
2004    52mMini-Series, Family,
Going by the idea of ​​the inadequacy of young people to the world in which they live, the screenwriters discover the dramatic dimensions of this inadequacy, the consequences, sometimes irreversible, of trying to make a pact with the world. Two generations appear in the series: parents and children. The parents (three families, from three different backgrounds) lived much of their lives before 1989; they come with their habits, mentalities, beliefs. But they see themselves set aside by the hectic pace of the new Romanian society. Children have new role models. In the world full of aggression, unscrupulous and in which only money rules, young people become violent. "This series aims to portray in images the moral and spiritual portrait of the young generation, to detect the contradictions between generations, today's Romanian society, to define certain current concerns of adolescence, as well as the profession that gives the film its title" - Calin Caliman
Where to Watch Hacker
1 Season
  • Season 1
    Season 16 Episodes
Cast of Hacker
  • Victor RebengiucFather
  • Gheorghe VisuActor
  • Rodica NegreaActor
  • Dan ConduracheActor
  • Rǎzvan VasilescuActor

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