General Hospital
Season 40
Families, friends, enemies, and lovers experience life-changing events in the large upstate city of Port Charles, New York, which has a busy hospital, upscale hotel, cozy diner, and dangerous waterfront frequented by the criminal underworld.
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63 Episodes
- 01.02.03 - ThursdayE1
01.02.03 - ThursdayPreview: Nikolas has some bad news for Luke and Lucky. Recap: Jax sneaks into Jason's place to be with Brenda. Meanwhile, Sonny explains to a wary Jason why Ric must be his new lawyer of record. In Beecher's Corners, Luke thanks Summer for helping him recreate one of the happiest times of his life. Sonny instructs Ric to offer Ida a two million dollar bribe. As Gia boasts to Nikolas about her coup, Marcus arrives under a full head of steam and berates his sister for impersonating an assistant district attorney. Carly winces when Courtney bitterly accuses A.J. of framing Jason with a bogus eyewitness. Jax implores Brenda to let him make her feel safe. Later, Jason returns home to find his wife crawling all over her lover. Pointing out Courtney's error, Carly gives her sister-in-law some words of advice about keeping mum. Jax grows sullen when Brenda warns him they can't see one another again until after the trial. Ida is found hanging in her room but Sonny suspects that the "suicide" wa - 01.03.03 - FridayE2
01.03.03 - FridayPreview: Carly lectures Courtney about how to deal with Sonny's business. Recap: Jax sneaks into Jason's place to be with Brenda. Meanwhile, Sonny explains to a wary Jason why Ric must be his new lawyer of record. In Beecher's Corners, Luke thanks Summer for helping him recreate one of the happiest times of his life. Sonny instructs Ric to offer Ida a two million dollar bribe. As Gia boasts to Nikolas about her coup, Marcus arrives under a full head of steam and berates his sister for impersonating an assistant district attorney. Carly winces when Courtney bitterly accuses A.J. of framing Jason with a bogus eyewitness. Jax implores Brenda to let him make her feel safe. Later, Jason returns home to find his wife crawling all over her lover. Pointing out Courtney's error, Carly gives her sister-in-law some words of advice about keeping mum. Jax grows sullen when Brenda warns him they can't see one another again until after the trial. Ida is found hanging in her room but Sonny suspects th - 01.06.03 - MondayE3
01.06.03 - MondayPreview: Sonny confides in Brenda his plans to investigate Alcazar. Recap: Scott meets Summer for the first time and is struck by her resemblance to Laura. Marcus prevents Gia from throwing the videotape into the water, then forces her to hand over the evidence. A bristling Carly warns Alexis she will not be allowed to sacrifice Jason. Meanwhile, Jason tells Courtney why he won't testify against Brenda. Summer is grateful when Lucky intervenes to end her encounter with the district attorney. Sonny urges Brenda to trust in his ability to take care of her. Carly slaps Alexis hard across the face, then threatens to totally dismantle the attorney's life if she dares to lift a finger to hurt Jason. Gia cautions her brother that Scott is using him to further his own career and political ambitions. Cameron engages his patient in a game of poker as they discuss Luke's attempt to recreate his life with Laura by employing Summer. Jax offers to generously compensate Scott if he'll agree to frame - 01.07.03 - TuesdayE4
01.07.03 - TuesdayPreview: Jax comes up with a way for Brenda to beat the murder charge. Recap: Relating Katherine's tale to Courtney, Carly tells her sister-in-law why she's so determined to prevent a tragic piece of history from repeating itself. Irked when Jax explains why he's brought Cameron by to meet her, Brenda curtly replies that she has no intention of pleading temporary insanity because she's committed no crime. Luke is touched when Summer reveals how she gave up a real date to spend time with him instead. Ned asks Faith to provide him with details about Carly's new club so they can begin sabotaging all of Sonny's business ventures. Standing in the old speakeasy, Carly describes for Courtney how Katherine's sad story seems to mirror their own lives with Sonny and Jason. Lucky drops by the blues club to ask his father for help with college tuition. Cameron finds Alexis crying outside Kelly's and offers her a sympathetic ear. Summer's former client presses her to renew their relationship. When - 01.08.03 - WednesdayE5
