
Season 5

The misadventures of the Baxter family and their live-in maid, Hazel Burke.

Where to Watch Season 5

29 Episodes

  • Who's in Charge Here?
    Who's in Charge Here?George and Dorothy leave the country and Hazel and Harold moves in with George's brother, Steve, and his family. Steve quickly finds his new housekeeper taking over the household.
  • Hazel's Second Week
    Hazel's Second WeekWith Hazel taking care of the entire home, Barbara feels useless which prompts Hazel to decide to leave.
  • How to Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Minutes
    How to Lose 30 Pounds in 30 MinutesWanting to lose 30lbs, Hazel joins a health spa and quickly finds losing any weight will be more than she bargained for.
  • Do Not Disturb Occupants
    Do Not Disturb OccupantsHazel puts the Baxter home on the market. Shirley Booth, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Stoneham: Oliver McGowan.
  • The Holdout
    The HoldoutMinerva Anderson refuses to sell her property to Steve. Ray Fulmer, Shirley Booth. Minerva: Ellen Corby. Fox: Lawrence Haddon. Miss Cameron: Shannon Farnon.
  • A Haunting We Will Go
    A Haunting We Will GoSteve is accused of selling a haunted house. Shirley Booth, Lynn Borden. Garrison: Charles Francisco. Swanton: Dabney Coleman. Timmons: Vaughn Taylor.
  • Hazel Needs a Car
    Hazel Needs a CarHazel tries talking Steve into lending her money. Shirley Booth, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Foster: Louis Quinn.
  • Hazel Sits it Out
    Hazel Sits it OutSteve has plans to take Susie and Harold fishing. One of his real estate clients arrives at the house and tells Steve he has to find an agent to hold an open house at one of his homes. Hazel sits in as a real estate agent.
  • A Lot to Remember
    A Lot to RememberHazel and Barbara go to a land auction. Hazel gets caught up in bidding and wins a plot of land for a few hundred. When she tells Steve which lot she purchased, she finds out it is a small strip of land, just about worth nothing.
  • A Bull's Eye for Cupid
    A Bull's Eye for CupidHazel tries to reconcile a married couple. Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Mona: Mala Powers. Fred: Charles Bateman.
  • The Crush
    The CrushSteve tries discouraging the teenager who has a crush on him. Shirley Booth, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Millie: Ann Jillian.
  • Kindly Advise
    Kindly AdviseDeirdre enrolls Susie in elocution school. Shirley Booth, Lynn Borden, Ray Fulmer. Susie: Julia Benjamin.
  • Noblesse Oblige
    Noblesse ObligeHazel causes problems when she contests a parking space with a wealthy woman only to mistake her husband for a chauffeur and enlist his aid. He eventually helps her gain the lead role in the town pageant and smooth things over with his wife.
  • Hazel's Endearing Young Charms
    Hazel's Endearing Young CharmsSteve is getting an inferiority complex: Hazel is constantly bragging about the success of his brother. Steve: Ray Fulmer. Harry Thompson: Richard P. Lieb. Barbara: Lynn Borden. Deirdre: Cathy Lewis.
  • A Car Named Chrysanthemum
    A Car Named ChrysanthemumHazel tries overhauling a used car by herself. Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Ricci: Peter Brocco. Haverstraw: Alvy Moore. Millie: Ann Jillian.
  • Once an Actor
    Once an ActorBarbara's uncle visits. He is a once-famous actor, out of work and out of money. Hazel and Barbara convince Steve to hire him at the real estate office. A few bad deals later turn into successes. Finally, he gets a call from Hollywood for a part in a show.
  • #9202a8c04000641f800000000ad0c37c
    #9202a8c04000641f800000000ad0c37cHazel is collecting musical instruments to send to George & Dorothy for a missionary school. She also holds a fund-raiser for enough money to buy an organ.
  • Boom or Bust
    Boom or BustSteve puts the household on a budget.
  • Harold's Gift Horses
    Harold's Gift HorsesHazel learns that Harold is getting gifts from his teacher. Miss Kirkland: Anne Seymour. Shirley Booth, Bobby Buntrock, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden.
  • How to Find Work Without Really Trying
    How to Find Work Without Really TryingHazel is disappointed when she wins a dinner for two---and no one can join her. Woods: Victor Jory. Hazel: Shirley Booth. Pierre: Louis Mercier. Barbara: Lynn Borden. Steve: Ray Fulmer.
  • My Son, the Sheepdog
    My Son, the SheepdogHarold organizes a rock 'n' roll group. Shirley Booth, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Jeff: Pat Cardi. Mona: Mala Powers.
  • Please Don't Shout
    Please Don't ShoutHazel is dealt out of Steve's card game---for winning too often. Shirley Booth, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Jack: Charles Francisco. Harvey: Gene Blakely. Fred: Charles Bateman. Rosie: Maudie Prickett.
  • But is it Art?
    But is it Art?After finding a bargain in material for curtains, Hazel and Barbara insist that Hazel's room must be redecorated, so a painter is called in. at the same time, Dierdre engages a famous artist named Milwaukee Ames to paint her portrait, and the two get mixed up. Though the portrait is finally done, Ames's efforts for Hazel are more impressive to the art critics.
  • Who Can Afford a Bargain?
    Who Can Afford a Bargain?Steve tries selling a house in an exclusive neighborhood. Shirley Booth, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Bill: Lawrence Haddon. Millie: Ann Jillian. Mona: Mala Powers. Craven: John Harmon.
  • Hazel's Free Enterprise
    Hazel's Free EnterpriseHazel tries marketing her chili sauce. Lynn Borden, Ray Fulmer. Rickey: Ed Prentiss. Moore: Byron Foulger. Mona: Mala Powers. Fred: Charles Bateman.
  • Bee in Her Bonnet
    Bee in Her BonnetTea-leaf reader Hazel sees trouble for Steve. Shirley Booth, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Hogan: Guy Raymond. Mrs. Fillmore: Kathryn Givney.
  • The Perfect Boss
    The Perfect BossHazel enters Steve in a perfect-boss contest. Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Millie: Ann Jillian. Clara: Alice Backes. Mona: Mala Powers.
  • A Little Bit of Genius
    A Little Bit of GeniusHarold is jealous when his friend is put in an advanced class. Shirley Booth, Bobby Buntrock, Ray Fulmer, Lynn Borden. Jeff: Pat Cardi. Mona: Mala Powers.
  • A Question of Ethics
    A Question of EthicsHazel runs afoul of the real-estate commission when she tries to drum up business for Steve. Shirley Booth, Lynn Borden. Johansson: John Qualen. Mrs. Johansson: Alice Frost. Ryan: Bill Zuckert.

Cast of Season 5

  • Shirley BoothHazel Burke
  • Bobby BuntrockHarold Baxter
  • Lynn BordenBarbara Baxter
  • Ray FulmerSteve Baxter



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