Genie in the House

Season 1

Widower dad with 2 teenage daughters move into new house & find a magic lamp with a trainee genie named Adil inside.Dad has banned any magic in the house yet the girls & a genie find ways to get themselves into trouble using Adil's wish-granting powers.

Where to Watch Season 1

26 Episodes

  • The Clones
    The ClonesEmma & Sophie both want to go to a party but dad said: "No!".The girls don't give up so easily for there is Adil who has to grant their every wish.Emma & Sophie wish for the clones to stay home with dad as they sneak out to a party.Adil grants their wish.
  • My New Best Friend
    My New Best FriendSophie pretends to be ill but Emma knows she is trying to get a day off school so she Sophie explains she is being bullied at school and its her geography teacher that's bullying her. So Adil makes her teacher be her a new best friend. Meanwhile Emma wants some interesting fish so she asks Adil to make them expert swimmers but Adil says the wish wrong and turns them into expert singers.
  • Cave Dad
    Cave DadThe girls accidentally wish up their great great great great great etc grandfather, a Pre- historic Man, who looks exactly like their dad. An important client is coming for dinner and Max has to try to hold the fort with Caveman Philip.
  • Say Cheese
    Say CheeseSophie accidentally delete their father's favorite picture with the Mona Lisa and go to extended lengths to recreate it, including calling up Leonardo Da Vinci from the past and paying him with Cheesy Puffs.
  • Puppy Love
    Puppy LoveUncle Max has left his dog with the Nortons as he and Philip have to present a product on a shopping channel, so Adil has to take care of him. Meanwhile, Sophie desperately wants to go on a date. .Adil grants Emma's false wish by accident and turns the dog into a human form: as a cute boy. Sophie takes him for her date and regrets it.
  • Teacher Adil
    Teacher AdilSophie is struggling with her prize acceptance speech, but neither Adil or her father seem interested in helping. Emma is grumpy because she has a boring history lesson with the boring Mr. Hull. Adil gives Emma his version of the story of the French Revolution, which is far more interesting than Mr. Hull's boring version, and Emma rashly wishes that Adil were her teacher and not Mr. Hull. Sophie wishes that her father would listen to every word she utters. At school, Emma is surprised and embarrassed to find that she has a new teacher, while Sophie is embarrassed to find that her father has followed her to school to act on her every word, and she has to take him home to get Adil to reverse the wish. But Adil is back at school, and enthralling Emma's class with his story of the French Revolution, although he has to make his escape when the headmaster finds out he's not a qualified teacher. Emma and Adil return home, only to find a livid Mr. Hull is now the genie, and Adil is no longer "a brilliantly talented genie." Only the dull Mr. Hull can sort things out. With Hannah Tointon as Annabelle Scott, Philip Fox as Mr. Preston, Richard Freeman as Mr. Hull. Written by Arnold Widdowson. Directed by Phil Ox.
  • Girlband
    GirlbandEmma discovers that there's a talent competition, and asks Sophie to form a girlband with her, convinced they'll win the competition. Sophie, though, is too nervous to get up on stage, and Adil suggests that Emma wishes that Sophie was more confident. Of course, things don't go quite right, and Sophie becomes overconfident. Too confident, in fact, and decides to enter the competition on her own. She also acquires a bodyguard and entourage. Emma has to find a new partner, and she, Caroline and Adil, hold auditions, but Adil gets carried away and turns them all away. Emma is forced to use the protesting Adil, in a dress and wig, as he is the only person who knows the routine and the song. Sophie goes onstage to perform, but Adil's confidence wish wears off just as Sophie is about to sing, and she runs from the stage. Adil, meanwhile, has lost his confidence, and Emma has to go on stage alone. Sophie joins her sister, and Adil manages to overcome his stage fright, and joins in. Adil is revealed as a boy, and they're disqualified. To cap it all, the girls Adil rejected at the audition, who got together to form their own band, win the competition. Written by Bennett Arron. Directed by Phil Ox.
  • Daddy Cool
    Daddy CoolPhilip is stressed because he's behind with a design for a novelty teapot for a client of Max's. The girls wish their father was a little more chilled, and Philip turns into a hippie. The girls are pleased because the party gets the go ahead, and all the guests are impressed with the new laid back Philip. The new Philip can't be bothered to work, so Max's client makes Max fire him.
  • Cuckoo
  • Kidding Around