01.08.03 - WednesdayPreview: Jordan tells Summer why she was arrested. Recap: Ric presses Carly to use her influence with his client to persuade Jason to break his silence and testify on his own behalf at the murder trial. Jason returns home to find Brenda in the middle of fixing breakfast, after spending the night with a grinning Jax in his apartment. Through his newly hired Private Detective, A.J. learns that Courtney is no longer sleeping in their apartment. Lucky and Summer are hauled down to the precinct house, where Scott informs young Mr. Spencer that his new friend is a common hooker. A shaken Skye reminds Coleman why they must shoulder some of the blame for Ida's death, and he denies any involvement, saying it wasn't their fault she commited suicide. With Elizabeth listening close by A.J. instructs his private detective to stick to Courtney like glue. Brenda announces to Jax and Jason that she's decided to have herself hypnotized in hopes that it will help find Alcazar's real killer. Although she - 01.09.03 - ThursdayE6
01.09.03 - ThursdayPreview: Alexis catches someone almost naked in Faith's room. Recap: Sonny snoops around Alcazar's South American estate. Under hypnosis, Brenda recalls seeing a man in the hall outside Luis' hotel suite on the night he died. Realizing he's about to be unmasked, Ric rushes into the room and brings the session to a screeching halt. Ned gives Zander a new assignment. Elizabeth returns to Kelly's in a foul mood after unearthing Courtney's secret. When Jax insists on going on, Ric reluctantly takes a seat and Cameron continues questioning Brenda but she's unable to identify the stranger in the dark coat. Jason and Courtney discuss the risks of meeting again at their love nest but agree that they don't want to stop seeing each other. Meanwhile, Carly attempts to throw A.J. off the scent when he seeks proof that his estranged wife is sleeping with his brother. Surprised to get the cold shoulder from Elizabeth, Jason reminds her that she was the one who called it quits between them. Ric slips - 01.10.03 - FridayE7
01.10.03 - FridayPreview: Sonny confronts the person who killed Alcazar. Recap: Peering through the window at Kelly's, Jason witnesses an angry encounter between Courtney and an irate Elizabeth, who proceeds to smack the crap out Courtney and attempts to do it again. As Ned gets dressed, Alexis icily informs Faith she saw them having sex on the Elm Street pier. Brenda tells Marcus about the armed man in the dark overcoat who was loitering outside Alcazar's room, and suggests he take a look at the tapes from the other floors surveilance cameras. Meanwhile, Ric hastily covers when Carly finds him stashing his coat in the furnace below Kelly's. In South America, Ric's lover explains to Sonny why she's so certain he killed Alcazar to retaliate for being imprisoned. Alexis warns Ned she'll fight dirty if he ever tries to see baby Kristina again but he counters with an ominous threat, saying he'll reveal her dirty secrets if she pushes him, which rocks his former fiancee back on her heels. Courtney reminds - 01.13.03 - MondayE8
01.13.03 - MondayPreview: Ric announces to Carly that he won't work for her anymore. Recap: Brenda tells Jax and Jason that she now remembers seeing Ric down in South America more than a year ago and he was the gun-toting man she saw outside of Alcazar's suite the night he was killed. Meanwhile, when Sonny accuses him, Ric denies killing Alcazar and insists that he only saw the mobster fall from the balcony. However, he does confirm that he was in the building later that night and advises Sonny not to tell the police for fear of making things worse for Jason and Brenda. Sonny does order him to stay away from his family. After someone floods the basement of Kelly's, Faith hints to Carly about a curse. After Ric tells Carly he won't be working for her anymore, Jax takes him at gunpoint to see Scott. At the courthouse in front of a horde of reporters he called, Jax accuses Scott of not wanting to find the real killer in order to get even with Brenda. When Jason tells him about Jax, Sonny advises Brenda t - 01.14.02 - TuesdayE9
