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Season 2

1955 called up into R.A.F. a group of young men find it hard to cope,especially with a corporal who is unhappy and takes it out on them.
Where to Watch Season 2
7 Episodes
  • Flight
    Episode 1FlightC Flight head to RAF Wareham for target practice and a first go in the air, Lilley's ineptitude on the rifle range has everyone ducking for cover, and a last minute change of plan forces Marsh to confront his secret phobia.
  • Coke
    Episode 2CokeAlice moans about having nothing to burn when the temperature drops, Richardson finds a replacement for Agnes as the object of his affections, and the lads try to find a way to stop Marsh nicking their coke rations.
  • Ejected
    Episode 3EjectedAlice can't help being suspicious when Marsh starts splashing the cash, Smith does a bunk when his request for compassionate leave is rejected, and the lads panic when corporal duty threatens to expose them as liars.
  • Field Exercise
    Episode 4Field ExerciseC Flight are up at half five in the morning to take part in a field exercise, Marsh points out that no erk has ever made it back to ring the bell, and Lilley finds himself appointed team leader to take on the RAF Regiment.
  • Crush
    Episode 5CrushA less-than-successful pulling partner leaves Smith entertaining two girls, Marsh finds a way to avoid paying Leckie the two quid he owes him, and Richardson's upset when he learns that Mrs. Fairfax is moving to Aden.
  • Complaints
    Episode 6ComplaintsThe lads get fed up with the disgusting food being served up on camp, vat cleaning duty allows them to see the truth about double-standards, and Lilley manages to put himself forward to make a formal complaint.
  • Rugby
    Episode 7RugbyLeckie comes up with a way to get the blood boiling for bayonet practice, Richardson volunteers to provide cover for the RAF Skelton rugby team, and Marsh spots a golden opportunity to get friendlier with the officers.
Cast of Season 2
  • Tony Selby
  • David Janson
  • Robert LindsayJakey Smith
  • Brian Pettifer
  • Karl Howman

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