Homestar Runner

Teen Girl Squad

Teen Girl Squad is a purposefully crudely drawn comic series, drawn on notebook paper, which centers around four stereotypical teenage girls' quest to become popular and to look "SO GOOD!", or so they say. Of course, they never appear to succeed due to being always on a different track. Its origins began in the Strong Bad Email comic, when a girl named Brittany asked Strong Bad to make a comic strip about her four friends.

Where to Watch Teen Girl Squad

15 Episodes

  • Issue 1: Pilot Episode
    Issue 1: Pilot EpisodeThe very first one, which made its premiere in the Strong Bad Email comic. The girls get ready to LOOK SO GOOD, but many a problem do they encounter. At least Cheerleader looks SO GOOD!
  • Issue 2: Pickin' Up Boys
    Issue 2: Pickin' Up BoysThe Teen Girl Squad tries to get some boys.
  • Issue 3: They Go Shopping
    Issue 3: They Go ShoppingThe crew gets ready for some summer fashions. What's Her Face meets possums while walking home from the thrift store.
  • Issue 4: Back At School
    Issue 4: Back At SchoolCheerleader's totally bummed that school's happening again this year, So and So is falling head over heels for Brett Bretterson, and the other two are getting squished.
  • Issue 5: Spring Break
    Issue 5: Spring BreakCheerleader, So And So, and The Ugly One go on Spring Break (they "forgot" to call What's Her Face) and try to hang out with some college boys (or "Olda Boys," as Cheerleader says).
  • Issue 6: Decemberween Special
    Issue 6: Decemberween SpecialThe Teen Girl Squad celebrates Decemberween by jumping into a lion's mouth for presents.
  • Issue 7: Teeny Tiny Girl Squad
    Issue 7: Teeny Tiny Girl SquadThe girls reminisce on when they were toddlers.
  • Issue 8: Battle Of The Bands
    Issue 8: Battle Of The BandsThe girls join the Battle of the Bands.
  • Issue 9: A Kinder, Gentler TGS
    Issue 9: A Kinder, Gentler TGSWhen Cheerleader dies, the remaining girls, along with an old man named Mr. Pitters, attempt to re-make themselves as the "Best Friends Squad".
  • Issue 10: Sweet Someteen Party
    Issue 10: Sweet Someteen PartyThe Teen Girl Squad celebrates The Ugly One's sweet someteenth birthday in 24 great-smelling colors!
  • Issue 11
    Issue 11Cheerleader, What's Her Face, and The Ugly One go to summer camp while So and So gets a part-time job.
  • Issue 12
    Issue 12The Teen Girl Squad celebrates "Vamlumtime's Day", in glorious red pen style!
  • Issue 13
    Issue 13So and So is baby-sitting, but her friends interrupt and run amok.
  • Issue 14
    Issue 14The girls prepare for the end of the school year.
  • Issue 15
    Issue 15The girls head to the Priggidy Prizom: Thugchantment at the Cloughb.



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