01.14.02 - TuesdayPreview: Courtney offers to go on the run with Jason. Recap: Faith suggests to an embittered Zander that he vent his anger at the world by doing her a small favor. Carly tells Sonny and Jason how Jax took Ric away at gunpoint. Elizabeth continues to give Courtney the cold shoulder when they're forced to work together at Kelly's. Jax calls a press conference at the courthouse to accuse Scott of railroading an innocent woman, then announces that Ric is the likely killer of Luis Alcazar. After Mac takes Ric into custody, Brenda arrives and tells Jax why she can't identify her husband's attorney as the man she saw outside Alcazar's room on the night of the murder. Enraged anew by the memory of how his father blamed him for Peter's death, Zander smashes up the old speakeasy. Later, Carly catches her former friend wrecking the place and realizes in dismay that Zander is high. Ric surprises Sonny and irritates Scott by refusing to testify against Brenda or Jason. - 01.15.03 - WednesdayE10
01.15.03 - WednesdayPreview: Gia worries when she spots Zander in trouble. Recap: Under interrogation, Ric continues to stubbornly deny that he saw either Brenda or Jason anywhere near Alcazar's hotel room. Coleman catches Skye with a flask and warns her not to come to the courthouse tanked up. Jax storms over to Sonny's penthouse after discovering that Brenda has gone missing. Lucky and Summer begin to cement their blossoming friendship. Gia spots Zander buying drugs on the docks. A.J. and Skye find themselves forced to rely on Coleman's natural cunning once more as their original scheme begins to unravel. At the precinct house, Sonny commends Ric for clamming up. Maxie cautions Georgie that Lucas will never see her as anything but a pal or a kid sister. Lucky confides to Summer how his mom's breakdown has had an enormous impact on his father as well. Embarrassed when Lucas wonders who she's pining for, Georgie claims she has a crush on Nikolas. Ric is released from custody and returns to Kelly's, where - 01.16.03 - ThursdayE11
01.16.03 - ThursdayPreview: Courtney's jealous when she spots Jason with Brenda. Recap: Zander continues to spiral down into a cycle of self-loathing and self-destruction. Nikolas pulls an unconscious Brenda out of the icy lake and calls 911 while Gia hastily performs CPR. At the courthouse, Jason tells the irritated judge he has no idea where his wife and co-defendant could be. Meanwhile, Courtney gives her brother a heads-up about Coleman's unholy alliance with A.J. After Marcus brings word of Brenda's near drowning, Jax rushes to the hospital with Jason and Sonny close behind. A drunken Zander phones Emily on her birthday but becomes belligerent when he hears a man's voice in the background. Flying into a rage when Emily hangs up on him, Zander begins tearing up the bar and winds up in police custody facing numerous charges. Lucky and Summer go on their first date and are pleased to discover how much they have in common. When one of Summer's oldest clients happens by and presses her for an "appointme - 01.17.03 - FridayE12
01.17.03 - FridayPreview: Brenda guesses the truth about Jason and Courtney's friendship. Recap: Jax and Sonny argue about who should keep the tape labeled "murder," the police arrive and order Jax to hand over the videotape from Alcazar's safe deposit box. Jason is uncomfortable after he realizes that Courtney saw him during a warm moment with Elizabeth. However, Courtney confesses that she is touched by Jason's concern for Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Brenda begins to realize that Jason and Courtney are more than just friends. In spite of Brenda's hospitalization, Scott convinces the judge to continue with the trial and arranges for a closed circuit camera and TV to be set up in her hospital room so she can follow her own trial, with Jax by her side and just out of the camera's view. Guessing that he helped A.J. frame Brenda for Alcazar's death, Sonny makes it clear to Coleman if Jason goes away, so will he. Alexis cross examines A.J. who sticks to his plan, but Skye is a different story. Alexis determine - 01.20.03 - MondayE13
01.20.03 - MondayPreview: Jax comes up with a solution for Brenda's legal problems. Recap: MUch to Alexis' dismay, Scott has the jury and judge watch the video found in Alcazar's safe deposit box. On the tape Brenda can be seen in South America, arguing and then and trying to stab Luis with a pair of scissors. Jax, convinced that Brenda will convicted after seeing the video, confides to her that they have no other choice but to leave the country in order to escape prison. He quickly heads for Lisbon so that he can make arrangements for his and Brenda's escape, guessing that the trial will last at least another week. However, when Scott boasts to Brenda that he's going to be giving his closing argument soon, Brenda escapes from the hospital and calls Jason who has his romantic evening with Courtney ruined. Apologizing for leaving, Jason runs to meet Brenda and is shocked when she states that they have to leave for Lisbon that night. Coleman warns Skye and A.J. that Sonny is aware that they framed Brenda - 03.06.03 - ThursdayE46