    Kidding AroundSophie is trying to teach Adil to unwish a wish. After an altercation with Philip, Sophie wishes she could see her father when he was nine years old, so Adil obliges, and Philip starts behaving as though he were nine years old. Max arrives, with a Philip designed reading lamp stuck to his head, and the pressure is on to get Adil to unwish Sophie's wish. Adil doesn't get it quite right, the grown-up Philip now appears in the body of a nine-year-old, and has to be kept from Max, who is desperate to get the reading lamp off his head and needs Philip to sort it out. Adil tries to sort out the wish, and turns the young Philip into a very old Philip, which doesn't help matters at all. With Oliver Morris, Adam Morris's son, as Young Philip. Written by Grant Cathro. Directed by Emmanuelle Dubergey.
  • Rock Me Amadeus
    Rock Me AmadeusEmma is annoyed because Annabelle Scott has impressed the boys in the Music Class by writing a song, and Emma resolves to do better. Adil is happy because his new flying carpet has arrived, after a wait of seven hundred and twelve years, but Philip tells him to get it out of the house. Before he can do so, though, the rug carries Philip out of the window and away on a white knuckle ride. Emma struggles with her song, and wishes for help. Rather than bring heartthrob Billy Blaze into the room, as Emma had expected, Adil wishes up Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to help her. 'Wolfie' immediately falls for Sophie, and wants her as his muse. He is inspired to write, and Emma impresses the Music teacher when she passes Mozart's music off as her own. She rashly promises another song for the next day, as does Annabelle Scott. Mozart, whose advances have been spurned by Sophie, is heartbroken and refuses to write, until Sophie is forced to be nice to him. Emma takes Mozart's new composition to school, but, while everyone is distracted watching a person flying past the window on a magic carpet, Annabelle steals Emma's tape and passes it off as her own. Emma is mortified, until the music teacher expels Annabelle from the Music Class for copying Mozart's work. Sophie manages to convince a vain Mozart to return to his own time to compose his great music, and Adil finally brings Philip's magic carpet ride to an end. Everything gets back to normal. With Ben Lloyd-Hughes (misspelt as Llyod-Hugues) as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Hannah Tointon as Annabelle Scott. Written by Arnold Widdowson. Directed by Steven Bawol. Note: This is a reference to the 1980s song by Falco.
  • Maxed Out
    Maxed OutAdil is scolded by Philip for using his powers, so when Uncle Max accidentally lets him out of the lamp, he's only too pleased to have a new master. But Max realizes what's happened and wishes to be president of the world. Sophie and Emma decide he's going too far, and an exhausted Adil agrees; they must find a way to trick Max into putting Adil back in the lamp.
  • Gnome Sweet Gnome
    Gnome Sweet GnomeEmma wants to buy an expensive pair of shoes, and decides not to get a job like Sophie has done, she will have a yard sale instead. Philip has been to the Garden Centre, and is smitten by Nanette, who works there. He has bought a garden gnome, not because he likes gnomes, he doesn't, but just to talk to Nanette. Philip left his wallet behind at the Garden Centre, and Nanette phones to say that she'll bring it to his house. Philip wants to impress her by putting the gnome in the front garden, but, unknown to him, Sophie smashes the gnome. Adil must replace it, but Sophie's wish seems not to work. Adil gets the wish wrong, and Philip begins to turn into a garden gnome instead. Nanette duly arrives, and Philip sets out to impress her. Sophie has convinced him that he should wear a hat to cover up his developing gnome ears, although a long white beard is harder to disguise. Adil tries to keep Nanette entertained while Philip attempts to disguise his transformation, but to no avail, and Philip is fully transformed into a garden gnome. Emma's yard sale isn't going well, and she decides she needs more things to sell. Of course, one of them happens to be the garden gnome she finds in the kitchen. Having got fed up with waiting for Philip, Nanette decides to leave, and spots the gnome on Emma's stall. Nanette turns out to something of a garden gnome enthusiast, and buys Philip for thirty pounds. The girls rush to buy him back, but Nanette is revealed as a gnome nutter, who talks to her gnome collection and even knits them clothes. The wish wears off, Philip transforms back into his real self just in time, and realises, also just in time, that Nanette is not for him. With Olivia Caffrey as Nanette. Written by Lee Pressman. Directed by Emmanuelle Dubergey
  • Do You Want to Dance?
