Julia Albarracín (Lali Espósito) is a girl from La Merced, a small town. Her adoptive mother Blanca used to work in a factory; she was contaminated on the job and dies sometime later. Before she dies, she gives Julia the proof of the contamination that killed her. The factory owner knew about it and stalked her so she couldn't give the proof to the police. Desperately needing to escape, she boarded a random bus to Buenos Aires, where she sought help from her mother's old friend Concepción (Ana Maria Picchio), who had become a nun and is also Santa Rosa Convent's Mother Superior. She gives Julia a nun's habit and introduces her to the other nuns as novice Sister Esperanza. Sister Clara (Gabriela Toscano) becomes her best friend and advisor, but what she doesn't know is that Clara is her biological mother. Clara realizes that Esperanza is her daughter, but becomes afraid of telling her the truth because she is afraid of losing her forever. Esperanza also meets the young priest Tomás (Mariano Martinez) and becomes friends with him; eventually she falls in love with him although she knows it's impossible. Tomás also develops feelings for her but tries to hide them because of his position as priest. Both of them are unaware that Tomás and his brother Máximo (Tomás Fonzi) lead the business that killed her mother.