S2 • E8 Oct 18, 1993 60mSimone's father hides in Fregene being investigated by the Guardia di Finanza due to some false invoices: he contacts his son, who joins him with Cristian and Stefania, shortly after the Finance also arrives to arrest him. Sara, having fallen in love with Doctor Guido, throws herself headlong into volunteering in the family home, coming into contact with the difficult reality of young people with AIDS. Sahid returns, but Debora's enthusiasm is so great that he is unable to confess to the girl that he will have to leave for Canada, where he has been hired by another volleyball team. Doctor Guido is forced to move to Tuscany with his patients, as he is under eviction. Stefania remembers an important detail regarding the arrest of Simone's father, which will change her fate.