    Do You Want to Dance?Emma has been practising her classical dancing. Philip performs 'The Hustle', but she is not impressed. Adil performs his Balamkadaar Sand Dance, and no-one is impressed. Sophie has borrowed Dolly, her friend Harold's pet spider, and discovers that Adil is terrified of spiders, and hides whenever he sees one. At dance class, Miss Swift tells Emma and another pupil, Frank, that, because they are the best dancers in class, she has entered them for a TV talent competition. Philip arrives to collect Emma, and meets Miss Swift for the first time. He is enamoured with her, and she with him, so Philip decides to take dancing lessons at Miss Swift's class. Worried that her father will humiliate her, Emma gets Adil to turn Philip's dancing shoes into shoes that can dance of their own accord. At dance class everyone, including Philip, is surprised at how well he can dance, and Miss Swift decides that Philip should be her new dance partner. Meanwhile, Sophie tries to cure Adil of his fear of spiders. Emma receives a phone call from her dancing partner, Frank, who tells her that they have been bumped from the TV competition in favour of Miss Swift and her new dancing partner, Philip. Neither Emma nor Philip are impressed by Miss Swift's ruthless pursuit of stardom, and Philip declines to dance with her. Miss Swift decides to have Frank as her dance partner. Philip and Emma decide to enter the competition as well, after Emma realises that the Dancing Shoes could win it for them. The Dancing Shoes turn out to be as scared of spiders as Adil is, and run away, forcing Philip to perform in ordinary shoes. Needless to say, Emma and Philip's performance of 'The Hustle' wins the show. And Adil gets cured of his arachnophobia. With David McMullen (misspelt as McMullan) as Frank, and Georgia Slowe as Bonnie Swift. Danny Bayne doubles for Adam Morris's legs in some of the dance sequences – he, as Danny B, has since gone on to better things, winning the TV talent show Grease is th
  • Control Freak
    Control FreakIt is Philip's birthday, but everyone seems to have forgotten. The Girls have secretly made a family DVD for him but the batteries in the DVD remote are dead, and there are no replacements. The girls are forced to wish for the remote to work, and, of course, Adil messes things up, so that the remote now controls everything it is pointed at, including, or especially, people.
  • Living Doll
    Living DollEmma wishes her life was like her Doll Lindy Lou's, so that she wouldn't have to do mundane things like take her old toys to the charity shop, and, Adil has to comply. Sophie thinks that Adil has changed Emma into the Lindy Lou doll, and wishes that the doll were brought to life, and so the Lindy Lou doll becomes a real life girl. And Emma returns home in a Lindy Lou outfit, livid with Adil. To make matters worse, Uncle Max falls for Lindy Lou.
  • Game On
    Game On17 117 "Game On" 12 October 2006 Emma is playing a computer game rather than doing her chores. The game is set in Ancient Egypt, and Adil is scared of Mummies, so he doesn't want to watch. Emma rashly wishes that the Mummy, who she cannot beat, wasn't in the game, so Adil obliges. He wishes the Mummy out of the game and into the Norton House. Thankfully, the Mummy thinks that Adil is his master, because Adil looks like one of the characters in the game, and Emma tells Adil to get the Mummy to do her chores so that she can carry on with her game. Everything goes well, until Caroline arrives. Emma tells her that the Mummy is really Philip, who has fallen off a roof, and rushes to get Adil to sort things out, but Adil isn't interested in Emma's problem, he has discovered that being waited on by a Mummy servant has its attractions. Until, that is, Emma lets slip that Adil isn't really his master, and the Mummy starts chasing him again. Adil sends the Mummy back into the game, but the wish goes wrong, and the Norton living room is transformed into the game. And what's worse, Emma controls Adil with the computer's joystick. But then Emma breaks the joystick, and Adil is left to fight the Mummy on his own. Meanwhile, Sophie has designed a new type of pen, and shows it to her father for his approval, but he thinks he can do better, and produces a huge model of Sophie's design. This turns out to be very lucky for Adil, who, in a surprising plot twist, uses the mock-up monster pen to overcome the Mummy and end the game. Written by Lee Pressman. Directed by Steven Bawol.
  • Out of Our Minds
    Out of Our MindsEmma wishes her dad could know what it was like to be her, and Philip wishes Emma could understand what life is like for him. Adil obliges, and father and daughter swap bodies. Emma, who looks and talks like Philip, has to deliver a presentation to a client with Uncle Max, and Philip, who has turned into Emma, has a rehearsal for the school play with a boy Emma has a crush on. Embarrassingly, they must practise the love scene from Romeo and Juliet. Note: It should be noted that Robbie Jarvis, who plays the teenage James before this episode was first aired to the public and Mr Ying is apparently able to speak fluent Japanese over the phone.
  • For You Spies
    For You SpiesEmma and Adil have been to the cinema to see a James Bond film. After an argument with Sophie, Emma wishes that her life was more like the film she'd seen. Adil, of course, must fulfill the wish. Emma becomes, not surprisingly, M, and Philip becomes a James Bond-type agent. Max becomes the Q character, providing Philip with some secret weapons: A clown's water-squirting flower and a whoopee cushion. Emma, realising what has happened, needs to find Adil to get him to undo the wish, but Sophie, the baddie and complete with stuffed white cat, has kidnapped Adil and is torturing him by tickling his feet. He is unable to make wishes. Caroline turns out to be a double agent, and kidnaps Philip. Emma must locate Sophie's secret headquarters and free Adil to undo her wish before Sophie can finish her secret weapon, which will make everyone in the world love Maths. Written by Bennett Arron. Directed by Steven Bawol. Note: This is a reference to the Bond film For Your Eyes Only.
