Grange Hill
Season 27
Not Rated
The long running television series of the Grange Hill Comprehensive School, and the children's everyday lives.
Where to Watch Season 27
20 Episodes
- Episode 18E18
Episode 18Annie goes to school in a bad mood, forbidden to see her father. Nick goes to Taylor's house to tell him what he witnessed, but Taylor simply doesn't care about his situation - he's just given up. Miss Dyson knows from the swipe card records who ruined Emma's art project - Annie. Annie goes home after lunch, and although her father is pleased to see her, she is told she can't stay, because Social Services will blame him for her absence from school. Baz sees some camcorder footage that Martin has taken and spots Annie walking out the gates. He heads home too, and the old argument ensues - that of Mr. Wainwright not taking his pills. Shannon and Hudson seem to be getting close again, but he is shocked that she is considering to simply work in her grandmother's shop after school ends. Nick tells Mrs Bassinger about Mr. Green's attack, admits to trying to take an exam paper from the office, and is told that he might be barred from taking any further exams. Annie returns, and Miss Dyson lies in wait, but is sympathetic to Annie's woes: Annie must fix up Emma's damaged art project. After school, Baz and Annie's dad is waiting. In the car, Baz tries to persuade his father that he must take his pills. - Episode 19E19
Episode 19Taylor is asked by Mrs. Bassinger for his side of events, but he is uncooperative, given up on the idea of staying at school. Karen tells him something that hits home though - she wants him to stay. She also tells him it's unfair that Mr. Green should lose his job - and career, over one mistake, especially as Taylor provoked the teacher into violence. He reconsiders and tells Mrs. Bassinger ungrammatically "no-one hit no-one". Annie's dad visits school, having received a message from her. He tries to tell her that the pills he has to take take away his personality - she finally convinces him that he must take them daily, and that she wants to come back to live with him. Emma, Annie, and Tanya get together and make a pact to be friends again. Mr. Malachay offers Hudson a football training job for the summer holidays - Shannon is shocked to learn that there will be no more opportunities for them to see each other. Mr Green leaves Mrs. Bassinger's office, and on the way sees Taylor. Realizing what Taylor must have done, he thanks him as he passes by.