Hearts Afire

Season 2

John Ritter returns to TV in a genial sitcom, playing an aide to a senator (Gaynes). His life is somewhat complicated by his wife (Post)'s father (Asner) having spent a long stretch in prison for financial impropriety, and her somewhat-unnecessary attempts to re-integrate him into society.

17 Episodes

  • Lovely Always (1)
    Lovely Always (1)John and Georgie head south to start the newspaper. Billy Bob: Billy Bob Thornton. Madeline: Conchata Ferrell. Elliot: Clark Duke. Ben: Justin Burnette. Carson Lee: Doren Fein.
  • Lovely Always (2)
    Lovely Always (2)Return: John and Georgie start a newspaper in John's hometown. But adjustments make life less-than idyllic at the outset. Billy Bob: Billy Bob Thornton. Madeline: Conchata Ferrell.
  • Moonlighting
    MoonlightingJohn, Georgie and Billy Bob take work slinging hash at the high-school cafeteria. Little Richard has a cameo. Lee Ann: Beth Broderick. Reed: Mark Harelik. John: John Ritter. Georgie: Markie Post. Madeline: Conchatta Ferrell.
  • The Great Depression
    The Great DepressionThe principal sacks John, Georgie and Billy Bob for their work in the school cafeteria being substandard. They are are all depressed and little things cause them to be upset. With reservations, they decide to accept Reed's offer of money.
  • First Edition
    First EditionThe newspaper has started and there are other startup issues. Billy Bob is not happy being the social reporter and the employment of a big breasted receptionist has Georgie upset. She insists on employing the printer.
  • String of Pearls
    String of PearlsIt's John and Georgie's first anniversary and they are looking for ways to celebrate. Madeline and Billy Bob are making them a special dinner and John is going to give Georgie a string of pearls that is a family heirloom.
  • The Stud Club
    The Stud ClubGeorgie is feeling down a bit because there are no big stories she can cover. It's Lonnie's birthday and he asks a girl out but she cancels. He decides to ask Vicki instead. They all go out for a night on the town that doesn't go well.
  • Blue Christmas
    Blue ChristmasAs Christmas approaches, Georgie thinks she might be expecting. John: John Ritter. Billy Bob: Billy Bob Thornton. Lonnie: Leslie Jordan. Elliot: Clark Duke. Carson Lee: Doren Fein. Ben: Justin Burnette.
  • True Confessions
    True ConfessionsBilly Bob and Madeline have a bet to lose 10 pounds with a diet. John is refused company health insurance because of a severe health problem. John and Billy Bob have a fight over an old girlfriend, and then Georgie and John have a fight.
  • Accelerated Dating
    Accelerated DatingJohn is astonished about how mature Ben is about girls. Billy Bob is hit upon by a woman and he is very happy initially. She is in favour of accelerated dating but she is too aggressive for Billy Bob. He asks Madeline for help.
  • Sweet Revenge
    Sweet RevengeMadeline's ex husband is getting married and it reminds her of how upset she was with him. So they come up with a way to get back at him. The children do a play satirising what the adults are doing, which makes the them think.
  • The Sons of Sissy-Whatsis
    The Sons of Sissy-WhatsisMadeline takes her teenage group on a camp with Georgie and Carson, which doesn't end well. John, Billy Bob and Lonnie volunteer to be the leaders of a new scout troop and also go on a camp, but the boys need constant pampering.
  • Fatal Traction
    Fatal TractionGeorgie's pregnancy is progressing but Elliot is not happy about it. Lonnie is in a car accident, hit by cars being driven by Billy Bob and Madeline. As he needs assistance, the Hartmans put him up in a bed set up in the lounge.
  • Sleepless in a Small Town
    Sleepless in a Small TownJohn and Billy Bob go to a private men's club called GPDN and Georgie is not happy. They convince Lonnie to go undercover with a recorder to find out about the club, which is an anticlimax when they find out what GPDN stands for.
  • Do the Limbaugh
    Do the LimbaughRush Limbaugh offers to debate Georgie, but something unexpected happens at their get-acquainted lunch. John: John Ritter. Billy Bob: Billy Bob Thornton. Madeline: Conchata Ferrell. Lonnie: Leslie Jordan.
  • Love in the Afternoon
    Love in the AfternoonJohn and Georgie suddenly have the urge to light each other's fire, but houseguests prevent ignition. Georgie: Markie Post. Billy Bob: Billy Bob Thornton. Madeline: Conchata Ferrell. Elliot: Clark Duke. Carson Lee: Doren Fein. Lonnie: Leslie Jordan.
  • The Big Yes
    The Big YesA weekend in a time-share at a singles resort sounds attractive, but the gang is in for a hideous time. Madeline: Conchata Ferrell. Maxine: Dena Dietrich. Tommy: Charles Levin. Stacy: Lynnda Ferguson. John: John Ritter

Cast of Season 2

  • John RitterJohn Hartman
  • Markie PostGeorgie Anne Lahti
  • Billy Bob ThorntonBilly Bob Davis
  • Conchata FerrellDr. Madeline Stoessinger
  • Justin BurnetteBen Hartman
  • Clark DukeElliot Hartman
  • Leslie JordanLonnie Garr
  • Doren FeinCarson Lee Davis

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