Human Project

Season 1

In an age of the Digital Revolution, where the answer to many of our problems point to technology and it's influence over our culture, the state of our mental health has never been put into greater question. Project Chela walks us through just what kind of effect Social Media is having on our everyday lives and what we can do to overcome it.

Where to Watch Season 1

5 Episodes

  • The Anti-Social Network
    The Anti-Social NetworkWith technologies like Uber, Netflix, and Cell social networks, project Chela walks us through some of their every day uses in our lives and just how they might be affecting us on a much deeper, mental level than what we may know.
  • Gone in 0.08 Seconds
    Gone in 0.08 SecondsWhat's so bad about a short attention span? Project Chela walks us through what this could mean for us in the present and future.
  • Zero Close Encounters of Any Kind
    Zero Close Encounters of Any KindLet's be honest with ourselves, how many of us truly know the local and state parks in our area? In this episode of Human Project, Project Chela walks us through some of the major positive effects the natural outdoors can have in regards to the human brain and physical body. Tune in to learn more.
  • Rosemary's Adult Baby
    Rosemary's Adult BabyHow often do we find ourselves glued to our phones and not aware of the world around us? The answer is scarier than you think. Project Cheka guides us through the long term affects of social media with every day interactive/non-interactive situations. What is this doing to our human connection?
  • An Escape to Nowhere
    An Escape to NowhereWith all of humanity's greatest feats have we really come this far to only find ourselves locked in a digital prison? We dive deeper into just how technology and social media is affecting our neurological mental health.



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