mom / Vocalist
Nikolay RevenkoSelf / Romanian translator / Fraud
Evgeniy BalashovSelf / Taxi driver / Vocalist
Ivan FilichkinSelf / Dancer / Fraud
Olga KovalyovaSelf / Wedding registrar / Fraud
Sergey MozgovSelf / Figure skating coach / Fraud
Kseniya RudenkoSelf / Former rocker / Vocalist
Mikhail TsurtsumiaSelf / Gamer
Artur VasilyevSelf / Parodist / Vocalist
Maksim BobkovSelf / Waiter / Fraud
Ekaterina DedyurinaSelf / Gamer
Monika GromushkinaSelf / Mime / Fraud
Nicole Marie KnausSelf / Young mom / Vocalist
Galina KrasnovaSelf / Prom queen / Fraud
Sergey LazarevSelf / Singer
Dmitriy SavlovichSelf / Librarian / Fraud
Mariya SobolenkoSelf / Manicurist / Vocalist
Maksim BagbaSelf / Hockey player / Fraud
Ivan KhafizovSelf / Gamer
Sergey MazaevSelf / Singer
Valeriya MityuryovaSelf / Lady Violet / Fraud
Anisa MurtaevaSelf / Blogger / Vocalist
Sergey ParvitskiySelf / Farmer / Fraud
Kseniya RudenkoSelf / Actress / Fraud
Aleksey TavleevSelf / Barista / Vocalist
Mariya Almazova-MatveevaSelf / Illusionist's assistant / Fraud
Vasiliy BojguaSelf / Bass guitar player / Vocalist
Mariya GuchiSelf / Runaway bride / Vocalist
Maksim LeonidovSelf / Expert
Dmitriy LyaminSelf / Male model / Fraud
Andrey MalakhovSelf / Expert
Azat SarimovSelf / Graffiti artist / Fraud
Elizaveta SharipovaSelf / Student / Vocalist
Mariya ShkolovayaSelf / Gamer
Anna BulgakSelf / Horsewoman / Vocalist
Ekaterina DobryakovaSelf / Wig master / Fraud
Mariya GritchinaSelf / Gamer
Cahid HuseynliSelf / Singer
Timur KerimovSelf / Expert
Maksim MaminovSelf / Basketball player / Vocalist
Anna SedokovaSelf / Expert
Vasiliy ShevchenkoSelf / Huntsman / Fraud
Nikolay SinyovSelf / Obstetrician-gynecologist / Fraud