03.06.03 - ThursdayLucky accuses Luke of bribing Summer into offering him a mercy date. Sonny gives Jason an ultimatum. Summer's former "employer" entices her to return to the fold now that life on the right side of the law has proven unsatisfactory. Sam reports to Faith that all the arrangements are in place for Sonny's elimination. Carly haughtily informs Ric that Sonny is the father of her child, then is stunned when the attorney reveals that he didn't use protection on the night they had sex. Luke assures his son he had nothing to do with Summer's come-on. Declaring that he loves Courtney, Jason insists he can keep her safe but Sonny furiously reminds him of Lily's tragic demise. Carly warns Ric she'll kill him herself if he ever dares suggest to anyone that the baby is his. Sonny fires Jason. Elizabeth and an angry Courtney trade insults once again. Though Jason urges his friend not to leave himself unprotected in such a dangerous time, Sonny orders him to get out. Later, thrilled with Jason's news, - 03.07.03 - FridayE47
03.07.03 - FridayCarly confides to an excited Courtney that she might be pregnant. Ned reminds Faith that he doesn't want her anywhere near his baby daughter. Skye drops by to offer Jax some comfort but is taken aback to find him with another woman. Cameron tells Alexis he hasn't blown her cover yet with the district attorney. Though Alexis reminds the shrink he could lose his license and be named as an accessory after the fact, Cameron explains how he's trying in some small way to make up for his own mistakes with Zander. Jason warns Sonny that an infamous hitman is on his way into town. Gia admits to Zander how she's become a bit strapped for cash. Although Skye urges him to think twice before having empty sex with another stranger, Jax declares himself done with the search for true love. Cameron asks Zander for a second chance but the young man bitterly rejects his father's suggestion. Ned finally convinces a weeping Alexis to sign documents allowing him to take little Kristina home from the hospita - 03.10.03 - MondayE48
03.10.03 - MondayThrilled at first at the idea that she could be pregnant, Carly suddenly shudders to realize that Sonny might not be the father. Though Faith sheds crocodile tears as the paramedics bundle up her dead grandmother, Ned icily advises her to cut the act. Luke surprises Summer on her birthday by revealing that he knows she's been seeing his son. Marcus and Scott finally view the videotape provided by Alexis' shrink. Meanwhile, displaying the notes he found, Cameron accuses his patient of faking DID. Reminding Faith how Catherine's convenient demise fit perfectly into her devious plans, Ned berates his business partner for stooping so low as to murder her own grandma. Although Sonny eagerly presses her to make a doctor's appointment right away, Carly invents excuses to avoid taking a pregnancy test. Warning Alexis he won't be her patsy any longer, Cameron threatens to go to the D.A. with what he knows. Summer begs Luke to understand how important his friendship has been to her. Carly is ups - 04.18.03 - FridayE63
04.18.03 - FridayFaith tries to get Jason to shoot her because she knows he wont do it in front of Courtney. The security interrupts so they end up leaving and just warning her. Elizabeth suspects Ric is planning on like hurting Jason and Ric tries to tell he he isnt going to. Lila being the sweetheart that she is lets Tracy stay on a condition she wont cause trouble. Ned tell Tracy hes glad she hasnt been in his life. Edward tells her no one in the Quartermaine family will be giving her money. She decides shes gonna blackmail Skye. Zander sees Emily with a needle and sees she has a drug problem he find her "stash" and decides to get rid of it hoping Emily doesnt ruin her life like he did. After Georgie kissed Dillon, he goes along with it and Georgie tells Lucas and Maxie that Dillons her date. Dillon tells Georgie she needs to go crash Maxie and Lucas's party. Georgies scared that Maxie will get mad so she asks Dillon to come with her. At the party Georgie gets happy because Lucas is telling Dillon h