  • Election
  • No Time Like the Future
    No Time Like the FuturePhilip invents a sandwich maker that cuts the crusts off the sandwiches. Emma isn't impressed, though, she's more interested in the last ever episode of her favorite program, Barbie On The Beach and wishes it was time for her favorite program to begin. Adil complies, he did, after all, pass his time travel exam. The house ends up projected into the future.
  • Me Me Me
    Me Me MeSophie is fed up with being ignored, so she wishes that people would notice her. Adil overhears, and he must obey. Suddenly, everyone is paying Sophie attention, and she quickly begins to enjoy her new-found fame. But Sophie soon gets fed up with being famous, and wishes she was invisible. Adil, of course, fulfills her wish.
  • I Love Adil
    I Love AdilEmma has entered a fashion contest, and she has a special dress to design. Annabelle Scott has also entered the competition, and Emma is determined that Annabelle Scott should not win. Annabelle pretends to be in love with Adil but really she has other plans.
  • Mummy Dearest
    Mummy DearestIt's Adil's 1500th birthday, the equivalent of 15 human years. Things have already started to go wrong, though, after the girls wished that their father had a magnetic personality, and Philip finds that anything metal is attracted to him, literally. But there's worse to come, for Adil's mother, Jamilla, has decided to attend the birthday celebrations. And even worse, Adil has told his mother that he is a very successful genie to a very rich sultan and his two daughters. The Nortons agree to big Adil up, so that Adil's mother doesn't find out that Adil isn't quite the wonder genie he had told her. A genie's 1500th birthday is traditionally the time he gets married, and Adil's mother has brought his new bride, Dooma. But things don't go quite according to plan, because Sophie and Emma think Adil doesn't want to get married, even though Adil is besotted with Dooma, so the girls hatch a plan. They decide to pretend that Adil was already betrothed to Princess Sophie, and therefore couldn't marry Dooma. Meanwhile, Dooma tells Adil that she is love with another genie, and cannot marry Adil. Everything gets sorted, Adil's mother finds out that Adil is not the world's best genie, and Adil decides that he's too young to marry, anyway. With Guest Stars, Sue Kyd as Jamilla, Adil's mother, and Fiona Wade as Dooma. Written by Lee Pressman. Directed by Phil Ox.
  • Witch Way
    Witch WayTo help Sophie get her homework finished so they can go to a party, Emma wishes her sister could meet the great Medieval feminist Lady Isabella. Sophie and Adil end up back in the 13th century and discover Isabella is too busy doing housework to be a feminist. Believing her to be a wealthy princess, the Duke of Ellington, Isabella's macho cousin, wants to marry Sophie. Meanwhile, Emma must help another tyrant – her father – to clean up on her own.
  • Emma TV
    Emma TVSophie attends a Homework party at Harold's house. Emma, having decided that the words 'homework' and 'party' should never go together, watches television instead. She thinks she can do better than the interviewer she sees on TV, and mistakenly wishes that she was a television presenter, and Adil obliges. Emma finds she is the 'star' of Emma TV. The Norton living room becomes a television studio, complete with lights, cameras and audience. Her father is the show's director, and Uncle Max is the producer. However, Emma soon find out that being the star of a live television show isn't as easy as it looks, and she's soon floundering. Max replaces Emma with Adil, and he is an instant hit. Meanwhile, Sophie discovers that the homework party at Harold's house isn't exactly a party, as no-one else is invited. During a break, Sophie spots Emma on television, and returns home to help sort out the disaster. Emma tries to unwish her wish, but Adil is becoming bigheaded, and refuses to speak to her. The girls get bundled from the house. They decide that the only way they can get to speak to Adil is to impersonate the Cheesy Girls, guests on his show. They sing a poignant song, and Adil's conscience is stirred. With Jack Blumenau as Harold, Nicholas Penfold as Billy Blaze, and Marie-Francoise Wolf as the TV Presenter. Director Steven Bawol appears as the Floor Manager! Written by Arnold Widdowson. Directed by Steven Bawol. Note: The Cheesy Girls are a parody of pop duo The Cheeky Girls, known for their hit The Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum).

Cast of Season 1

  • Adam MorrisPhillip Norton
  • Vicky LongleyEmma Norton
  • Katie SheridanSophie Norton
  • Victoria LongleyEmma Norton
  • Jordan MetcalfeAdil
  • Misha CrosbyJake Burns



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