Heroes and Halfwits
2016 3hAdventure
The series follows the Dungeons and Dragons campaign of five soldiers and adventurers: Mr. Bo Jingles, the young Tiefling Bard, supporting the group with his talent and wit; Bor Ealis, the stalwart Human Paladin; Orma, the Half-Orc Barbarian of strong will and weak liver; Albus Cumberbatch, the paradoxically soft-minded yet manipulative, Half-Elf Warlock; and Mogar Jones, a fellow Paladin of Draconic descent. Along with an ever growing entourage, our Heroes (and Halfwits) have been tasked with the 'liberation' of the Kingdom of Jackalheart from its current dictator.
Where to Watch Heroes and Halfwits
4 Seasons
Cast of Heroes and Halfwits